Interesting $500 SNG hand

#Game No : 4396404051
***** Hand History for Game 4396404051 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $530 Buy-in Trny:24262248 Level:5 Blinds(200/400) - Tuesday, May 30, 01:34:38 ET 2006
Table Playing Possum (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 3
Seat 1: Pokersilly ( $7292 )
Seat 9: MeesTurbo ( $6084 )
Seat 3: Aces_All ( $6624 )
Trny:24262248 Level:5
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Aces_All [  6h 6s ]
Pokersilly raises [1100].
Aces_All calls [900].
MeesTurbo folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ Jd, Ah, 3c ]
Aces_All checks.
Pokersilly bets [925].
Aces_All raises [2150].
Pokersilly calls [1225].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2c ]
Aces_All checks.
Pokersilly checks.
** Dealing River ** [ 3d ]
Aces_All checks.
Pokersilly is all-In  [4042]
Aces_All: man
Aces_All: i think you have KT or QT
Your time bank will be activated in 5 secs. If you do not want it to be used, please act now.
Aces_All will be using his time bank for this hand.
Aces_All is all-In  [3374]

Aces_All shows [ 6h, 6s ] two pairs, sixes and threes.
Pokersilly shows [ Qd, Ks ] a pair of threes.
Pokersilly wins 668 chips from  side pot #1  with a pair of threes.
Aces_All wins 13648 chips from  the main pot  with two pairs, sixes and threes.
Game #4396413652 starts.

MeesTurbo: wow
MeesTurbo: what a read
Aces_All: ty


  • Aces_All: man
    Aces_All: i think you have KT or QT
    Your time bank will be activated in 5 secs. If you do not want it to be used, please act now.
    Aces_All will be using his time bank for this hand.
    Aces_All is all-In [3374]

    Sorry Chief I missed by that much. Nice call, great read.
  • wow very nice read!
  • Hey Devin,

    Don't know if you recall this hand from a sng last night. I was watcihng due to lack of decent tv :D.

    You went on to finish 4th if that helps.

    You were on the button with roughly 2700. Majorpolk makes it 1300, you flat call and to short stacks behind you go all in. Flop Q24 or something similar. Majorpolk pushes with 77 and you fold and he eliminates both short stacks leaving 4 of you.

    Just curious what you flat called with in that situation and then folded on the flop. Seems like most hands would have been push or fold in that situation.
  • AJs.... seems like something like that...
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Aces_All: man
    Aces_All: i think you have KT or QT
    Your time bank will be activated in 5 secs. If you do not want it to be used, please act now.
    Aces_All will be using his time bank for this hand.
    Aces_All is all-In  [3374]

    Sorry Chief I missed by that much.  Nice call, great read. 

    I don't get this. You were poker silly?

    It is a very interesting hand Devin. Could you go through the analysis of what you were thinking to come up with that read?
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    Hey Devin,

    Don't know if you recall this hand from a sng last night.  I was watcihng due to lack of decent tv :D.

    You went on to finish 4th if that helps.

    You were on the button with roughly 2700. Majorpolk makes it 1300, you flat call and to short stacks behind you go all in.  Flop Q24 or something similar.  Majorpolk pushes with 77 and you fold and he eliminates both short stacks leaving 4 of you.

    Just curious what you flat called with in that situation and then folded on the flop.  Seems like most hands would have been push or fold in that situation.

    Crazy... GET OUT OF MY HEAD!


    That was my biggest mistake of the night.  I talked to myself (out loud) upon the completion of that sit and go about that particular hand.

    I was holding AcKc, and should have pushed preflop.  I would have won the hand, not that it matters.  I've been getting too hung up lately on "waiting to see a friendly flop" sometimes.  AK wants to see all 5 cards.  88 wants to take it down preflop instead of waiting to see a flop with no ace or king in it.  Of course, these statements are both dependant upon stack sizes... yours... your opponents... but that AcKc hand was a clear push, and I missed the mark.

    Still, a great night.  ITM % just over 58% now. I've been playing like 10 of them a night, usually 2 at the same time. If this seems a bit nutty to anybody, MajorPolk plays around 6 at a time, non-stop, for a period of about 6 or 7 hours/night. He is making a killing.
  • moose wrote:
    AcidJoe wrote:
    Aces_All: man
    Aces_All: i think you have KT or QT
    Your time bank will be activated in 5 secs. If you do not want it to be used, please act now.
    Aces_All will be using his time bank for this hand.
    Aces_All is all-In  [3374]

    Sorry Chief I missed by that much.  Nice call, great read. 

