Fire again?

***** Hand History for Game 4406952938 *****
$100 NL Texas Hold'em - Wednesday, May 31, 14:02:17 ET 2006
Table Table 108715 (No DP) (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 6
Seat 2: bajs_bengt ( $83.40 )
Seat 4: kwiksta ( $73.54 )
Seat 3: VanillaAce ( $180.80 )
Seat 5: texace65 ( $92.50 )
Seat 6: rudaren ( $79.45 )
Seat 1: tonka1651 ( $40.50 )
bajs_bengt posts small blind [$0.50].
VanillaAce posts big blind [$1].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to VanillaAce [ Kh Kc ]
kwiksta folds.
texace65 raises [$4].
rudaren folds.
tonka1651 folds.
bajs_bengt folds.
VanillaAce raises [$9].
texace65 calls [$6].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8h, 6s, As ]
VanillaAce bets [$13].
texace65 calls [$13].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 7c ]

No real read on the player, only 28 hands in record. Should I have bet more of the pot on the flop? Do I fire again and fold to a raise or check river if he calls?


  • Without reads, Bet. I play the same limits, and I've found many players will auto-call an A-high flop without an ace, since they assume you are simply continuation betting (which you are, sort-of). From my experience, "average" players (at this limit) with an A would have raised on the flop, so most will fold to your turn bet. If they call or raise the turn, surrender.
  • Seems like a good time for the ol check/fold play. Not fancy but it works. Oh yeah raise more preflop.
  • I agree with Watts... I don't like the FCPF (flat call pre-flop) to his raise. I also don't like that both the hero's and the villain's names end in ace, lol.

    I personally would have check raised the flop to gain information. If he re-raises your check raise, you know you're no good. If he flat calls you're either way ahead and he will fold to a bet on the turn, unimproved... or even if he does have a weak ace, he may still fold to a good sized bet on the turn. If he folds to your check-raise, woohoo! Oh, and if he checks behind on the flop, you're probably way ahead, so fire away on the turn. Anyone care to comment on how I would have played this hand?

    I apologize in advance if the thread gets jacked, but to answer your original question... the way it has played out so far, no, I would not fire again on the turn. I would probably put out a stupid $5 bet and try to sneak some info... but I'm a donk online :D

  • Yeah sometimes I check this flop and see what happens. Most people won't fire more than one round on a bluff because the check confuses the hell out of them and looks like I flopped AAA or something.
  • Dear Vanilla Ace :

    I would suggest re-raising to 16 preflop. This is so that pocket pairs don't get the proper odds to stack you (7:1). It is also good because if he has a hand like KQ/ KJ/A10 most of the time the flop is going to miss him, and this gets more money in before he realizes this. Also, it makes it much harder for him to get away from a flopped pair, esp. top pair (preferabbly not aces!!!), because the pot sized is so much bigger.

    As played, the turn is a pretty easy check fold and if you are going to continue, check call is much superior to betting, but check fold is the best line (cause he has you beat the vast majority of the time here).

    Good luck!
  • I agree I shoulda pumepd higher preflop, and I like the CR strategy. As it turns out I lead the turn and river with small bets ($10) to get a cheaper showdown. He flipped AJ and I wanted to punch myself for playing it so poorly.
  • I probably re raise him another $12 preflop. Once he called your flop bet I assume he has AK or AQ. Calling that bet with AJ was surprising. I might fire one more time if I was playing on Prima since you do seem to get a lot of people there that will call down to the river then fold to the river bet.
  • i'd fire again on the flop (more than $10 though) and fold to a raise, but i play a really aggressive post flop game. After you lead for $10 and were called, check/fold the river depending on the size of his bet. I think the $10 bet shows weakness and is just begging to get raised, I would raise that bet with almost any 2 cards I made it that far with (e.g. QQ or some kind of flush draw)
  • Yea I knew I butchered the hand pretty badly (which is why I posted), I had a good idea afterwords how I wanted to have played it, and was just curious what other ideas people had, thanks!
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