River bet on ugly board?

Just curious what most would do here. Both opponents are fairly loose passive. How much does your decision swing based on number of opponents and position (ie headsup checked to in position, I'm probably almost always betting, but first to act against 2 opponents I find a lot more dicey). Of course this falls somewhere in the middle. Thoughts?

Texas Hold'em $5-$10 (real money), hand #447,516,881
Table Valladolid, 5 May 2006 8:07 PM ET

Seat 2: beemer_e46 ($411.80 in chips)
Seat 3: ScoobD1 [ AH,AD ] ($401.00 in chips)
Seat 4: Kapitan0 ($238.75 in chips)
Seat 5: CANCER-9 ($161.00 in chips)
Seat 6: _JonnyChan_ ($222.50 in chips)
Seat 7: Mcbrag ($327.00 in chips)
Seat 8: jamppe ($130.50 in chips)
Seat 9: hottmommie ($116.60 in chips)
Seat 10: Walk2Slow ($294.75 in chips)
hottmommie posts blind ($2.50), Walk2Slow posts blind ($5).

beemer_e46 calls $5, ScoobD1 bets $10, Kapitan0 folds, CANCER-9 folds, _JonnyChan_ folds, Mcbrag folds, jamppe calls $10, hottmommie calls $7.50, Walk2Slow folds, beemer_e46 calls $5.

FLOP [board cards 4C,QC,JC ]
hottmommie checks, beemer_e46 checks, ScoobD1 bets $5, jamppe calls $5, hottmommie folds, beemer_e46 calls $5.

TURN [board cards 4C,QC,JC,KD ]
beemer_e46 checks, ScoobD1 bets $10, jamppe calls $10, beemer_e46 calls $10.

RIVER [board cards 4C,QC,JC,KD,8D ]
beemer_e46 checks, ScoobD1 ?


  • Eek I would check it. That board has gotten a bit too scary for me. I always bet this HU or if checked to 3 ways against LPs.
  • this is a tough one... i think that chances are the 8 on the river is a pretty safe card for you. I think you basically have to put one of these guys on a draw and the 8 on the river didn't help any draw. the thing that would make me want to bet is that you describe the players as loose passive, so one could be calling you down with top pair, IMO any hand that really beats you kind of has to raise either on the flop or turn (ie 2 pairs or a set) just to protect or find out where they are at... i prolly bet, i'd say you're only getting raised by a flush, you are prolly better off to just bet rather then check and if dude behind you bets and you have to call... i'd say based on your player description there is a pretty decent chance you are ahead here, unless one of them made 2 pair on the river.
  • I think I'm checking through here, pretty scary board just screaming a c/r
  • Hmmm i'd say it seems like your opponents coulda been drawing to the nut flush, or second nut flush... If that's the case then there'd be no reason to bet since your check woulda win... I'd check/call one last bet. Seems like your opponent would call another bet with 2 pair but not make the bet himself, so if he was drawing to a full house checking would be your safest option...

    What happened?
  • Ya, I wasn't sure if I was being too weak-tight by checking river. I really didn't want to have to call 2 bets on that board. I figured if EP check-raised I could likely save a bet, and I might actually get more value by just checking (letting LP bet a busted draw).


    RIVER [board cards 4C,QC,JC,KD,8D ]
    beemer_e46 checks, ScoobD1 checks, jamppe bets $10, beemer_e46 calls $10, ScoobD1 calls $10.

    jamppe shows [ 10S,KH ]
    beemer_e46 mucks cards [ 10C,JS ]
    ScoobD1 shows [ AH,AD ]
    ScoobD1 wins $117.
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