Guelph Thursdays continues....

Ok, I know we agreed that Wednesday would work for everyone, but I forgot that our baseball (AKA beer ball) starts
this week - can't miss the home opener...sorry Carmella and Tony, but I'm sure you'll get your fix over the long week-end.

So, same bat game, same bat time, different bat place..."The Ante Runner Runner Lounge - Where a suckout doesn't suck, unless it's runner runner"
7pm, $10 + $5 Bounty NLHE

Located near the Y and Hanlon in Guelph.

Who's In?
1. Ken (AKA Mike)
2. Tim (AKA Mike)  PM'd
3. River Mike  PM'd
4. Mark (AKA Mike) PM'd
5. Mike  PM'd
6. JT Mike PM'd
7. And yet another Mike PM'd
8. Tariq (Mike's Buddy)

(I'll PM address as you sign up.)


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