Our Very Own MAD RUSSIAN!!

Igor, Chinguacousy Hill's own Mad Russian, took the final game of Season 2 tonight, knocking out both BigChris and Allen in a great finish that I'm sure they will discussing at work on Friday. Great game Igor.

Igor takes $280 for the win, Allen took out $170 for second, and BigChris limped away with $110 for third.

I will be updating the points and money boards this weekend and will send out an email of who the OFFICIAL LEAGUE CHAMPION is for Season 2. Tonight's points are going to make it very close.

See everyone next week at the Tournament of Champions!!


  • Very good game Igor, you know I was in your corner from the beginning. Everytime I play you, you get better and better, if there was still the most improved throphy, you'd definately get it.

    As for Chris & Allen, if your reading this Igor, tell them they play like "Moose and Squirel" :D
  • It was a good game last night.....Igor was on fire and it seemed he couldn't be stop if only he knocked Bus Driver out then I could be champ but after waiting for Igor to finish him off I decided to do my own dirty work.

    This game was a nice little warm up for me for the TOC…..again Bus Driver don’t change your game…..keep going All-in against my pocket Aces.
  • Congrats Igor! You played a great game last night.
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