Date for TOC

Just to give AJ a little guidance on what dates work for the most people.


  • Thanks Greg. This will help out quite abit.
  • I voted for the first two. But I'm easy - any Thursday would be fine by me.
  • I am in Florida the week of the 8th so I would really appreciate it if we did not do it that week, other then that I dont care.
  • I'm good for the 1st or 8th
  • JUNE 1ST IT IS!!

    Mark this day on your calendar. Tattoo it on your foreheads. Recite it 10,000 times in your prayers. Drive your spouses nuts by repeatedly saying "TOC; JUNE 1" over and over again. Do what you have to do, BUT DON'T MISS THIS GAME!!

    That is, IF you qualify to even play in it :D
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