Glasgow St. Club! House Warming! Saturday!! Guelph!

Can i use any more exclimation marks?! is the deall..was thinking a 10 + 5 bounty crazy pineapple tourney, on saturday around 2 or 3 pm..maybe a little barbeque after..maybe some games of pool. who knows?!
This is a house warming party (as i just moved) and so i will be taking a 75% rake. hope that's alright with everyone. ;)
(i'm just messing about the rake!).
Let me know who is interested for the a) poker game b) BB q

Poker! (i hardly know her!)

1. Mark
2. Cowboy Mike
3. River Mike
4. Jay
5. Haren
6. Tim
7. Nadine
8. Big Mike


1. Mark
2. River Mike
3. Nadine
4. Cowboy Mike
5. Big Mike
6 Timmeehhh
7. Haren
8. Jay


  • I'm down with this!!!!

  • Wish we could be there, we have taken an extra long weekend for a mini vaca in Ottawa. We'll definately be in for anything going on next week!
  • where were you guys tonight? i though you guys were playing at kens!?
  • Why is my name not down for the BBQ. UMMMM STEAK... Hello.

  • It's cuz you dissed the Angus Burgers man, now you have learned your lesson.
  • I'm in for poker and BBQ! PM directions please. Thanks.
  • I know where he lives if i could get a lift. What was the number again????
  • 225..i'll PM directions to everyone who needs them tonight! :)
  • I need directions plus what time is the bbq, plus what is everyone bringing??? Just so i know what i should bring!!! ps River is that your sister's picture!!!!!!!!!

  • No it is not.
  • I'm pretty sure it is his sister..i've met her..she's pretty hot.

    As far as what people are bringing..

    Haren : Something from his resturant
    Mark and Nadine : Meat (ie/ hamburgers and hot dogs..and buns)
    Mike Chicken
    Cowboy Mike : Steak!
    Big Mike : Dimonds
    Tim: Gold
    ...okay, the dimonds and gold are unconfirmed, but if they do show up they go to first and second place respectively..
    Game starts at 5pm. BBQ happens at the break.

    Should be good times :)
  • I'll bring corn or some kind of salad. Maybe some cookies for dessert too. Don't hold your breathe on the gold thing.
    Mark, can you PM directions? Cowboy Mike, I will pick you up at 4:45.
    I predict good, good times.
  • Can't make it out :'(

    Looks like a ton of fun!!!
  • so is it byo-meat or just bring something..if so, I'll also bring some kind of dessert
  • yeah, it's bring something.. :) dessert, meat, whatever! :) i think we will have enough meat, so it's all good....directions PM'D
  • Can some people chip in some cash for the steaks. Let me know what everyone likes.
  • yeah i lied it is my sister. mark was right.
  • So Mike umm Can i get her number than. :D
  • No steak for me, thx. Veggie Boy will bring a veggie burger.
  • Okay i need numbers people.
  • I've got chicken marinating all day so thats what i'm bringing, no hard feelings eh

  • Good Game as always Mark
    Maybe next time you can burn all your money
    River Mike
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