More boring ass hand histories...

... for your "bored at work" entertainment, or lack thereof.

$500 SNG.  Crazy start for me... any comments appreciated.

Game #4282549210 starts.

#Game No : 4282549210
***** Hand History for Game 4282549210 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $530 Buy-in Trny:23624644 Level:1 Blinds(20/40) - Tuesday, May 16, 03:06:37 ET 2006
Table Speed Quarterpounder (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: sandstorm05 ( $2000 )
Seat 2: besttony79 ( $2000 )
Seat 5: WangoTango11 ( $2000 )
Seat 7: MajorPolk ( $2000 )
Seat 10: dolphin ( $2000 )
Seat 8: Aces_All ( $2000 )
Seat 9: TheAsgard ( $2000 )
Seat 3: csk307 ( $2000 )
Seat 6: Californya ( $2000 )
Seat 4: Wonginator ( $2000 )
Trny:23624644 Level:1
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Aces_All [  Ad Jd ]
Californya folds.
MajorPolk folds.
Aces_All raises [100].
TheAsgard folds.
dolphin folds.
sandstorm05 folds.
besttony79 calls [100].
csk307 folds.
Wonginator calls [80].
WangoTango11 calls [60].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8d, Ah, 5s ]
Wonginator checks.
WangoTango11 checks.
Aces_All checks.
besttony79 bets [275].
Wonginator folds.
WangoTango11 folds.
Aces_All calls [275].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 3c ]
Aces_All checks.
besttony79 bets [350].
Aces_All calls [350].
** Dealing River ** [ Ts ]
Aces_All checks.
besttony79 checks.
Aces_All shows [ Ad, Jd ] a pair of aces.
besttony79 doesn't show [ 9c, 9h ] a pair of nines.
Aces_All wins 1650 chips from  the main pot  with a pair of aces.
Game #4282555389 starts.

***skip one hand where I was dealt 72o and folded***

#Game No : 4282558014
***** Hand History for Game 4282558014 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $530 Buy-in Trny:23624644 Level:1 Blinds(20/40) - Tuesday, May 16, 03:08:23 ET 2006
Table Speed Quarterpounder (Real Money)
Seat 5 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: sandstorm05 ( $2000 )
Seat 2: besttony79 ( $1195 )
Seat 5: WangoTango11 ( $1880 )
Seat 7: MajorPolk ( $2000 )
Seat 10: dolphin ( $2000 )
Seat 8: Aces_All ( $2925 )
Seat 9: TheAsgard ( $2000 )
Seat 3: csk307 ( $2180 )
Seat 6: Californya ( $1920 )
Seat 4: Wonginator ( $1900 )
Trny:23624644 Level:1
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Aces_All [  Kd Kh ]
Aces_All raises [125].
TheAsgard folds.
dolphin folds.
sandstorm05 folds.
besttony79 calls [125].
csk307 calls [125].
Wonginator calls [125].

WangoTango11 folds.
Californya calls [105].
Aces_All: geez
MajorPolk will be using his time bank for this hand.
Aces_All: cmon polk
MajorPolk calls [85].

** Dealing Flop ** [ 2s, Td, 6c ]
Aces_All: waters fine
Californya checks.
MajorPolk checks.
Aces_All bets [425].
besttony79 folds.
csk307 calls [425].
Wonginator folds.
Californya folds.
MajorPolk folds.
** Dealing Turn ** [ 3h ]
Aces_All bets [525].
csk307 is all-In  [1630]
Aces_All calls [1105].
** Dealing River ** [ 4h ]
Aces_All shows [ Kd, Kh ] a pair of kings.
csk307 shows [ 2h, 2d ] three of a kind, twos.
csk307 wins 4860 chips from  the main pot  with three of a kind, twos.
Game #4282565620 starts.

