Game 10 Player's Listing: Looks to be another GREAT game!!

This is the player's list for the next game. Please remember, MAXIMUM is 17 players, so if you're not on this list and want to play, you better let me know soon. Seats are filling FAST!!

STR82ACE - Seat Reserved - 2006-05-05 09:11:36
EElliott - Seat Reserved - 2006-05-05 09:12:39
BigChrisEl - Seat Reserved - 2006-05-05 10:32:53
Nikko - Seat Reserved - 2006-05-05 11:16:16
TPower - Seat Reserved - 2006-05-05 12:26:14
BusDriver - Seat Reserved - 2006-05-08 07:35:37
Nutcracker - Seat Reserved - 2006-05-08 07:42:39
FishBoy - Seat Reserved - 2006-05-08 13:09:44
Derksen - Seat Reserved - 2006-05-08 13:26:12
BigGus - Seat Reserved - via phone call
Tony - Seat Reserved - via email
ACDC - Seat Reserved - 2006-05-10 07:34:11
Joe - Seat Reserved -via email


  • BigChrisEl wrote:

    I think the pain train is at a different game. It was supposed to be here last week, but never showed up??? :bs:
  • derksen wrote:
    I think the pain train is at a different game. It was supposed to be here last week, but never showed up??? :bs:

    It was there....just some one else was driving......

  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    derksen wrote:
    I think the pain train is at a different game. It was supposed to be here last week, but never showed up??? :bs:
    It was there....just some one else was driving......

    No... you my friend are confused. That was an alltogether different train by the name known as the Crazy Train. Tony was at the helm and Wyndham was stoking the fire!
  • derksen wrote:

    No... you my friend are confused. That was an alltogether different train by the name known as the Crazy Train. Tony was at the helm and Wyndham was stoking the fire!

    Yeah but the crazy train was handing out the pain.....ask the Bus Driver.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    derksen wrote:

    No... you my friend are confused. That was an alltogether different train by the name known as the Crazy Train. Tony was at the helm and Wyndham was stoking the fire!

    Yeah but the crazy train was handing out the pain.....ask the Bus Driver.

    Agreed. The Crazy Pain Train crushed the Sane!
  • derksen wrote:
    Agreed. The Crazy Pain Train crushed the Sane!

    When I did a search for Crazy Train in Goggle this is the first image found.

  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    derksen wrote:
    Agreed. The Crazy Pain Train crushed the Sane!

    When I did a search for Crazy Train in Goggle this is the first image found.

    I zoomed in, and I'm 99% sure it's him!
  • derksen wrote:
    I zoomed in, and I'm 99% sure it's him!

    Yup, there’s no way that image was altered or anything.
  • Looks to be a pretty decent game tonight, so far. We have 11, not sure how many more to expect, but I'm hoping to hear from a couple more anyway.

    I'll also be plugging the satellite game tonight as well, so if you're interested, I'll fill you all in on the details later and if enough people agree, we will run it either Friday or Saturday night.
  • WOW, the day of the game......AND NO TRASH TALKING?!?! I'm shocked. And maybe a bit worried too. You guys aren't considering the possibility that you might actually WIN this game, are you? :D
  • Sorry AJ - I've been busy making pound cake and smack sandwiches all day.
  • ElElliott wrote:
    Sorry AJ - I've been busy making pound cake and smack sandwiches all day.

    Good!! I'm thinking the rest of the league can enjoy them as they watch me take you down during headsup play.
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