IVAN! What happened to the $1000 Guaranteed Tourney on Friday At the NUTZ.

Hi Ivan, You guaranteed $1000 and then it was cancelled when only 4-6 guys showed up.
Why did you delete the thread that this was originally in?

If this is how you operate, Why not just run a guaranteed Tournament for $1million>?
Obviously you won't pay anyways, so why bother with a low figure of $1000 guaranteed?

You sure showed your true colours by deleting the original post.


  • Sounds like a typical fly-by-night club owner, only in it to rip-off players with a high-rake game and then run off with the profits.

    If this is true, then this guy has no integrity and avoid his games at all cost.

    Another club on the will-never-go-to list.
  • Let's give him a chance to respond before we pass judgement though.

    But to be quite honest, deleting the post to pretend it never happened doesn't say too much.

    Edit to add: I just bumped the original thread. It's the one that only has a period "." as the thread title now.
  • James,

    I'm glad you had a good time despite the tournament not happening. I share your disappointment and would like to make it up to you and everyone who showed up for the tourney. I am extending a free buy-in to the next tournament that you guys enter into at the club.

  • LOL!

    I am also offering a free buy-in to a $1 million freezout at my place
  • GTA Poker wrote:

    I am also offering a free buy-in to a $1 million freezout at my place

    I wonder if pokerGOD is in on this action?

  • GTA Poker wrote:

    I am also offering a free buy-in to a $1 million freezout at my place
    Now I want to be clear hear.
    I met Nusch at The Nutz poker Club, and he is a good man. As far as I'm concerned, his word is good.

    This guy Ivan appears to be the opposite of a man's man, as he hasn't responded to this thread, and it appears his word is not worth the time it takes to listen to it.
    Character: Not many people have it. Kevin has it IMO.
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