Friendly game at my place tonight?

No Bristol - No Hockey?

Any one interested in a small game?

Rogers is all messed up in my building so I am not sure if I can read the posts or PMs after 4 - but the majority of people who would play at my place know my number or some one who has my number anyhow -

So get in touch - nothing too big - nothing too late...


  • I'm in!
  • Arrgh... baseball tonight... what time were you thinking Tom?

  • DrTyore wrote:
    Arrgh... baseball tonight... what time were you thinking Tom?


    Ugh, your baseball game is getting cancalled tonight son. I can't play though, I may have football...

  • I am unsure whether or not I will have an internet connection at home - call me if you guys are cancelled due to thunderstorms and tornadoes.

    Call me.
  • I'll play if my softball game is cancelled.
  • TNORTH wrote:
    I am unsure whether or not I will have an internet connection at home - call me if you guys are cancelled due to thunderstorms and tornadoes.

    Call me.
    I'll play if I get picked up by one of those tornadoes and dropped off in Waterloo. I might need a ride home though.

  • Ok, it looks like my football game will be cancelled. What time are we playing at? 6:30-7?

  • Ok, I'm not standing in a big field with a metal bat, waiting to be struck by lighting!!

    So Mario and I are in!!

    What friggin' time Tom????
  • Awesome lets get this going!

    Also, if anyone is interested in giving me a ride :P I live near parkside and weber (real close to the VW dealership).
  • We're playing at 7pm, show up anytime after 6:30pm


  • Can someone PM the location?
  • Also, what stakes / game type?

    I am voting for .10/.25 NL or .25/.50 NL!
  • Meistro wrote:
    Can someone PM the location?

    Meistro, I'll pick you up at 6:30 at the Tim Hortons at Northfield/Weber. OK?
  • Done. How do you like your coffee?
  • Meistro wrote:
    Done. How do you like your coffee?

    Double Double, Thank You.
  • Tom, where you at? Johnnie, PM me your number. lol. Is anyone checking posts?
  • I want innnnn!!!
  • I'm checking posts! Can't really help you out though. I guess I just wanted to get your hopes up when you saw the 'new post' and then have them dashed when you read this...
  • LOL. its all good. I found his number someplace. the way...does Tom have room?...for me? Mr. Tom?
  • Tom, I hope you know if you don't reply, i'm going to show up anyway ;)
  • You can sub in for me when I go out for smoke breaks. Does this violate the 'one player to a hand' rule? :)
  • You trust me with your money? Johnnie just refered to me as dead money.
  • No you've got it all wrong, I trust MYSELF with YOUR money. Hope this clears any confusion up.
  • LOL!!! Crystal clear now.
  • Hey all

    Any last minutes questions / emergencies, call my cell


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