#Game No : 4282565620
***** Hand History for Game 4282565620 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $530 Buy-in Trny:23624644 Level:1 Blinds(20/40) - Tuesday, May 16, 03:09:57 ET 2006
Table Speed Quarterpounder (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: sandstorm05 ( $2000 )
Seat 2: besttony79 ( $1070 )
Seat 5: WangoTango11 ( $1880 )
Seat 7: MajorPolk ( $1875 )
Seat 10: dolphin ( $2000 )
Seat 8: Aces_All ( $745 )
Seat 9: TheAsgard ( $2000 )
Seat 3: csk307 ( $4860 )
Seat 6: Californya ( $1795 )
Seat 4: Wonginator ( $1775 )
Trny:23624644 Level:1
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Aces_All [  Td Ad ]
TheAsgard folds.
dolphin folds.
sandstorm05 folds.
besttony79 calls [40].
Aces_All: easy as a one in nine shot!  (Technically, it was about 9.5:1 against, which makes it a "one in ten and a half" shot, but oh well.)
csk307 raises [100].
Wonginator folds.
WangoTango11 folds.
Californya folds.
MajorPolk folds.
Aces_All calls [60].
besttony79 calls [60].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 2s, 8d, Tc ]
Aces_All checks.
besttony79 checks.
csk307 bets [350].
Aces_All is all-In  [645]
besttony79 folds.
csk307 calls [295].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 7h ]
** Dealing River ** [ 3c ]
csk307 shows [ Th, As ] a pair of tens.
Aces_All shows [ Td, Ad ] a pair of tens.
Aces_All wins 805 chips from  the main pot  with a pair of tens.
csk307 wins 805 chips from  the main pot  with a pair of tens.
Game #4282570118 starts.

#Game No : 4282570118
***** Hand History for Game 4282570118 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $530 Buy-in Trny:23624644 Level:1 Blinds(20/40) - Tuesday, May 16, 03:10:53 ET 2006
Table Speed Quarterpounder (Real Money)
Seat 7 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: sandstorm05 ( $2000 )
Seat 2: besttony79 ( $970 )
Seat 5: WangoTango11 ( $1880 )
Seat 7: MajorPolk ( $1855 )
Seat 10: dolphin ( $2000 )
Seat 8: Aces_All ( $805 )
Seat 9: TheAsgard ( $2000 )
Seat 3: csk307 ( $4920 )
Seat 6: Californya ( $1795 )
Seat 4: Wonginator ( $1775 )
Trny:23624644 Level:1
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Aces_All [  Td Ts ]
dolphin calls [40].
sandstorm05 folds.
besttony79 calls [40].
csk307 folds.
Wonginator folds.
WangoTango11 folds.
Californya folds.
MajorPolk folds.
Aces_All is all-In  [785]
TheAsgard folds.
dolphin calls [765].
besttony79 folds.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 5s, 8c, 9s ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ Qs ]
** Dealing River ** [ Js ]
dolphin shows [ Jh, Jc ] three of a kind, jacks.
Aces_All shows [ Td, Ts ] a flush, queen high.
Aces_All wins 1690 chips from  the main pot  with a flush, queen high.
Game #4282573556 starts.

***Skip one hand where I was dealt A7o and folded to a 15XBB open-raise***

(I'm tellin' ya... some of these SNG's play like the $2.50 buy-in ones I watch and comment on during PNL....)

#Game No : 4282576500
***** Hand History for Game 4282576500 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $530 Buy-in Trny:23624644 Level:2 Blinds(30/60) - Tuesday, May 16, 03:12:13 ET 2006
Table Speed Quarterpounder (Real Money)
Seat 9 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: sandstorm05 ( $1940 )
Seat 2: besttony79 ( $2010 )
Seat 5: WangoTango11 ( $1880 )
Seat 7: MajorPolk ( $1855 )
Seat 10: dolphin ( $1135 )
Seat 8: Aces_All ( $1690 )
Seat 9: TheAsgard ( $1930 )
Seat 3: csk307 ( $3990 )
Seat 6: Californya ( $1795 )
Seat 4: Wonginator ( $1775 )
Trny:23624644 Level:2
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Aces_All [  Jh Ah ]
besttony79 folds.
csk307 folds.
Wonginator folds.
WangoTango11 folds.
Californya calls [60].
MajorPolk folds.
Aces_All raises [170].
TheAsgard folds.
dolphin folds.
sandstorm05 calls [110].
Californya calls [110].
** Dealing Flop ** [ Jd, 2d, Jc ]
sandstorm05 checks.
Californya checks.
Aces_All bets [300].
sandstorm05 raises [900].
Californya folds.
Aces_All calls [600].
** Dealing Turn ** [ 6s ]
sandstorm05 bets [818].
Aces_All is all-In  [620]
** Dealing River ** [ Qh ]
sandstorm05 shows [ 8d, 9d ] a pair of jacks.
Aces_All shows [ Jh, Ah ] three of a kind, jacks.
sandstorm05 wins 198 chips from  side pot #1  with a pair of jacks.
Aces_All wins 3580 chips from  the main pot  with three of a kind, jacks.
Game #4282580767 starts.

EDIT: I just took it down... 3rd first place finish of the night.  There were a lot of interesting hands... I was a bit of a nut... but I picked two you will all hate the most.

