Season 3: When to start? Any changes?

With the second season quickly wrapping up, I thought I would throw this out to all members.

When would Season 3 start?

What, if any, rule changes would you like to discuss?

There was some discussion early on to hold the next season off until late summer/early fall, but honestly, I have no problem working around summer holiday schedules and what not, so if you would like to continue playing the league during the summer, let me know.

I personally like the rules as they are now, but if someone has a recommendation to suggest, it will be considered and discussed.



  • For season 3 (if we want to have it during the summer) I would suggest that we have the games every other week for a total of 10 games, with the final game being around September or October. Or we can have just off-season games with season 3 starting in September or October (I personally have no problems with every week but know others may).

    I think that we should have a rule that if you win one week you must provide drinks and snacks for the following week. (I know AJ is a nice guy but I think people should bring some snacks from time to time).

    Also I think having the games start at 8 pm instead of 8:30 would be a good idea also.

    Just a few ideas mostly centred on the logistics and not really the format or game is self.

    BTW AJ can you post the current blind structure, I remember thinking about suggesting a minor change but can’t think of it right now.
  • Blinds are 20min

    300/600 ( I think we ONLY made it this far once or twice)
    500/1000 (WIDOW MAKER ROUND; never been reached to date)

    Like I said, I have no problem over the summer season. Actually getting more emails from interested players too, we'll see how that fairs out. The idea about the snacks would be appreciated, and also provide more variety at games. I'm sure not everyone shares MY perferences on snacks.
  • Season 3 in September works for me. but if you guys play during the summer, I'm sure I'll drop in once in a while. You know like T&T show up out of now where, win back to back suckouts then go into the hiding.

    The tweaks for season 2 have been great. I especially like the time rule. :D
    I like all of BigWhinnyChrissy's idea's like 8pm start, winner buys snacks.

    My personal pet peeve is the chip races when eliminated 5's then 25's. I know it's standard practice blah blah blah. My suggesting is to just round everybody's chips up the the next denomination. It's faster, and some short stack guy might get an extra 75 out of the deal, instead of watching his last 25 be tossed away.
  • Big Chris' points seem good. I'm okay with whatever season style is chosen.
  • I have no suggested changes for blinds, point structure etc. Seems to be working. And if it ain't broke...

    I like the idea of an 8pm start time, and the winner bringing snacks idea.

    I'd prefer not to wait until September to get things rolling seems like we've got some momentum; new, regular plyers, nice sized games etc. If we wait until September, the momentum might die down.

    I'm happy with weekly...but if people want to go bi-weekly during the summer, that's fine with me too (it just might mean some "off-season" games at our place again!).
  • We should change the game to Omaha Hi/Lo Pot Limit with Re-buys and Add-ons with Deuces wild......that would really change it up.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    We should change the game to Omaha Hi/Lo Pot Limit with Re-buys and Add-ons with Deuces wild......that would really change it up.

    ummmmmmmmmmm....NO! :rage:
  • I would also suggest a cut off time....if people have not confirmed by 6pm on Thursday then they are out. Plus also make it that the first 17 are in.
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