Stars 530$ StaffMikeJ [Support]: Good game T_Mac, you'll be receiving $99,204.29



  • PLAY your better then him PLEASE
  • Both deals discussed so far have been jokes.

    They give the chip leader a complete freeroll. He gets greater than 2nd place money for finishing 2nd or 3rd, and greater than 1st place money for finishing 1st.

    The chip count method is severely flawed when there are one or more extreme (either big or small) stacks.

  • stealthmunk: t_mac , if you have children, your crazy to not take 97k

    that dude is hilarious...and it seems to be working lol
  • play play play
  • ScottyZ wrote:
    Both deals discussed so far have been jokes.

    They give the chip leader a complete freeroll. He gets greater than 2nd place money for finishing 2nd or 3rd, and greater than 1st place money for finishing 1st.


    yes, awful, awful offers so far
  • T Mac ask for a 170k 100k rest for the retard lobo split!!!
  • lobo cost both T Mac and himself money..
  • StaffMikeJ [Support]: hang on, and please do not chat until I have finished
    StaffMikeJ [Support]: stealth will receive $170,000
    StaffMikeJ [Support]: lobo will receive $85,411.71
    StaffMikeJ [Support]: T_Mac will receive $99,204.29
    T_Mac: agree
    stealthmunk: I agree

    oh well, stealth got his way t/mac, congrats
  • I guess 100K isn't too bad. I'd probably play on and finish 3rd so I can't say anything.
  • Yeah This is huge money.. Well done T Mac..

    PS I still think Lobo blew the deal talk!
  • 100K!!!
  • I'd probably play on and finish 3rd so I can't say anything.

    Wow, NH! I'd probably end up finishing around 1,894th myself.

    Seriously though, nice going T_Mac and congrats!

  • Howard Jones??

  • It was a good song...

    I used to be a big fan.

    In grade nine.

    Sorry Scotty... couldn't resist.
  • Hey guys, WOW thanks for the thread! Yeah I had observer chat off, I find all the talk too distracting.

    Pretty much everyone is making fun of me for this deal lol...but I'm a 22 year old student in debt, what do you want from me? I agree Lobos could have helped me pressure him into giving us more...but he was pretty happy getting what he got. Anyway

    100k :D
  • Tigerscott wrote:
    LMAO here's a hand I just watched

    PokerStars Game #5084690114: Tournament #24665512, $500+$30 Hold'em No Limit - Level XXI (5000/10000) - 2006/05/28 - 23:57:38 (ET)
    Table '24665512 160' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
    Seat 1: raphou (239341 in chips)
    Seat 2: Tomthebomb32 (577654 in chips)
    Seat 3: lobojiji (125296 in chips)
    Seat 4: T_Mac (123726 in chips)
    Seat 5: sacker (195838 in chips)
    Seat 8: RandALLin (131307 in chips)
    Seat 9: topnetplayer (413653 in chips)
    raphou: posts the ante 500
    Tomthebomb32: posts the ante 500
    lobojiji: posts the ante 500
    T_Mac: posts the ante 500
    sacker: posts the ante 500
    RandALLin: posts the ante 500
    topnetplayer: posts the ante 500
    sacker: posts small blind 5000
    RandALLin: posts big blind 10000
    *** HOLE CARDS ***
    topnetplayer: calls 10000
    raphou: folds
    Tomthebomb32: folds
    lobojiji: folds
    T_Mac: raises 113226 to 123226 and is all-in
    sacker: folds
    RandALLin: folds
    topnetplayer: calls 113226
    T_Mac said, "five"
    *** FLOP *** [2s Ac 2d]
    RandALLin said, "ty"
    RandALLin said, "wtf?"
    T_Mac said, "3"
    *** TURN *** [2s Ac 2d] [3h]
    RandALLin said, "c c obv"
    RandALLin said, "or that"
    *** RIVER *** [2s Ac 2d 3h] [4d]
    RandALLin said, "too obv"
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    topnetplayer: shows [Ah Jh] (two pair, Aces and Deuces)
    T_Mac: shows [5c 4c] (a straight, Ace to Five)
    T_Mac said, "damn...ty lee"
    T_Mac collected 264952 from pot
    topnetplayer said, "hmmmmmmm"
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 264952 | Rake 0
    Board [2s Ac 2d 3h 4d]
    Seat 1: raphou folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 2: Tomthebomb32 folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 3: lobojiji folded before Flop (didn't bet)
    Seat 4: T_Mac (button) showed [5c 4c] and won (264952) with a straight, Ace to Five
    Seat 5: sacker (small blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 8: RandALLin (big blind) folded before Flop
    Seat 9: topnetplayer showed [Ah Jh] and lost with two pair, Aces and Deuces

    yeah...huge suckout, but topnetplayer had been limp/folding all day. I did get very lucky in some pots, and I also played very well I believe.
  • K6 make money!

