Terry Takes Game 11

Terry amassed a HUGE chip stack early in the game, completely dominating the first table. After the merge, he slowed it down abit, though still maintaining the chip lead for most if not all of the game. Terry took down $260 for first place.

Eleanor took down second for $150, but she struggled a couple of times to double up. Once she built a nice stack though, her heads up play against Terry was very well done. Great play both of you guys.

BusDriver managed to take third place ($110) tonight as well. This will change the leader boards yet again, and I'm sure the race for points is VERY tight now.

Tonight's chump was Derek, who was Terry's first casaulty of the evening. Been along time Derek.

File and pics will be sent out over the weekend. Have a great long weekend everyone, and hope to see everyone at the final game of Season 2 next Thursday night.



  • Leader Boards have been updated.


    This madness MUST be stopped!! :D
  • Good Game last night.

    I would have won expcet The Bus Driver had to point out that I went all-in like 7 times and sooner or later my hand wasn't going to hold up (WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MESS WITH THE FUNGUS BUS DRIVER!?!?!?)

    BTW If any one is looking for a double up you know where to find me....just make sure I have more chips then you first.........
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    BTW If any one is looking for a double up you know where to find me....

    That's what we like about you Chris. Always giving. Your continued donations to the other players are generously appreciated. :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Your continued donations to the other players are generously appreciated. :D

    That's me....I trying to have the most points with the least amount of money :'(
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