Bristol St. Classic XXV - Results!

With a busy month over and the Bristol Street Bender on the horizon, it was time to hold the 25th Bristol Street Classic. This one would be a freeze-out No-Limit Hold'em tournament and see four new faces, the return of "ScottyZ" and "Fallen Angel" Gow to the Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino and a few former Champions battling to adding win number two to their records. Due to the last minute notice of the tournament, 27 players showed up to earn the title Bristol Street XXV Champion.

With Bristol Street XXV, a new rule was added in that the final table will now form with 9 players. This makes the final table bubble a lot more fair as we'll have two tables of five, instead of a table of five and a table of four.

The Curse of Bristol Street lived on as defending champion, "Bluffy" Jeff B., took the walk of shame as first eliminated just after 8pm.

Shortly before 11pm, Bristol Street newcomer, "YellowSmurfette" Janie, finally ran out of trips, ended the night in 10th place and formed the Final Table..


Seat 1: "?" Jon P ($13,100)
Seat 2: "Fallen Angel" Gow ($15,300)
Seat 3: "SirWatts" Mike ($9,900)
Seat 4: "Ercules" Eric ($5,200)
Seat 5: "TNORTH" Tom ($14,800)
Seat 6: "beanie42" Trevor ($15,000)
Seat 7: "haddon" Josh ($15,600)
Seat 8: "DirtyWhore" Mark B ($8,700)
Seat 9: "stpboy" Shannon ($11,300)

With the three chipleaders withing 600 chips of each other and the blinds at 400-800(100), the feeling was there that we were in for a very long ride.

9th Place: "stpboy" Shannon - 11:07pm

Early in the table, Action was folded to Shannon in the small blind who raise, then Jon went over the top all-in. Shannon though for a moment, then called showing A9o, while Jon flipper over JTs. Shannon had Jon slightly covered and this ~$25,000 pot was coming down to a coin flip (With A9o only a 52% favorite to win her.)

The first card off the flop was a J, and no Ace came to save Shannon. With Shannon now crippled down to about 700 chips, he moved all-in on the next hand with A6o only to run into Tom with QQ!

This is the 2005 Champion's third final table of the 2006 season, finishing 5th in each of his last two appearances.

8th Place: "beanie42" Trevor - 11:23pm

With blinds going up to 600-1,200(200), pressure was beginning to mount on the remaining players. Distracted by having to go into work immediately after the tournament, Trevor started taking chances and pushing hard.

Trevor was raised to 3,500 in MP with KQo and was raised all-in by Gow holding JJ, Trevor called and no help came for him, crippling his stack. Trevor then found himself in a three was all in with Mike (Q5c) and another very shortstack, Eric, going in with JTs. Treor held AJo. The flop was 894 and Trevor remained ahead, the turn bricked, but the cruel T on the river nearly tripled up Eric, eliminating Trevor in 8th place.

Trevor finally kicked his string of bad luck tournaments and the 2005 Player of the Year runner-up makes his first Final Table of the 2006 season.

7th Place: "SirWatts" Mike - 11:30pm

After losing the three way all-in, Mike luck took a turn for the worse and eventually pushes his final $2,900 with K6. Mark, in the Big Blind was committed to call with J4s and a 4 on the flop ended Mike's run at a cash finish.

This marks Mike's second table finish of the 2006 season, finishing second at Bristol Street XVIII

6th Place: "haddon" Josh - 11:41pm (BUBBLE-BOY)

In only his second Bristol Street Classic, Josh made the Final Table in strong fashion with a string of bad luck whittling his stack down further and further. Evenually, Josh made a move, pushing in with Q9 only to be called with Mark holding Rockets. A Q on the turn gave Josh a little hope, but the river bricked and Josh found himself bursting the bubble.

After being eliminated first at Bristol Street XVIV, Josh made a strong run for the money. We wish Josh luck as he takes off for Vegas in a few days to attempt to live the poker dream. Good luck down there and we'll hopefully see you at Bristol Street in the future.

5th Place: "Ercules" Eric - 12:31am ($30)

Having come to the final table as the short stack, Eric played a patient game, pushing where needed, eventually finding himself in the money. At the blinds rose to 1,000-2,000 and then again to 1,500-3,000, it took nearly 50 minutes to eliminate the 5th place player.

With a small stack, Eric eventually pushed with A7, called by Jon priced into the hand with 6T, by the turn, Jon had picked up a heart draw, but it wasn't needed as the T on the river spelled the end for Eric.

This is Eric's first final table of the 2006 and picks up some good points for the Player of the Year race. Great game!

4th Place: "Dirty Whore" Mark - 12:37am ($55)

With two former champions, a returnning player and a completely new player at the table, Jon started getting more and more agressive winning a number of uncontested pots. With the blinds where they were, this added a great number of chips to Jon's stack and the rest of the players found themselves short. Who would blink first?

First, Mark tried his luck pushing with 68o (expecting his cards to be live) only to run into Jon holding A6. The A was the first card to come and ended Mark's night in 4th place.

This was Mark's second final table of 2006, also finishing 4th in BSC XXIII. One of the two remaining former champions had dropped from the table.

