Glasgow St club Game is ON! Guelph! Still time to sign up!

Hey Ya'll....
I'm up for a little bit of poker (but aren't i always?). i wouldn't mind hosting tuesday....i will definatly be hosting thursday for the regular game.
It'll be hold'em with the regular bounty (10 +5) and it'll start at 7. If we get some interest in turesday's game, we'll figure out what it will be. I'm open to some crazy pineapple..omaha, 7 stud, carribian stud (i hear the jackpot is at a whopping $0.35 and a bag of twizzlers for the royal flush, and it's only going up!).

BTW i do have about 20 seats that can be filled if there is that much interest.....?

Let me know whos in..and please god dont make me resort to the ROCK again!! i just can't handle that shiznit!


1. Mark
2. Cowboy Mike
3. Vegas Tim
4. Egyptian Jimmy
5. River Mike
6. Darkness!


  • Since I missed last Thurs., sign me up for both Tues. and Thurs. this week.
  • done and done tim!
    What type of poker do you wanna play on tuesday?!

    If i dont have at least 6 players by 2 on tuesday then there will only be the thursday game
  • I'm good for thursday. Yo mark can you host a game in a week or so, for newbs?
  • And what did i tell you about the Rock, huh! Stay away from it!!!!! :rage:
  • For Tues., I prefer Omaha, CP, or regular NLHE.
  • Hey Mark I gave Barry your cell number. He might be up for tomorrow
  • aight.......
  • Carmella and tonight are out from poker this week. Enjoy!!!
  • you guys are snubbing us? is that because i called it the "mark show" last thursday night?!
  • Hmm, not sure about a tuesday game now.....c'mon cowboy and big guys around? snakes!
  • I'm at school working on a paper and won't be down with it.... damm getting edubicatied sucks

  • i can see how being edcumicated would suck. I can also see the long term gains. I say, if you put all that time and money into being a poker player, you'll probly get like..way more money in the long run.
    What about thursday??
    oh! and i have your perscription sun glasses and hat! i couldn't figure out who's they were until right now.
  • put me down for the typical, "If I can get out of the house, I'll be there" routine...or maybe
    I'll just stay home this week and clean :D
  • aight, so tuesday night is a no go...thursday night is looking promising......
    i'm going back to the ROCK!
    lord help me.
  • I now love you seeing that you have my hat and my glasses, I've been tearing the house down attempting to find them and bugging everyone I had seen in since the day I had lost them!!!!! I have volleyball on thursday I will see what time though.

  • So did you win at the Rock Mark. Did that pizza I give you T-U-R-T-L-E Power? heres hoping you won. And you never go back there, cuz the Rocks like an undertoe it keeps sucking ya down.
  • I accually did come in second...100 bucks to me!
    It was a little bit of a smoke show, and i was on track to win it...then this hand happened. I had pocket twos..i raised pre flop. Flop was 2, 3, Q. I checked, the other chick bet 2000...i reraised all in, she called. I flipped my trip 2's..she flipped her queen 3. Then......the turn brough a Q and she made a bigger boat!
    what a snake!
    so i took 100, she took 150....that's not bad in my opinion!
    And the pizza gave me all the fuel i needed dude! :0
    are you in for thursday? i can't remember
  • i most certainly am!
  • Someone else better sign up or im gonna get angry
  • yessirr! if we dont get a few more people a game just isint going to come together! and that would be a shame!! :(
  • And now you don't put me down for the game.

  • alright ya'll...we seriously need like 1 or 2 more players to make this game go...i dont know who else to call!!!
    If we cant get the players by like..3...then i'm going to have to go to the casino (or maybe rockwood....).

    c'mon guys! it's not even NICE outside anymore!
  • ooh!!!! or maybe instead of cancelling, we should play a shorthanded .50 / 1.00 NL game with a 20 buy in?? what do you guys think!? MADDNESS says i! MADDNESSS!
  • Not in tonight, gl at Rock
  • This game is ON!
    Haren signed up to give us the 6 person max..if there are any other players who are interested, please sign up soon..this game starts at 7

    call me if you need directions!
  • GG all. Congrats to Jimmy the trip-hitting snake:) See y'all next week.
  • Mark you should start hosting saturday games. I'd definately be all over that.
  • .....
    wow.....thtat was a drunk post... :)
  • uhm ya Maybewe can do it when you arn't so Drunk! :wav:
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