I guess I can't complain for a while ...

So I take my standard $12.00 to a .25/.50 NL table the other night.

Normally the dealer treats me as if I have violated his dog and his wife (in that order) and deals me the crappiest of crappy cards (I kid you not). Well, I'm thinking the dealer was gay and somewhat sweet on me because when I joined the table in BB position I look at the cards I got dealt and see AA. Nice "welcome to the table" hand. I play it out and take a decent pot.

Next hand was JX so I fold.

The third hand I got was AA. WTF! I play it out as best I could and take that pot. Someone complained that I got good cards again. I tried to show him the $hit stains from all the previous hands I got but couldn't get the image across properly.

The fourth hand I got was KK. ZOMG ... at this point I think I'm gonna have to let the dealer do "prison things" to me. I checked the flop and when the turn came I had hoped that someone caught something. I bet .50 and everyone folded.

The fifth hand I got was KJ. Not as great but HOLY CRAP, I normally get 53, etc (I have logs to prove this). J hits the flop and I bet out. Ended up taking a small pot.

The sixth hand is ... KJ ... JEEBUS MOTHER MARRY. I bet 1.00 ... no one wants to play with me. I take the blinds.

I played a few more hands but the people that were complaining left so it wasn't as fun anymore ( ;) ) so I took my almost triple up and left.

So I guess I can't complain for a while.

(P.S. The dealer at table 95443 was rather gentle when I had to let him do those "prison things". I couldn't explain to my wife why I felt so "dirty".)


  • LOL.... great post. Congrats on the rush of cards that was long overdue!
  • LOL, I usually go very hot and very cold also the thing to remember is to not let it get to you, the good cards will come with time.
  • that's awesome. I love the sessions where you get aces a few times. almost makes up for the 7 or 8 sessions afterwards in which you'll get it, in total, once.
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