Silly Question

Changing your Avatar to a Girl does that give you a slight advantage?...People tend to call you down more....Just wondering if this is an Online Myth


  • I dont know about other people but for me I play poker against the gals the same as any other guy, I try to figure out their game and use it to my advantage.
  • I have a female avatar on one site and I do get called more often. I am not sure if it is the players at his site or the fact that I have a female avatar. But I have noticed a difference.
  • I'm female on all sites, when I get no cards I touch my boobs
  • I often wondered this too. but at the same time, do you really want people calling you all the time? I leave me stars icon blank, people can play me by how I play them.
  • I tend to make lots of stoned references and use my nick to my advantage. I like people thinking I'm out to play for fun and smoke a few while I play. Not quite the same thing but I do notice the nights on the chat box I talk about smoking a few and please escuse my play because I'm high that I get called down lots. especially if I show a few bad raises first then tighten right up.
  • not sure if this helps ... but my avatar is a green one-eyed alien and I do notice i get people asking me for anal probes a lot more than any other avatars do
  • I use a female avatar on some sites, and results vary greatly. Some don't care, others spent all their time hitting on you...
  • If the chicks would hit on me I'd use a female avatar too.....
  • I have a dog pic on stars....
    maybe i should put my pic on there
    see if i get called down more...?

  • Maybe it's just me, but this seems counter-intuitive. Ie. at the B&M, if a girl/woman is betting, in general, I'm less likely to put them on a bluff than a guy...
  • Yes, in general, female B+M players are weak tight
  • g-didi wrote:
    I have a dog pic on stars....
    maybe i should put my pic on there
    see if i get called down more...?

    i ve never been a big fan of the pet avatar myself, no offence Gina. It just seems to me that alot of people use there pet pics. As far as playing as a female avatar, I just could not do it. I don t play down lady's also.
    Hey Gina, I didn't know that you were from London, that's cool I live in the north....part of the city.
  • i dont care what you do...i just dont want to see any more ugly babies
  • GTA Poker wrote:
    i dont care what you do...i just dont want to see any more ugly babies

    Hey GTA, is this better? :D
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