Bristol St. Classic - delayed til next week

Hey all,

I started issuing rumors that the next Bristol was going to be this Wed. Two things have come up that is causing me to move it.

1. Forcast calls for two days of 30+ degree weather. My house is currently an oven and it's only going to get worse; I can't imagine it with 32 people in there. Oh wait... yes I can... IT'D BE HELL ONLY HOTTER!!!!! :)

2. I'm organizing a second fundraiser for KWLT (A BBQ/Yard Sale/Slient Auction) for this Saturday. Two people that offered to run with the organizing of it (becuase I was busy with the Bender), have gone AWOL have haven't done a damn thing, so I'm terribly behind with this.

My apologies. Hopefully next week the weather will be a little nicer, (or perhaps I should invest in a small AC machine for the basement.) :) If anyone's got a AC-enabled home that would like to run something this Wed., please feel free to, cause I know there's some interest out there to play some (non-24 hour) poker. (And if I can catch up enough on the BBQ... count me in!)

Once I see the weather report for next week I'll officially open the next Bristol for reservations. As another "thank you" to all the great people who took part in the Bender, they are all pre-reserved for whenever the next one is.


  • Nooooooo......a part of me just died. again....

    Mark / Johnnie!!! I'm lookin at one of you!! Hey, if one of you host, i'll bust out the metal inlay poker chips ;)
  • I also know there hasn't been a Cook event in a while too... ;) That Triple Crown isn't going to win itself.
  • Sign me up.  Uh, never mind.
    Zithal wrote:
    perhaps I should invest in a small AC machine for the basement.) :)  If anyone's got a AC-enabled home
    I have central A/C, and if anyone remembers my first couple tournaments, once you have over a few dozen people in a small space, it pretty much overwhelms the A/C.  I've ended up just leaving then air off and using a few fans at the windows to create a breeze.  Still hot, but more effective than the A/C.
  • Zithal wrote:
    I also know there hasn't been a Cook event in a while too...  ;)
    I know, and I'm sorry, since I REALLY want to host again. Unfortunately, I recently discovered that the previous owners of my house decided not to attach the shower drain to the pipe, but instead just set the drain on top of it. You can guess the rest, and I'm currently rebuilding the bathroom. Once I have that back together I'll put something together, but it probably won't be till late June.
  • Hey..maybe Tye can host. Common Tye...pull through! ;)
  • [quote=[Fallen Angel] ]
    Hey..maybe Tye can host. Common Tye...pull through! ;)


    Trust me, you REALLY don't want to play in my house this week.
  • Well, that's too bad. I'm off to PEI for the first two weeks in June!! Someone else will be on top POY- points wise.

    Good luck all.

  • While Wednesday doesn't work for me, (still have an assignment due thursday morning). I'll plan to host a game Thursday night.

    *see other thread*
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