Online Poker Tourney Using DD Tournament Poker 2.0

Hi all,
I want to do a large online tourney using this new program I got. I can create a tourney with up to 5000 players and any style of play. I was thinking $10-25 buy-in with the possibility of higher stakes down the road. This is an awesome program and it would allow regulars to play. I would like to start a league eventually and send some guys to the WSOP and other events. Need feedback. Thanks.


  • Hey, now that you've changed the name of the thread, I'm most definitely in!!!

    I'll be at BBC's fireplace Sunday at 7pm sharp, thanks again!!!
  • Seriously dude, establish some credibility before you ask strangers to trust you. Who holds the money? How do you arrange for payouts? Why should people trust you? I was concerned about how you could host large tourneys until I researched the software.

    The software looks interesting. It can be purchased from for 19.99. According to the maker's website, each user has to have their own copy of the software with a unique activation code. Or do you have a cracked version? So we should trust a thief more?

    A league is a great idea. Start off very small (i.e. low or no buy-in) and build up some momentum.
  • Forget credibility, what's the draw? Do you offer any overlay, bonus, rakeback, etc.? How about player base, established reputation, security? No offense, but what makes this in anyway worthwhile compared to the other on-line sites, let alone better? Even if you have a solid rep, you simply don't have a marketable product. You're trying to sell a pinto when we all own sports cars - wrong market. Sorry...
  • How can you expect a rakeback or bonus if there is no rake? I think you missed the point, Beanie.

    This would have been a great idea for CNPL. Whatever happened?
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    How can you expect a rakeback or bonus if there is no rake? I think you missed the point, Beanie.
    Picky, picky :) . My point is that the benefits of the established sites far outweigh this idea, IMO.
  • Ok. The reason I like the established sites is I know my money is safe and easy to get at. I wish I could feel I wasn't being cheated there too but I'm not so sure anymore.

    Some of the benefits you mention are driven by rake. So you're paying for them.

    If the guy could get this going, the player base would be there. To me, this sounds a lot like what CNPL was supposed to be. It just never got the player base. For lots of reasons. It would be great to run satellites without the 10% overhead.
  • I'm not trying to compete with any site, just want to start something more local and put a league together or team. I like this program and would like to start some kind of tourney. I also have Poker Academy Pro which is an excellent program developed by U of A. I'm just tired of all the collusion and cheating out there.
  • As far as entry and rakes go. Obviously there would be no rake during the tourney. I would have a small additional fee like online tourneys and put it into a pot so that we could send point leaders to various tourneys around the world. If you want my credibility or trust we can start off with $5+1 buyin. I am no crook just an entrepreneur. You can purchase the program yourself or I can give you my activation code.
  • I am no crook just an entrepreneur. You can purchase the program yourself or I can give you my activation code.

    That's funny. Sounds like something Nixon (or Black) might have said. From their website:
    Also note, version 2 requires a unique activation number for each copy when playing online or LAN.

    I like your idea in principal. This provides a way for people who love tourneys to avoid the rake. I haven't really seen how you address the money in/out scenarios. How are people getting money to you? How are you paying the winners? My recommendation would be to start off with no $$$ to avoid these issues. Then you are faced with what motivation have to play their A game. I guess mainly for bragging rights on this forum. Not sure if that would be enough. It would be a great tool for new tourny players to learn in a low risk environment. You might be able to convince one of the admins here to set up a separate forum in the home games section. Once you get enough people involved, you could probably convince some of them to trust you with some $$$. (Stars is a good way to transfer $$$ around but I'm not sure how frequently you could do this before they'd get suspicious.)

    Best of luck.

    p.s. I have Poker Academy Pro as well. If you ever want to set up a tourney with that, I'd be willing to give that a shot to see how it works.
  • As far as entry and rakes go. Obviously there would be no rake during the tourney. I would have a small additional fee like online tourneys and put it into a pot so that we could send point leaders to various tourneys around the world. If you want my credibility or trust we can start off with $5+1 buyin. I am no crook just an entrepreneur. You can purchase the program yourself or I can give you my activation code.

