Degree - Final 36!
:ah :ac :ad :as
Now the fun begin! If I can get some sleep, I might be able to play some actual poker. Any advice on 500k in chips with 2,000/1,000 starting blinds and only five opponents? Rasta power!
Now the fun begin! If I can get some sleep, I might be able to play some actual poker. Any advice on 500k in chips with 2,000/1,000 starting blinds and only five opponents? Rasta power!
As far as advice, you got a pretty deep-stack, and you're probably the best player at the table. Unless you see someone who really seems to know what they're doing, ABC-poker should win the day. Good luck!
As far as giving advise, my best advise is........DON'T LOSE!!!
Seriously, take it down, do us all proud!!! Congradulations.
i don't follow this whole degree thing so I'm not sure how much you're playing for...but GL
Its so nice to hear, Degree can be beat....
man cant wait to hear your report.
keep us all updated...
And when it all comes down to it..... play to win but don't be afraid to lose.
Good Luck.
Do us proud.
I had a feeling when I talked to you at break (just after I busted out) in Round 2 you were good to go. Like previous advice, just play solid poker. The bingo is over, for the most part.
It was good meeting you - take it down!