Brampton Area Satellite for $500buyin Tourney!!

Just seeing how much interest there is for this right now.  If I get a decent response (say 10 to 16 players), it's a go....

I've been approached to host a satellite for a larger venue game being held on May 27th (undisclosed location at this time).  The main event is a $500 buyin freezeout format with half hour blinds and starting chip stack of 5000.  This satellite game would be a very good way to get your buyin into the bigger event, which is very well organized, well run, and being held in a great location (all details will be made available to ONLY seriously interested participants).

If I get enough interest, I'll host the satellite game at my place MAY 12 or MAY 13 at 7pm.  Satellite details will be as follows:

Buyin:  thinking about $70, that way, we can offer the satellite seat as first place, and second and third can split the difference 60/40.

Blinds:  we will mimic the blinds for the main event, 30minutes, and we will even mimic the starting chip count...5000 in chips.  Thinking this game could go on awhile with this structure, so starting time MAY be changed to abit earlier.  I'll do the math.

Like I said, I'm only trying to generate interest, and for those wanting to play in a much larger game, this a great way to get there.  I'll keep this thread active until Thursday night at 6pm, but which time I will know if it's a go or not.

If you're interested (seriously interested, don't post if you don't intend to make it out), please post a reply to this thread ASAP.  I'll confirm all details of the satellite game, and will send you the info about the main event.  So far I have about 4 or 5 interested, would like to get a minimum of 10.  I have maximum table space for 16 players, so the first 16 to commit are in.


(sorry, should be in Home Game Section, mod please move)


  • I'm in......shark.gif
  • Anyone else interested in participating in this game? It's a great way to get into a bigger venue without having to put up the cash for it. So far, I have five confirmed, but I don't think I can run with less than 10, so if you're interested, let me know.
  • I'd be interested, but I can't confirm for certain at this point so I didn't initailly respond.
  • Why is everything happening when I'm out of town. I know of the bigger game but can't play. I take one week to go to quebec city and everything happens
  • So far, I have maybe 5 or 6 confirmed and a couple of others that will let me know later. We need a minimum of 10 to make this happen, 12 would be better.
  • I would be interested in this one too AJ. Let me know what the date is, and I can verify if I can make it.

  • Hey Aj how many do you have for this Satellite/

  • Still a couple of players short. Thinking if I have to, I will rearrange the game for next week sometime, but I would rather avoid the long weekend if I can.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Still a couple of players short.  Thinking if I have to, I will rearrange the game for next week sometime, but I would rather avoid the long weekend if I can. 

    See if people are interest for this game at tonight's game and then make the call as to running it or not Friday.
  • Stole that thought right out of my head Chris. :D
  • sounds good my commitment will depend on the day. i'll spread the word
  • Thanks Happy!!! Appreciate it. Let me know soon though, as I will need to committ no later than tomorrow (Friday) night.
  • When is this taking place?

    Can you PM or email me the details.

  • Thinking it's going to be Saturday at 5pm at my place. I will send you all the details on Friday.

    This looks like it will be a go, so if any one else is interested, post or pm me if you want in.

    Thanks all.

    Saturday May 13 at 6pm (sorry, but due to personal obligations, I can't make it myself any earlier than this).

    I'm waiting to hear back on what the blind schedule for the main event is going to actually be, but I do know that its 5000 in chips and half hour blinds. We will be mimicing the blind schedule for the main event in every other aspect. Tournament Director will be in use for this game.

    There are still some seats available, so if you know someone interested, let me know either by posting or PM me. We should have a minimum of 10 players. Buyin is $70. First gets the $500 seat, second and maybe third (depending on the actually number of players we get) will split the remaining pot 60/40.

    GTA, I will be sending you the address and contact numbers. If anyone else needs this info let me know. Happy, please confirm if you are attending, and if you anyone else is interested.

    Soft drinks and snacks will be provided. All other rules are standard Roberts Rules of Poker.

    If you need more information, let me know. Thanks. See everyone tomorrow.
  • How many people do you have confirmed?
  • There are currently 6 confirmed, and another 6 that I'm waiting to hear from. If we don't get 10 minimum, we can decide if we are running the satellite, or just having a friendly game. But I'm sure we will have enough to show up.
    25 - 25
    25 - 50
    50 - 100
    75 - 150
    100 - 200
    25 100 - 200
    50 150 - 300
    50 200 - 400
    75 300 - 600
    100 400 - 800
    100 500 - 1000
    200 600 - 1200
    200 800 - 1600
    300 1000 - 2000
    400 1200 - 2400
    500 1500 - 3000
    500 2000 - 4000
    500 2500 - 5000
    1000 3000 - 6000
    1000 4000 - 8000

    We will have a 10 min break after every 3rd round of blinds starting at Round 6. Dinner (pizza) will be ordered for the first break (Round 3), which will be 30 minutes long instead of 10mins. Soft drinks will be provided as well. If you would like to donate a snack or beverage, by all means do so.
  • Hey AJ, sorry I can't be there. I hope you have a great turnout.

    Anyone considering this and not already familiar with AJ, he is a great host. He runs a good tournament.
  • I'm considering heading out, but I guess I'm a bit concerned that this structure is (and I've never said this before) too long for a smaller buy-in satellite. I'll call you if I'm coming.
  • Might be a bit long, but I was looking to mimic the blinds of the bigger game. After reviewing it, I tend to agree, it is a LOOOOOONNNNNGGGGG schedule.

    I'm open for comments. Reduce to 20min blinds? Knock a couple levels out??
  • I think if you knocked out the first level and every other level from there on and made it 20mins it would be a more realisitic time frame. I know I don't want to spend 6 hours playing a satellite.
  • I'm up for accellerating the schedule you posted - it does some awfully long for a satellite. Especially since we start with a deep stack.
  • can i get a confirmation on the structure?

  • 20 min blinds. 5000 chip start

    50 - 100
    100 - 200
    150 - 300
    200 - 400
    300 - 600
    400 - 800
    500 - 1000
    600 - 1200
    800 - 1600
    1000 - 2000
    1200 - 2400
    1500 - 3000
    2000 - 4000
    2500 - 5000

    Not including breaks and dinner period, this would make a 4.5hr game. I've tried to allow for some play early on, but as you can see, by the second break, blinds start to get nasty.

    Tell me what you think of this schedule. I've also eliminated the antes.
  • Sounds good...I'm trying to make it, I have a bunch of crap to get done...if I don't call I won't be there.
  • Thanks GTA. We still have seats open too, so bring a friend, or ask around.
  • Thanks to everyone who came out tonight to play the satellite.

    Congradulations to BIG GUS
    , who has won his seat into the $500 game on May 27th!!! Gus got an early chip lead and kept pressure on all game long, only giving up the lead once I think, but even that was short term.

    Second place went to Allen, who also played a solid game tonight and takes home $120. Eleanor took third place for $80. Bubble was Max, first time player at one of my games, and it was great having him out.

    Again thanks to everyone who participated tonight. We'll do it again soon.

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