Season 2 TOC Players List

The following qualifiers have confirmed their seating for the TOC this Thursday night.  If you qualify to play and haven't confirmed, please do so ASAP.  Thanks.

STR82ACE -  Seat Reserved -  2006-05-26 14:09:26
BusDriver -  Seat Reserved -  2006-05-26 15:17:13
Pkrfce9 -  Seat Reserved -  2006-05-26 15:22:53
FishBoy -  Seat Reserved -  2006-05-26 15:30:33
BigChrisEl -  Seat Reserved -  2006-05-26 15:42:11
EElliott -  Seat Reserved -  2006-05-26 15:47:54
JHJ -  Seat Reserved -  2006-05-26 16:47:54
Nutcracker -  Seat Reserved -  2006-05-29 07:47:49
Derksen -  Seat Reserved -  2006-05-29 08:19:33
TPower - Seat Reserved - via email
Mr. T  -  Seat Reserved  -  via email
BigGus - Seat Reserved -  via email
ACDC -  Seat Reserved -  2006-05-30 06:16:14
Nikko - Seat Reserved - 2006-05-30 07:56:33
MadRussian - Seat Reserved - via posting


  • Igor "The Mad Russian" is in

    This should be a GREAT game!! :D
  • Looking forward to it. Pissed I missed the last one. Can't wait!
  • derksen wrote:
    Looking forward to it. Pissed I missed the last one. Can't wait!

    Yeah I'm pissed you missed the last one too...I could have used your chips......
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    derksen wrote:
    Looking forward to it. Pissed I missed the last one. Can't wait!

    Yeah I'm pissed you missed the last one too...I could have used your chips......

    To choke on?? My 'A' game would have been in the house. Chump to champ buddy. Watch out Thursday... or I'll cough on you!
  • derksen wrote:
    Looking forward to it. Pissed I missed the last one. Can't wait!
    Weren't you there last week?

    I remember now. Someone said you were sick. Sick of losing, they said...
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Weren't you there last week?

    I remember now. Someone said you were sick. Sick of losing, they said...

    Wasn't that you?
  • No, I think it was Sassy Elly
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    derksen wrote:
    Looking forward to it. Pissed I missed the last one. Can't wait!
    Weren't you there last week?

    I remember now. Someone said you were sick. Sick of losing, they said...
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    No, I think it was Sassy Elly

    Frankly, I'm surprised that I'm the only one that made that joke!

    Derek can't come because he's sick....

    ...of bad beats
    ...of losing
    ...of suckouts
    ...of Tony being "half way there"
    ...of Greg saying "Bam!"
    ...of AJ's staredown
    ...of Chris turning black over the course of the game

    the possibilites are endless!
  • ElElliott wrote:
    ...of Chris turning black over the course of the game
    did i miss something?
  • ElElliott wrote:
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    derksen wrote:
    Looking forward to it. Pissed I missed the last one. Can't wait!
    Weren't you there last week?

    I remember now. Someone said you were sick. Sick of losing, they said...
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    No, I think it was Sassy Elly

    Frankly, I'm surprised that I'm the only one that made that joke!

    Derek can't come because he's sick....

    ...of bad beats
    ...of losing
    ...of suckouts
    ...of Tony being "half way there"
    ...of Greg saying "Bam!"
    ...of AJ's staredown
    ...of Chris turning black over the course of the game

    the possibilites are endless!

    Well, to be honest, I had the flu. And yes... I think we're all a little tired of Emeril making his appearance. Bad beats.... eh, what can I say. We all take it sooner or later. Losing... yeah, a little tiresome. The only good thing about a losing streak is that a big win is somewhere on the horizon.

    PS - Black Chris is funny (to make fun of)
  • derksen wrote:

    PS - Black Chris is funny (to make fun of)

  • derksen wrote:
    The only good thing about a losing streak is that a big win is somewhere on the horizon.

    Unless you suck.
  • FYI FishBoy and Nutcracker are gunning for you Derksen.

    Something about you constantly raising their bets.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    FYI FishBoy and Nutcracker are gunning for you Derksen[/b].

    Something about you constantly raising their bets.

    Thanks for the tip Big Black Chris. I will do my best to slow play.
  • I want to know where TheBusDriver has been hiding?

  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    I want to know where TheBusDriver has been hiding?

    What exactly is the man in the beige trench coat doing?
  • derksen wrote:

    What exactly is the man in the beige trench coat doing?

    It's a cop arresting a Bus Driver..........see the man point the gun on the right and the kids with the hands up against the glass.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    derksen wrote:

    What exactly is the man in the beige trench coat doing?

    It's a cop arresting a Bus Driver..........see the man point the gun on the right and the kids with the hands up against the glass.

    Always happened at MY school.
  • Oh ya, bus driver is getting BUSted on his way to the School of Pain at 2315 Calling Station Drive.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Oh ya, bus driver is getting BUSted on his way to the School of Pain at 2315 Calling Station Drive.

    I'd just like to review this statement now that the game is over. Where was the School of Pain Greg? Are you still in school?
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