I suck. What program are they using??

Playing 6max sngs on Party. Depending on the level my ITM is 60%-70%.

After beating several players in a big pot I have been told that I suck, I'm a fish,and my stats are awful...that people own me, etc.

What program is recording 6max results?

I know Poker Prophecy doesn't. I assume whatever the program is, that it isn't very accurate :D.


  • Only 60-70% ITM, what a :fish: :D:D:D

    Letem keep thinking that.
  • Yeah, I like that part, but my point is...what are they using? Is there a program out there that datamines 6maxsngs?
  • SNG databases suck. Period. SHARKSKOPE IS A TOTAL JOKE.
  • Poker Tracker has a SNG program.
  • They are trying to cause yo to tilt just cuz. I got told on poker.com I suck and he had stats on me... well my stats are with 100 buy in I'm up over 2K. I'd like to suck that more often. I've just cashed out another 500 so it's all good.
  • Pockertracker isn't a datamining program for sngs...although, now that you mention it I think there are datamining programs that dump into pokertracker.

    Meh, was just curious is all.

    Back to sucking.
  • Not sure what they might be using but I found something similar that you all might find interesting. It is called Poker Edge and it will give you the goods on players on many of the big sites..just type in their screen name and site and it spits out a bunch of info on them. Try it for yourself for a laugh..or :'(

    I punched in my Party screen name and was aghast to see that I am basically a loose calling station (my symbol is a telephone - cute) and that I "cannot be bluffed, that's for damn sure"... :D
    I don't have many strengths and I am almost always unprofitable. To make myself feel better, I checked out a few of you clowns and was delighted when I punched in aces_all (this is All_Aces handle on Party) and found this: "You are a calling station - the most unprofitable player type - have a seat at my table, please" LOL. It went on to say of our esteemed All_Aces (aces_all in this case) :

    Strengths: You don't have many strengths... except... you cannot be bluffed! That's for damn sure.

    Weaknesses: As your name suggests, your biggest weakness is you call too much! Good players will repeatedly bet into you or raise you for value. You rarely bet your winning hands either, so you don't get paid off and you give other players an easy way to catch up. You are almost always unprofitable.

    Best Advice: Stop calling so much. Stop chasing the long shot draws. Fold your weak hands, and bet or raise your strong ones. Be more aggressive!
  • A word of warning. Some sites databases of players are considered an "unfair advantage" as per Party's (and other sites) terms of use. From Party's website:
    The use of certain programs and their websites on the PartyGaming system are blocked outright. These are: WinHoldem, Holdem Memory, PokerBot plus, PokerEdge, Poker Prophecy, Poker Sherlock and PokerBot Pro. Unfortunately, we expect to add more programs to this list; at the same time though, if any of the currently listed programs are modified (e.g., a new release) so that the modified version no longer falls within our proscribed class, then our policy is to promptly unblock it (the modified version).

    Once identified, a player using programs in this Forbidden Category will usually be notified. In that notice, we explain what we believe this player is doing and what steps we will take if he does not stop doing it immediately. In the most extreme cases we are prepared to suspend their PartyAccount and confiscate the funds in that PartyAccount without prior notice.
  • All_Aces got a warning from Party about using Poker Prophecy. That site is definately reason for Party to take action if you use it while playing.
  • solution, use 2 computers.. that way, if they take a screenshot (how devo got caught) they dont see anything because you're using the illegal software on another computer
  • gokorda wrote:
    solution, use 2 computers.. that way, if they take a screenshot (how devo got caught) they dont see anything because you're using the illegal software on another computer

    Or how about we dont cheat.
  • well, I was not condoning cheating. I would just rather if one of us were to use these programs, they don't get thousands of dollars seized.
  • the program might be www.sharkscope.com
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