    GG man, more money than I've made in my 3 years of playing poker.
  • wow congrats man, that is one nice payout!
  • A very sincere and hearty congratulations T-Mac! Excellent, excellent job! Nice pull.
  • Sorry I missed rail-birding you - it sounds like you put on a good show. Congratulations!
  • Good payout, but dam, Im sure you should have been able to squeeze out his equity. You could have pressured him too since he was freerolling, and say you're on a freeroll + equity, the question is, do you want to lose a freeroll.

    And MikeJ was too pushy. If Lee was there, he wouldn't let a deal like that slip by, he wouldn't give him more than equity thats for sure.
  • T_Mac wrote:

    Pretty much everyone is making fun of me for this deal lol...

    100k :D

    Yes...but they're probably all .50/1.00 grinders like me, so to hell with'em! Well done! :)
  • First of all, let me say that 100K for a tournament score is amazing, and I can't overemphasize how happy I am that one of our own managed it.

    That being said, here's what the folks at RGP had to say about the final table deal:
    Who's running this stars tourney? This stealth is an idiot. How can he win
    more than first? 172k +30k still on the table?
    Unreal what these other 2 excepted. I don't understand how you can make a deal
    where a guy could win more than first place money?
    That is what I want to know. How can anyone agree to a deal that pays him
    more than if they just played it out?
    First is $195,976.00 and he has a gargantuan chip lead, I guess.
    Shouldn't matter. You shouldn't be able to make a deal that will pay you more
    than first place money. Although, good for you if you do !
    My last post suggesting it was a battle to get more for 3rd may be right.
    Lobo settled for 3rd and 68k ( i think), and just won it. The 30k gave him
    98k, the bracelet, and the TLB for the week.
    Looked a sceamble to get mor 3rd place money, Tony. Good spot for Stealth
    to be in.
    I believe that lob has to win this to avoid a bad situation.
    looks like +30k for lobo
    Really doesn't matter know as he came in second.
    Hello Tony and all of RGP,
    I was actually monitoring the tournament.  The deal was unusual in that it left
    open the possibility for stealthmunk to win more than published first place
    money.  However, the deal did not violate any rules, and all of the players
    agreed to it.

    The art of the deal is one of many poker skills that a good player brings to the
    table.  At the player's request, I presented numbers based on standard chip chop
    procedures.  It’s not our policy to get involved in the negotiations; we simply
    present information, let the players negotiate, and enforce the deal.
    The players did not agree to the numbers I presented and came up with their own
    deal.   In this case, stealthmunk managed to negotiate a very favorable
    arrangement.    Since the players all agreed to it, as far as PokerStars is
    concerned, the deal was fine.

    Mike Jones
    PokerStars Poker Room Management Team

       One of the things I like about Pokerstars is that they seem to go out of
    their way to protect the customer, and they have the best customer service. That
    being said, I don't know how it can be beneficial to allow the kind of deal that
    was proposed last night. I don't think it is ever beneficial to allow any player
    to take advantage of the stupidity or generousity of another player. Altough I
    swear by the tournaments and customer service. I don't see how this is a good
    thing. I like the freedom you give the players to negotiate deals, but I don't
    think allowing someone to take advantage in that situation (for those amounts of
    money) , is beneficial to promoting Pokerstars. That is just my opinion.

    Now, that being said, most of these comments probably come from monkeys who have never even gotten close to a 100K score.

    Nice job T_Mac.
  • Yeah stealthmunk said on 2+2 that he would have gone to 165k no problem, and really he shouldnt get even that much. But the guy had all the leverage (all the chips) and lobos and him weren't budging :( And the fear of winning only 60k was strong in me...I knew I'd have to go allin against this guy several times in marginal spots.


    LOL. That sums it up. Nice job man.
  • T_Mac wrote:
    And the fear of winning only 60k was strong in me...

  • MDSGuy wrote:
    T_Mac wrote:
    And the fear of winning only 60k was strong in me...



    And I was just perusing my hand history, and saw this
    schwah [observer] said, "go tmac!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    all aces [observer] said, "he can't hear you"
    all aces [observer] said, "but i agree"

    :D thanks
  • out of curiosity, do you have to pay US taxes on these types of winnings? not sure if there is any withholding from the net amount that is paid to you by Stars? hopefully I will have this type of dilemma one of these days :-)

  • pokerJAH wrote:
    out of curiosity, do you have to pay US taxes on these types of winnings? not sure if there is any withholding from the net amount that is paid to you by Stars?  hopefully I will have this type of dilemma one of these days :-)


    He shouldn't. In Canada, gaming winnings (winfall) are not taxable. And Stars is not an American company. They're on the Isle of Mann.

    Besides, I suspect T-mac will have played through 30 or 40 grand of it by now :D

    Great score man! Does this mean you're hosting the BBQ to celebrate?
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