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhh, I get it. There would be no rake except, of course, for the small rake!!! You, sir, are a genius!!! BACK TO THE FIREPLACE I A GO!!!
  • First off, GTA quit writing. You are a waste of skin and a waste of cpf dollars. Second, the only reason I don't want to do a free tourney is because too many goofs will play like morons because there is nothing on the line. For them it will be a crap shoot. As far as transferring money around I would use neteller or firepay or paypal. Whatever people prefer.
  • Obviously there would be no rake during the tourney. I would have a small additional fee like online tourneys and put it into a pot so that we could send point leaders to various tourneys around the world. If you want my credibility or trust we can start off with $5+1 buyin.
    GTA raises a valid point, since this appears to be a rake. Even keeping it for the points leader is similar to how on-line sites put on freerolls and leaderboard tournaments, and all of these are paid for by rake.
    As far as transferring money around I would use neteller or firepay or paypal. Whatever people prefer.
    All of these services have associated fees for transferring money around, which is usually absorbed by the on-line site. While the "rake" or "service fee" or "point leader tourney" amounts may be smaller than at normal on-line sites, I can't see how I can transfer you $5 and there would be $5 in the prize pool. Could you please provide some details of how you would handle these fees, since I assume it won't be out of pocket, and confirm whether $5 payment = $5 prize-pool?
  • First off, GTA quit writing. You are a waste of skin and a waste of cpf dollars.

    Yes, you have made so many insightful posts on our forum, thanks again.

    You are charging no rake except for the rake and you are trying to make a nice local game over the internet. Oh yeah, you are just an entrepreneur who is not trying to make any money. You are both an oxymoron and a moron.

    Myself, I have a real job and play poker part-time. I have no need to scam people or make contradicting statements whilst trying to continually push a take of 20% rake ($5+1) off ot a game of which noone has expressed any interest and of which, infact, everyone has expressed ZERO interest.

    Back to rolling fags in the village for you.
  • I would have a small additional fee like online tourneys and put it into a pot so that we could send point leaders to various tourneys around the world

    Please tell how that is not a rake.

    you want my credibility or trust we can start off with $5+1 buyin.

    +1..wait you're right how could we possibly think there was a rake.
    Second, the only reason I don't want to do a free tourney is because too many goofs will play like morons because there is nothing on the line.

    Have you ever played on-line? There are a lot of goofs that do that regardless.

    Think about what you are asking. Transferring money, no matter what amount, to someone I don't know and have no idea where they even are. Not too mention what the integrity of the tournament would be.

    Lastly, I find it hard to trust someone who quickly turns to name calling when someone makes some vaild points about their idea.

    Drop the idea, I am pretty sure I speal for most of the forum when I say that your idea won't fly here.
  • I would have a small additional fee like online tourneys and put it into a pot so that we could send point leaders to various tourneys around the world

    Please tell how that is not a rake.
    I don't see it as a rake if the money is going back to the players in one form or another i.e. the point leaders at the end of the season share in this accumulated prize. That's how I interpret what he's saying. Obviously others are interpreting differently.
  • The "we could send point leaders to various tournaments around the world" part. How much does he expect to get?

    It also goes back to only certain players, most likely the people that play the most, like for example, say.uh the guy running the tournaments.

    And any + to any tournament is a rake in terms of the law. He would sit on this money in some form or another for long periods of time.
  • The "we could send point leaders to various tournaments around the world" part. How much does he expect to get?

    It also goes back to only certain players, most likely the people that play the most, like for example, say.uh the guy running the tournaments.

    And any + to any tournament is a rake in terms of the law. He would sit on this money in some form or another for long periods of time.
    Well, he was originally looking to get 1000 players at 120 a pop. So you could pretty much hit any tourney you wanted. Obviously he has lowered his target to get this thing going.

    With the 'league' concept, most players commit to playing on a regular basis. From that you cannot assume the guy running the tourney is necessarily the points leader at the end of the season. In fact, this guy has to do a hell of a lot of work to organize things and this is really a labour of love.

    These leagues with season ending prizes all collect some money as things go along. I don't think they care if they are somewhat outside of the law.

    Like I said before, I think this guy's biggest challenge here is he has not established any credibility so the naysayers are happily piling on. Too bad since I'd really like to see something along these lines get going. CNPL was an interesting idea but it never really got going.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Like I said before, I think this guy's biggest challenge here is he has not established any credibility so the naysayers are happily piling on. Too bad since I'd really like to see something along these lines get going. CNPL was an interesting idea but it never really got going.
    You are right about the credibility, since if somebody with a track record made this suggestion (like Zithal), that wouldn't be an issue. However, there are other issues than credibility (like I've pointed out).

    If there is a "+1", is it strictly for an "end-of-season" prize, or are there other fees to take care of (like the Neteller charges I mentioned, for example). Maybe the fees are minuscule (like $0.50 on $100) and players will happily pay since it's lower than anything else around. The problem is that the organizer has not CLEARLY detailed how this would work. Further, his comments have indicated that he isn't fully aware of all of these issues, and has not done the required up-front research in order to be a competent host.

