Stupid Things I Have Done

I light of Beanie's not about the 24hour Bender. What are some really stupid things you have done?

With a previous job I was required to drive to Halifax from Toronto. Because of some really stupid things someone else did, I left at 5pm. Since I hate Quebec, I refused to stop at any point in Quebec to get a hotel room (Montreal was too close) and I drove on through to New Brunswick, by 6am or so I was getting weary and decided to pull over at a Truck rest station. I slept for about an hour and started to drive. It wasn't for about another hour before I realised that I was driving back to where I came from.
In the end I got to Halifax at around 3pm.

Now that was stupid. And the worst part is that isn't the stupidest thing I've done.


  • I decked a very close friend of my mine several years ago. (I was very drunk and very tired) Not only has he not spoken to me since, (not that I can blame him) but it cost me 10 other friendships. Amazing how one split-second decision can change your life. Easily the dumbest thing I've ever done.

  • I slept for about an hour and started to drive. It wasn't for about another hour before I realised that I was driving back to where I came from.

    My wife and her sister's are incredibly bad with directions. One of her sister's lives in Beamsville and for a couple of weeks the Beamsville exit on the QEW was closed. So the instruction's were to get off the exit before and drive the service road to the Beamsville exit. So my wife and one sister go to visit the 3rd sister in Beamsville. Dutifully they exit the QEW one exit early, drive the north service road the wrong way, back WEST another exit, drive back over the QEW and take the south service road EAST two exits, to Beamsville. Incredibly the two sisters repeat this idiocy two days in a row. Finally on the third trip, it is my wife and I in the car, and she begins to repeat the journey for the third time and she insists that because the exit is closed that this is now the correct way to get to Beamsville.
  • I'm going shopping for fireworks tomorrow. I'll post my story monday.
  • called an all-in hoping for runner-runner.

  • Good God, to narrow it down to just a few?

    When I was younger, maybe 10-12 I came home from school and was locked out, likely due to me forgetting my keys? I found a hammer and a long spike outside...not sure why they were there? I thought that if I just pounded the door enough it would open? there must have been over 100 holes in the door when my Mom finally came home.....that was when I learned how hard she could really punch. At 13 or 14 my brother and his buddy were bothering me, I snapped and as my brother ducked into the bathroom I threw a hockey puck through the door....well it went through the first part and almost the second, it was a hollow wood door...that was when I found out how hard my Dad could punch! Around the same time playing street hockey a buddy of mine did something really bad to me, I forget what, maybe he took the ball from me or stopped my shot, either way we got into it and yes he took my hockey stick full bore on the top of the his eyes glazed over a bit he did not drop, instead, I found out exactly how hard he could punch!
    Looking back I think I was an angry child....that and I got punched a lot?
  • 1. Drinking and Driving - through highschool and university, way too often (not that even once is acceptable!)

    I used to be one of those people who don't normally make the right decision when I've had a few too many...
    I'd sneak out and drive home, even when my friends would do their best to stop me. I had a few very close calls
    when I was younger, and probably used up more than my share of near misses through my high school and university years.

    A wife and 2 kids has definitely helped me grow out of this...but I often remind myself that I'm the only one that can make the right choice for me,
    and right now, at this very moment, while I'm stone cold sober, I can make the decision to never, ever, do this again. Lather, rinse, repeat
    as often as necessary. I find comfort in this idea now, because there'so much riding on you as an adult - that last thing you ever want to
    do is let your kids down.

    I know there's a lot of 20 something's on this board and maybe someone can use this to save themselves and others grief one day :)

    2. (On a lighter note, but still throwing in a few beers...)
    21st B-day, trip tp Buffalo with a few collage buddies living in St home in one piece, decided to
    play a game of darts (he only had 2 darts) with some artwork my buddy's roommate bored after 2 throws,
    there just happened to be a can of Molly Grease in the room, so I set it on top of the back of the couch, right in front
    of the artwork, went approx 20 ft to the other end of the room...first dart missed by a couple of inches, you can guess
    the rest :'(

    Needless to say, my buddy was :rage::rage::rage: We lost touch. Really regret doing this.
  • This happened one night after some friends and I were out a bar drinking. My roomate and his girlfriend left the bar and took the only set of house keys we brought with them. I took a cab home about an hour later only to find our door still locked and all the lights off. I rang the doorbell and knocked but no one answered. I figured that they were either both passed out asleep or aware that I was there but having some fun at my expense or that they possibly might have gone to her place instead. None of these possiblities or the prospect of sleeping on my lawn were making me very happy. I decided to get in my garage (we had a keypad that could open the garage door from outside) and kick in the door into the home from there.
    My reasoning was that the a small chunk of wood obstructing the bolt part of the deadbolt would pop out and I could fix that no problem. After 2 powerful boots the door opened. Unfortunately the whole door (along with half of the door frame) went crashing into our house. It was destroyed. My roomate and his girlfriend got home roughly twenty minutes later. It was a nice night so they decided to walk home. Needless to say he was not impressed. It wouldn't be so bad if that was the first or only time that I damaged our home.
    Another time, after we were priming up before heading out (drinking before hand), I was last one out and came rushing down the stairs to join everyone else in the cab. A took a spill and went tumbling down the stairs only to leap up at the bottom and come limping outta the house. I woke up on our couch the next morning with a a pounding headache and a decent sized hole in the wall at the bottom of the stairs.
    Ahhh... the drunken escapades of reckless youth.

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