#Game No : 4282621527  (disclaimer: I have history with MajorPolk.  He is my nemesis.  But slowly, slowly, I am becoming his nemesis.)

***** Hand History for Game 4282621527 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $530 Buy-in Trny:23624644 Level:4 Blinds(100/200) - Tuesday, May 16, 03:22:50 ET 2006
Table Speed Quarterpounder (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 9
Seat 2: besttony79 ( $1650 )
Seat 5: WangoTango11 ( $1890 )
Seat 7: MajorPolk ( $2005 )
Seat 10: dolphin ( $955 )
Seat 8: Aces_All ( $3380 )
Seat 9: TheAsgard ( $2130 )
Seat 3: csk307 ( $4490 )
Seat 6: Californya ( $1315 )
Seat 4: Wonginator ( $2185 )
Trny:23624644 Level:4
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Aces_All [  9h 9d ]
TheAsgard folds.
>You have options at Dark House Table!.
dolphin folds.
besttony79 folds.
csk307 folds.
Wonginator folds.
WangoTango11 folds.
Californya folds.
MajorPolk is all-In  [1905]
Aces_All calls [1805].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4c, Kh, Qc ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ 6h ]
** Dealing River ** [ 7c ]
MajorPolk shows [ Ah, 8d ] high card ace.
Aces_All shows [ 9h, 9d ] a pair of nines.
Aces_All wins 4010 chips from  the main pot  with a pair of nines.
MajorPolk finished in ninth place.
Game #4282623365 starts.

And on the bubble...

#Game No : 4282644911
***** Hand History for Game 4282644911 *****
NL Texas Hold'em $530 Buy-in Trny:23624644 Level:5 Blinds(200/400) - Tuesday, May 16, 03:29:05 ET 2006
Table Speed Quarterpounder (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 4
Seat 5: WangoTango11 ( $6565 )
Seat 8: Aces_All ( $6960 )
Seat 3: csk307 ( $3290 )
Seat 6: Californya ( $3185 )
Trny:23624644 Level:5
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to Aces_All [  9h 9s ]
Aces_All raises [1400].
csk307 folds.
WangoTango11 is all-In  [6365]
Californya folds.
Aces_All calls [5165].
** Dealing Flop ** [ Kc, Ah, 8d ]
** Dealing Turn ** [ As ]
** Dealing River ** [ 9d ]
Aces_All shows [ 9h, 9s ] a full house, Nines full of aces.
WangoTango11 shows [ Tc, Js ] a pair of aces.
Aces_All wins 13530 chips from  the main pot  with a full house, Nines full of aces.
WangoTango11 finished in fourth place.
Game #4282646159 starts.
Aces_All: yes
Aces_All: i'm that crazy
Aces_All: on the bubble
Aces_All: allin with nines


  • sometimes you just wish you could pick up a playable hand ... jeez

    gg sir
  • Maybe this is a stupid comment but what I find crazy is Wango, the other big stack, coming over the top all-in with TJo on the bubble.....could someone explain why?
  • Big E wrote:
    Maybe this is a stupid comment but what I find crazy is Wango, the other big stack, coming over the top all-in with TJo on the bubble.....could someone explain why?

    Because A_A is supposed to fold like everything to him there :D

    That call is marginally +cEV at best but must be pretty badly -$EV on the bubble.
  • SirWatts wrote:
    Big E wrote:
    That call is marginally +cEV at best but must be pretty badly -$EV on the bubble.

    LOL... yes it is. Like I said in the chat... I'm THAT crazy.
  • That is fuckin way to crazy. Might i ask what the point of making that play was. I agree with it on the bubble of a MTT since first place is everything, but isn't the idea in SNG that the first and only rule is ... make the money. That is my understanding of a long-term strategy.

    Mind you every guy who plays those regularly and was watching just made a note, to never mess with you near the bubble :)
  • haha... yeah, I have a long-standing deal with myself: don't wuss out near the bubble.

    That being said, I wouldn't make that call with 99 NOT on the bubble, so why do I go out of my way to make it ON the bubble, when I should (in theory) be LESS willing to make marginal plays against big stacks? 

    As SirWatts pointed out, I called because I was supposed to fold, and my opponent knew I was supposed to fold.  The problem is that with 99 it's still a coin-flip against a LOT of hands.  I'M THAT CRAZY!
  • wow, I'm speechless
    now i know what to expect in the next Team Canuck tourney, lol
    Very intersting hands you had there....
    still, speechless
  • Haha. Best reaction yet!
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