KW Area, Thursday May 25th

I don't see why I shouldn't host a game this Thursday.

Hopefully with more than 1 hour notice we'll have more than 6 players.

So here are the stats:
10 tourny, 20 tourny, or .25/.50 ring game. NL Holdem, L Holdem, PL Omaha, whatever the crowd wants.
Located near Fisher-Hallman and Columbia, PM for Address/Directions

Have room for up to 18 players, but if it looks like more than 10 it may become byoChair for some people.

Either post here or PM me if your interested and I'll get a list going.

and of course Rake-Free.



  • No takers?

    The offer's on the table.
  • Sorry - I'll be busy getting some sleep in before the Bender Friday night ;)
  • I was about to jump in on this, but then I too remembered the bender.... might not be the best week for it

  • Sadly I'm in the same boat. :(
  • I'm definitely in.
  • if you like paul, you and meistro can come and round out my game in guelph?? Dont know if you're up for the drive, but you are more than welcome!
    I moved since the last time you came out, and the game structure is a little different..PM me if you are interested and i'll send you new directions and game particulars.

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