    I don't get this.  You were poker silly?

    It is a very interesting hand Devin.  Could you go through the analysis of what you were thinking to come up with that read?

    Nope... not poker silly. I took a lot of time to consider it. When he bet the river, my first instinct was to press "fold" and be done with it. But then I started to think about the action.

    He just called my flop check-raise.

    He checked behind on the turn.

    I had checked to him twice, and then he moves all-in. Looked like a desperate missed draw bluff attempt to me. I could completely see him playing KT, QT, KQ that way, every street. I thought any ace would have re-raised the flop, or bet the turn. Any jack would have bet the turn after I checked it to him. Any pocket pair lower than jacks would have folded the flop. So, I figured he had a draw, and the only draws on that flop were gutshot straight draws. He decided to call my check-raise (which he did quickly) to see if he could hit a gutter, and then after I showed weakness on BOTH of the following streets he figured he could take it with a big river bet.
  • NH. I'd probably push preflop, I guess if you know he's bad enough to call the checkraise with just a gutter the call is ok. When he doesn't fire the turn and then shoves the river I agree he looks very weak, but I wouldn't expect him to be peeling that flop with just a gutter at that level is why I'd probably lay it down. Also, that seems like a pretty ugly flop for a checkraise bluff.
  • You kidding? That's the PERFECT flop for a c/r bluff! IMO, a co-ordinated flop would be terrible for a c/r bluff, because your opponent could call with some kind of a draw, and then you have no idea what you're up against on the turn.

    On an AJx rainbow flop, your opponent should only call (or re-raise) with an ace. So, you're betting that he doesn't have one.

    That being said, this opponent in particular was... how do I put this... tility. In general, I got a bit of a "tilty" vibe from him. So, I could totally picture him (quickly and somewhat recklessly) calling the flop c/r with a gutshot.

    Back to the second part of this post:
    On an AJx rainbow flop, your opponent should only call (or re-raise) with an ace. So, you're betting that he doesn't have one.

    By this statement, I should have gotten out of the hand, ASAP. I didn't take it down with the flop c/r... I was done with it. Hence the check on the turn, ready to fold to a bet.

    But... he checked behind (again, quickly, and recklessly if that's possible)... and that's when I started to think something was up. And then the massive river bet.

    After the flop/turn combination, I was certain he didn't have an ace. I was worried about a jack. But a jack wouldn't move all-in on the river, a jack would check behind because a jack has a shot at winning without betting.
  • OK I agree with your analysis I only have 2 concerns. First I'm not sure it's the best idea to be checkraise bluffing tilty opponents. If he calls with KQ he defeinitly calls with any ace or any jack. Secondly, how do you play an ace in this spot? I'm guessing you just check/call mostly, so a thinking player might see through you.
  • Oh and NH btw.
  • Sorry Chief I missed by that much. Nice call, great read.

    I don't get this. You were poker silly?

    I was referring to Acid Joe's comment. Two posts in one. Sorry. Is Acid Joe=PokerSilly? or was he just making a dumb ass comment? I mean that in a nice way because I know Joe.
  • SirWatts wrote:
    OK I agree with your analysis I only have 2 concerns.  First I'm not sure it's the best idea to be checkraise bluffing tilty opponents.  If he calls with KQ he defeinitly calls with any ace or any jack.  Secondly, how do you play an ace in this spot?  I'm guessing you just check/call mostly, so a thinking player might see through you.

    Yeah, I expected him to call with an ace, at which point I give up on the hand.  I'm not so sure about a jack.

    As for how I play an ace... would I checkraise an ace in this spot?  Sometimes yes, sometimes no.  Sometimes I'll bet out, sometimes I'll check and call, sometimes I'll checkraise the flop.  One thing I am very aware of is that some of my more perceptive opponents WILL be looking for patterns in my play, so I need to keep mixing it up.

