Justin Wins TOC for the 2nd Time

Justin has proved, without a doubt, that you can have a dismal season and STILL win big in the TOC!  He takes down the title yet again for Season 2. 

Justin won last Season's TOC as well.   I get his plan now...play quietly all season long...pretend you are weak passive...then HAMMER DOWN FOR THE BIG MONEY!!! 

The top four players did agree to a chop, which after counting his stack, Justin finally agreed to.  Each player took down $300, and the remainder of the pot was split $400/$250/$35.  BigChris took down third again (he must really like this spot, never seems to get past it), The Mad Russian Igor took down second when his AJs got bullied by Justin's 42s.  Straight by the turn, and Igor just had to shake his head.

Great game everyone!!  I'll keep everyone posted on the BBQ at my place in the next week or so, and I'll let you all know when Season 3 is starting.


  • Justin had 43s. A certifiable monster compared to 42s for sure. He was certainly the suckout master last night. KK vs AJ on a AAx board... :D

    Congrats to the $$$ winners. GG.

    Thanks again for hosting the season, AJ. Thanks to your wife and daughter for putting up with us. Sorry I was unable to make a contribution to the 'dryer' fund.
  • Great game last night.....I had lots of fun (but winning a few dollars always makes it fun).

    I'm glad I could make my regular 3rd place finish. (As long as 3rd keeps paying I'll keep taking it).

    Great season, it was good to get some new players out with the regulars.

    Thanks go out to AJ for hosting and running the League. He runs a good show and can even play cards ;).

    Special thanks to the rest of the White Family, for hosting us and giving us a place to play every Thursday.

    Let’s us know when the BBQ is going down so I can make sure to clear the schedule.

  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Justin has proved, without a doubt, that you can have a dismal season and STILL win big in the TOC!  He takes down the title yet again for Season 2. 

    Justin won last Season's TOC as well.   I get his plan now...play quietly all season long...pretend you are weak passive...then HAMMER DOWN FOR THE BIG MONEY!!! 

    The top four players did agree to a chop, which after counting his stack, Justin finally agreed to.  Each player took down $350, and the remainder of the pot was split $400/$250/$35.  BigChris took down third again (he must really like this spot, never seems to get past it), The Mad Russian Igor took down second when his AJs got bullied by Justin's 42s.  Straight by the turn, and Igor just had to shake his head.

    Great game everyone!!  I'll keep everyone posted on the BBQ at my place in the next week or so, and I'll let you all know when Season 3 is starting.

    Hey... don't forgot about the 4th cashed spot. I made the money thanks to the new bubble position (thanks Wyndham) and some quick accounting;)

    AJ, we all took $300 BTW, then Chris took another $35, Igor I believe another $200 and Justin another $400 (300x4+35+200+400=1835, the total pool I think).

    Another big thank you to AJ and the Fam. A great season. Looking forward to round 3.
  • I've corrected the original post, guys...sheesh, such a hard time over a measly $50!!! I COULD HAVE just held it back towards the Dryer Fund as Greg mentioned :'(

    Man, I was tired last night though. Not making excuses, mind you, but being up since 4am and then not hitting the linen until almost 1 the next morning...my eyes were some buggy last night by the time I started to chop the pot. I'm surprised I got that much right.

    About the BBQ, I mentioned we would be holding a cash game if you're all interested. Either .5/1 or 1/2 I think. .5/1 would be a min $40 max $100, and I think if we instead want a 1/2, make it min $50 max $200. What do you guys prefer? Also, Limit or NL??
  • Congrats Justin! Two-time TOC champ. Not too shabby.

    I had a fun time last night....it was a great end to a great Season 2. Thanks again AJ for running an such an organized and fun league. And of course, thanks to Brenda & Ada for putting up with us "poker people" every Thursday.
  • No Limit, please. Can't guarantee I can make it anyway but...
  • ElElliott wrote:
    Congrats Justin! Two-time TOC champ. Not too shabby.

    I had a fun time last night....it was a great end to a great Season 2. Thanks again AJ for running an such an organized and fun league. And of course, thanks to Brenda & Ada for putting up with us "poker people" every Thursday.

