the Turney follow up letter----(by Ivan)

For people showing up on the $100 buyin+  20 bounty, 1000dollar garenteed touney,

  I'm the organizer of the tourney. the tourney was supposed started at 7pm, however due to some personal issue, I wan't able to make it to the location myself, plus the poor pre-notice to the onwer Cavin, causing the tourney unsuccessful and let some of supportive friends disappointed. I am turely sorry and self condemed. Also, I was thankful for the onwer Cavin, his support and his way to handle the situation eventhough I pretty messed up that day.  Cavin always runs great game both tournament and live game, and has always been supportive to me as wanting me to be successful in game hosting. I'm ashamed that I let him down.   

Please allow me to re-evaluate my plan, and find a way to make a fun and big game for anyone who interested.

If anyone has question regards to that day, any comments at all, u are more than welcome to call me 4168780967, or the future plan.

I will always thank your support and understanding!



  • update: 16 players already confirmed, pls hurry up to claim one spot for you!!
  • Congrats go out to Ivan for running two very successful tournaments yesterday and today. All the players who I've spoken to enjoyed themselves tremendously and all are eager to return next Thursday and Friday to get it on once again. These two $40 re-buy tournaments had payouts of $950 and $1000 respectively. If anyone is interested in getting in on these very friendly and competitive tournaments, please contact Ivan above or myself below to get your seat. They run every Thurdays and Fridays at 7pm. I look forward to seeing everyone here again next week and keep up the good work Ivan.

  • we have only few people confirmed, so if you want invest little and win big, it is your chance.....
  • we have only few people confirmed, so if you want invest little and win big, it is your chance.....

    So. My first time out. I had a good time.
    Great place, Good bunch of guys.

    But just a question for Ivan.
    Are you planning on doing anything for the guys who showed up for the $1000 "Guaranteed" tourney?
    I was quite dissappointed in coming all the way down for a "guaranteed" tourney which never ran.

    But just to reitterate, Dan, Kevin, Esther, it was nice to meet all of you, and I will definitely be back. :)

  • bump.
  • James,

    I'm glad you had a good time despite the tournament not happening. I share your disappointment and would like to make it up to you and everyone who showed up for the tourney. I am extending a free buy-in to the next tournament that you guys enter into at the club.

  • So, I assume you are talking about a free buy-in to a 6 handed $1000 guaranteed freezout as promised previously?
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    So, I assume you are talking about a free buy-in to a 6 handed $1000 guaranteed freezout as promised previously?
    I promised, not the club, they have nothing to do with the whole credibility crisis. U can say anything you want to me ,but the club has nothing to do with it, me and kevin just friend, and he trusted me by letting me use his facility.
    you can reach me with this # 4168780967
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    So, I assume you are talking about a free buy-in to a 6 handed $1000 guaranteed freezout as promised previously?
    I promised, not the club, they have nothing to do with the whole credibility crisis. U can say anything you want to me ,but the club has nothing to do with it, me and kevin just friend, and he trusted me by letting me use his facility.
    you can reach me with this # 4168780967
    Actually, the club DOES has something to do with it.
    You may have been running this tourney, but when The Nutz advertises it, it becomes their tournament and their credibility to lose.
    You lost it for them.
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