3rd Place: "TNORTH" Tom - 12:53am ($80)

As Jon conintued his agression, the three players found themselves in a three-way all in with Gow holding 47o, Tom holding KQ and Jon holding KJ. After the turn, the board read 9568, giving Gow the remarkable straight and a solid chance at tripling up his stack!! Gow nearly fainted as the first brought a 7, putting the straight on the Board and splitting the pot three ways. A heart-breaking moment for Gow!

Soon after, another three-way all-in occured with Tom(K7), Gow(KQ) and Jon(44), the flop looked promising for Jon when it came up 9J9. Could Jon eliminate both men and take down the championship right here? It was not to be as a Q appeared on the turn. The meaningless 8 on the river knocked Tom out of the tournament in 3rd place and we were now Heads-Up.

This was Tom's second final table of the '06 season finishing just shy of the money at the last event. This finish should add a great number of PoY points for Tom.


"?" Jon - $90,000
"Fallen Angel" Gow - $18,000

With a 5:1 chip lead to over come, Gow found himself with a lot of work to go. Action was quite agressive as players tended to push each other hard, often with strong showings. Gow worked his way up, doubling through Jon and found himself at one point as the chip leader. Gow finally slipped on his rush when he called Jon's all-in with K2, only to have Jon show KJ. No help on the Board crippled Gow down to an ante, a blind and 500 left. Forced in with the next hand, Gow showed A5o.

Jon, slightly embarassed as to call the extra 500 with THE HAMMER; 27o. The flop came 567, giving Jon a better pair, the 9 on the turn added a few split pot outs for Gow, but the Q on the end sealed Gow's fate and he had to resign himself to second place and a payout of $135.

Jon, playing in his very first Bristol Street, was agressive all night and earned the title of "Bristol Street Classic XXV Champion." Jon won $240 for first place and is guaranteed a spot in the Bristol Street 2006 GRAND FINAL. Great job!!

Jon, though, now needs a nickname. Anyone?



    1st: "?" Jon ($240) - 1:03am - 52 points
    2nd: "Fallen Angel" Gow ($135) - 1:30am - 37 points
    3rd: "TNORTH" Tom ($80) - 12:52am - 30 points
    4th: "Dirty Whore" Mark B ($55) - 12:37am - 26 points
    5th: "Ercules" Eric ($30) - 12:31am - 23 points
    6th: "haddon" Josh (BUBBLE-BOY) - 11:41pm - 21 points
    7th: "SirWatts" Mike - 11:30pm - 20 points
    8th: "beanie42" Trevor - 11:23pm - 18 points
    9th: "stpboy" Shannon - 11:07pm - 17 points
    10th: "YellowSmurfette" Janie - 10:52pm - 16 points
    11th: "Zithal" Rob L - 10:28pm - 16 points
    12th: Steve W - 10:20pm - 15 points
    13th: "ScottyZ" Scott - 10:00pm - 14 points
    14th: "Shtebs" Steve - 9:51pm - 14 points
    15th: "JohnnieH" Johnnie H - 9:51pm - 13 points
    16th: "Slippery" Pete A - 9:44pm - 13 points
    17th: "diddy" Paul - 9:43pm - 13 points
    18th: "8Ball" Tye Z - 9:32pm - 12 points
    19th: "diddy+1" Mike - 9:22pm - 12 points
    20th: "diddy+2" Steve - 8:56pm - 12 points
    21st: "Wolffhound" Dave W - 8:39pm - 11 points
    22nd: "Ranger" Mike B - 8:25pm - 11 points
    23rd: "Oragami" Jonathan C - 8:20pm - 11 points
    24th: "PokerQueen" Mandy - 8:14pm - 11 points
    25th: "ItsaMe" Mario - 8:13pm - 10 points
    26th: "King Mob" Dave C - 8:11pm - 10 points
    27th: "Bluffy" Jeff B - 8:02pm - 10 points
  • Thanks Rob for a great game.

    That 7 in our 3 way all-in - nearly made me faint to - I would have liked all the chips - but would have been more than happy to take the side pot of $15K!!

    Good game all - Congrats on the final table aggression to Jon - Rob was right after 3 consecutive blind steals - you had built a tower!!
  • COngrats Jon on your win :)...GOod JOb

  • Hey Rob, thanks a lot for hosting a very well run tournament. I had a lot of fun, and managing to pull off the win definitely added to the thrill.

    I was a real luckbox to reach the final table with two harsh suckouts at Josh's expense (winning with KQ all in against his AK and then Q9s all in against his KK). So that was impressive that he managed to get to the final table with the biggest stack despite those tough beats. Then I won all the coinflips at the final table and got some hands when the blinds got huge.

    I'm looking forward to playing in the next one so I'll keep my eye on the forums.

    Thanks again,
  • You played a great game Jon... REALLY aggressive.. .I'm jealous...

    Love the nick.. ;)

  • Hi Rob.

    Thanks for the night out. I wish I had seen more of the tournament, it seemed to be a pretty good one.

    Dave Kostis.
  • Thanks again Rob.

    It was great to finally meet ScottyZ!!!

  • Thanks again for hosting Rob.

    Had a great night!
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