    Forgot to mention that.... Congrats Justin, you sneaky bugger. Thanks for knocking me out.... again! I was hoping for a repeat of last years TOC though... just like the old days... me hitting top pair, you hitting low trips and slow playing.... ah, the nostalgia;)
  • derksen wrote:

    Forgot to mention that.... Congrats Justin, you sneaky bugger. Thanks for knocking me out.... again! I was hoping for a repeat of last years TOC though... just like the old days... me hitting top pair, you hitting low trips and slow playing.... ah, the nostalgia;)

    You're just lucky Justin caved in for the Chop.....almost Bubble Boy.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    derksen wrote:

    Forgot to mention that.... Congrats Justin, you sneaky bugger. Thanks for knocking me out.... again! I was hoping for a repeat of last years TOC though... just like the old days... me hitting top pair, you hitting low trips and slow playing.... ah, the nostalgia;)

    You're just lucky Justin caved in for the Chop.....almost Bubble Boy.

    Hey buddy, I didn't hear you complaining! And I'd prefer to call my magical chop forumla more skill than luck thank you very much.
  • derksen wrote:

    Hey buddy, I didn't hear you complaining! And I'd prefer to call my magical chop forumla more skill than luck thank you very much.

    I should be complaining....if we didn't do the deal I would have made an extra $40.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    About the BBQ, I mentioned we would be holding a cash game if you're all interested.  Either .5/1 or 1/2 I think.  .5/1 would be a min $40 max $100, and I think if we instead want a 1/2, make it min $50 max $200.  What do you guys prefer?  Also, Limit or NL??

    When do you think you'll be having the BBQ?

    So if need be I can free up the time for it.
  • I'm looking at Saturday June 10 for the BBQ and cash game. That MAY change, as I have to run it past the APPROVAL COMMITTEE (Mrs and The Brat) first to ensure that no other plans have already been made. I'll confirm soon and post here as well as send out a mass emailing.

  • First Id like to thank AJ for all the effort he has put into this league to get it this far and also for giving away my strategy of laying low until the big mone comes on the table. Id like to thank Chris, Igor and Derek for convincing me to chop becuase if you haddnt I probably would not have called all in with my 34 suited and win. Who knows what would have happened had I folded that.

    I leave for Florida on sunday and get back on the 11th, I assure you the money will be well spent!!!! LOL. If the BBQ is on the 10th I wont be back so if it could be the next weekend I would be able to donate some money back.

    Its great to see the league coming togeather so well! Have a great summer all and see you in season 3!!

    Thanks again AJ.

  • In RESPECT for our TOC Dominator/Champ, I would suggest we hold the BBQ on June 17. (Actually, it's because I want ALL of us to have a chance to get our money back!)

    I'll have the necessities...MEAT & BEER (REAL beer, not that soft girly stuff with a foam pellet inside to give it some kind of resemblence of beer)

    I'm a decent BBQ Chef if I do say so myself, and the wife makes one HELL of a sauce for ribs & chicken, so you won't be disappointed. Better halfs are more than welcome to join in as well if they like, and in the case of the Elliotts, well the leader board tells us EXACTLY who the BETTER half is, doesn't it?? If you plan on attending, maybe you can whip together a salad or two, or maybe something for any vegetarian players we might have. I seem to remember that there is at least one, but it might have been the Coffee Truck Guy. (After seeing HIS selection on a daily basis, no wonder he's a vegetarian!!)

    Cash game will follow the devouring of meat and guzzelling of barley. It WILL be no limit, just not sure what the blinds will be right now, most likely .5/1 with a minimum $40 Buyin max $100. Not going to set a end time for it, but I'm thinking if the weather holds out, we can move it outdoors. I can rig up some lighting in no time.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Better halfs are more than welcome to join in as well if they like, and in the case of the Elliotts, well the leader board tells us EXACTLY who the BETTER half is, doesn't it?? 

    Who needs points when you have cash?
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Better halfs are more than welcome to join in as well if they like, and in the case of the Elliotts, well the leader board tells us EXACTLY who the BETTER half is, doesn't it??

    Who needs points when you have cash?

    I think it says ELEANOR on the MONEY leader board!! That should answer your question.
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    I think it says ELEANOR on the MONEY leader board!!  That should answer your question.

    Any one can win a few games though out the season but we all know that it is the final game that counts
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