    As a constructive suggestion, figure out the details of how this would work and post them - than we can make an honest evaluation. Posting a "pie-in-the-sky" idea with no plan is only going to generate a lot of "what about" questions, not interest.
  • I agree completely, Beanie. I hate crapping on the guy since it's nice to see someone interested in getting something like this set up. But ya, the details have got to be worked out before anyone will put in any cash.
  • This concept being brought by a guy with 5 posts is so ridicuously comical I don't know what to do.

    Guys, stop being so wishy-washy, it's a half-baked idea from someone with zero credibility. Zing away!

    SpankMyA$$: Post here for a year or two and then attempt to steal our money, you may have a better shot at it.
  • "so what was that lab fee for?"
  • BBC Z wrote:
    This concept being brought by a guy with 5 posts is so ridicuously comical I don't know what to do.

    Guys, stop being so wishy-washy, it's a half-baked idea from someone with zero credibility. Zing away!

    SpankMyA$$: Post here for a year or two and then attempt to steal our money, you may have a better shot at it.

    In a slightly off-topic response, I feel a bit strange in that BBC and I have been agreeing in almost every thread in the past couple of days, I almost like the little bitch
  • I want to know what will make this work. What do you the players want? I want something CANADIAN!! Not some sh(t site or sites like CDPoker or Titan that are run from some hut in the Caribbean. Even Poker Stars is iffy. I love how all these sites say they are anti-cheating and anti-collusion but are they serious!! NO, they only care about getting your money. Another thing, these programs I have don't seem to have any cheats built specifically for them. I tried this guys program out that can actually change your hole cards in Party Poker. Do you know how many boiler rooms there are in online poker? 100's maybe 1000's. I may not have any credibility but I gotta start somewhere. For you guys that have nothing constructive to say, BEAT IT! I don't want whiners and complainers. I like the comments from some of you and appreciate your understanding. Tell me what you would like to do as far as format. I am going to start posting info on my website soon and locally to get this going. I know I could put a magnet sign on main street here and have 200 players within a month if not more.
  • Yes, I'm sure that your software is less penitrable by cheats than that of the billion dollar companies' with everything on the line.

    Your concept sounds well thought out and concrete is every aspect.

    Can someone ban this fool already?
  • Hey GTA, let me know where you play and your handle so when I turn on my 5 pc's I can rape you. LOL!!!
  • Hey! I just caught up on this thread. I'm ready to sign up... where do I burn my money?

  • Hey GTA, let me know where you play and your handle so when I turn on my 5 pc's I can rape you. LOL!!!

    Well, this certainly sounds like someone whom I'd like to give money to for his game with his...ahem...uncheatable software.

    Kid, your mom is calling, she needs the computer now.
  • g2 wrote:
    Hey! I just caught up on this thread. I'm ready to sign up... where do I burn my money?


    I think we settled on BBC's place, date and time pending
  • SpankMyThighs,
    Youre not going to get anyone to agree to this by trying ot preach the benefits of your software over the 'cheat-ridden' big boys.

    No one here knows who you are. You have like 8 posts. Youre asking people to essentially give you their money, and hope that if they win it will eventually be given back to them.

    Basically, what you are offering is nothing more than a guy walking up to you on the street and saying "hey buddy, can I hold some of your money and give it back to you at a later date?"

    People have no reason to trust you with their money, and with good reason since:

    1) You are unwilling to hold a freeroll to get people using the software and help establish yourself.

    2) You are unwilling to hold the tournament as a private tourney on Poker Stars, which is apparently a cheat-infested hut in the Caribbean. (p.s., as far as anyone here is concerned, you may very well be posting from a hut in the caribbean)

    Honestly man, if you actually ARE legitemate, and you actually want to get a league started with real money tourneys, then the way youre going about it is ridiculous.

    Youre asking people to trust their money to a complete stranger with internet annonymity and the ability to disappear at any time. But hey, if you think that sounds legit, then I wouldnt be surprised if you were doing all this to try and raise money to buy one of those bargain patches of land in Florida.

    You need to seriously rethink your whole concept here
  • BBC Z wrote:
    SpankMyA$$: Post here for a year or two and then attempt to steal our money, you may have a better shot at it.

    Im doing the same thing. It's a $25 entry with a small tourney fee ($10). I have TONS of people allready signed up (me, buddy, my other account, allaces). Payout: 1st 10%, 2nd 7%, 3rd you pay an extra 5% of total prize pool. PM me and I will take your moola......I mean sign you up.
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