    MajorPolk, who is a very good SNG player, has one thing that he always does in certain situations, and if you come over the top of him, even for a modest amount, he will fold.
    SirWatts wrote:
    Oh and NH btw.

    ty sir.  Every now and again, you make the big call or the big bluff, and it works, and you remember why you love the game so much.

    np re: the "poker silly" thing moose.  I thought it was a new way of telling me I'm a donk.  ;)
  • all_aces wrote:
    GTA Poker wrote:
    Hey Devin,

    Don't know if you recall this hand from a sng last night. I was watcihng due to lack of decent tv :D.

    You went on to finish 4th if that helps.

    You were on the button with roughly 2700. Majorpolk makes it 1300, you flat call and to short stacks behind you go all in. Flop Q24 or something similar. Majorpolk pushes with 77 and you fold and he eliminates both short stacks leaving 4 of you.

    Just curious what you flat called with in that situation and then folded on the flop. Seems like most hands would have been push or fold in that situation.

    Crazy... GET OUT OF MY HEAD!


    That was my biggest mistake of the night. I talked to myself (out loud) upon the completion of that sit and go about that particular hand.


    I figured you had something like that, but I also figured with majorpolk's aggressive play that you would push AK there.
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    all_aces wrote:
    GTA Poker wrote:
    Hey Devin,

    Don't know if you recall this hand from a sng last night.  I was watcihng due to lack of decent tv :D.

    You went on to finish 4th if that helps.

    You were on the button with roughly 2700. Majorpolk makes it 1300, you flat call and to short stacks behind you go all in.  Flop Q24 or something similar.  Majorpolk pushes with 77 and you fold and he eliminates both short stacks leaving 4 of you.

    Just curious what you flat called with in that situation and then folded on the flop.  Seems like most hands would have been push or fold in that situation.

    Crazy... GET OUT OF MY HEAD!


    That was my biggest mistake of the night.  I talked to myself (out loud) upon the completion of that sit and go about that particular hand.


    I figured you had something like that, but I also figured with majorpolk's aggressive play that you would push AK there.

    Yup... should have pushed.  Interestingly, MajorPolk isn't all that aggressive.  I've been watching him very closely, considering he is in every single SNG I play.  We have, it seems, arrived at some sort of a mutual understanding.  Or maybe I'm kidding myself.  I've noticed that we don't go out of our way to attack each other's blinds, and we don't go out of our way to sit in close proximity to one another.

    That being said, pushing with AK was clearly the right play in that spot, regardless of who my live opponent was.

    I'm not sure if you noticed while you were watching... I have all kinds of names for Polk.  He never talks... rarely, I guess, not never... so every now and then I type in things like:


    etc. etc., usually after he wins a big pot.  Why?  I have no idea.  It makes me laugh.
  • all_aces wrote:
    GTA Poker wrote:
    all_aces wrote:
    GTA Poker wrote:
    Hey Devin,

    Don't know if you recall this hand from a sng last night. I was watcihng due to lack of decent tv :D.

    You went on to finish 4th if that helps.

    You were on the button with roughly 2700. Majorpolk makes it 1300, you flat call and to short stacks behind you go all in. Flop Q24 or something similar. Majorpolk pushes with 77 and you fold and he eliminates both short stacks leaving 4 of you.

    Just curious what you flat called with in that situation and then folded on the flop. Seems like most hands would have been push or fold in that situation.

    Crazy... GET OUT OF MY HEAD!


    That was my biggest mistake of the night. I talked to myself (out loud) upon the completion of that sit and go about that particular hand.


    I figured you had something like that, but I also figured with majorpolk's aggressive play that you would push AK there.

    Yup... should have pushed. Interestingly, MajorPolk isn't all that aggressive. I've been watching him very closely, considering he is in every single SNG I play. We have, it seems, arrived at some sort of a mutual understanding. Or maybe I'm kidding myself. I've noticed that we don't go out of our way to attack each other's blinds, and we don't go out of our way to sit in close proximity to one another.

    That being said, pushing with AK was clearly the right play in that spot, regardless of who my live opponent was.

    I'm not sure if you noticed while you were watching... I have all kinds of names for Polk. He never talks... rarely, I guess, not never... so every now and then I type in things like:


    etc. etc., usually after he wins a big pot. Why? I have no idea. It makes me laugh.

    Yeah, I noticed that...but didn't mention it out of respect for you :D
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