SnG - PLO8 Hand

$5+1 Sit & Go on Party

Hero is SB, Villain is BB

Table was pretty tight passive, I assume Villain is decent.

Hero ( $4713 )
Button ( $2800 )
CO ( $5218 )
Villain ( $7269 )

Blinds(300/600) - 4-handed

Hero has Kh 4d 5s 6c

2 fold
Hero raises to 1600
Villain calls

Flop is 4c, 7d, 6h

Hero is all-In for 3113

Well, first I was stealing...oops I get called...I'm probablly behind

Then my little squirrel told me, you flopped 2 pairs...just hope he has nothing! Move in! lol

Seriously, was I wrong to "steal" with that hand?

And could I play that flop/hand any differently?! Check-fold to any substantial bet?

Thx for your input...

P.S. I do not plan a PLO8 career  :fish:


  • 1. that is NOT a raising hand in PLO8, personally I would fold in that spot and wait for a better spot, especially with your chip position and 900 soon going through the button in blinds

    2. if the table is tight and you get called in that spot on a preflop raise then that is NOT a good flop for your hand, at best I would imagine that you are ahead at this point for the hi end of the pot and drawing dead to the low end unless you got called by something like AAKQ preflop and most decent players would repot preflop with a hand like that. I would imagine you opponent has a low lock with some kind of high draw or just as likely 23 leaving you drawing very slim for 1/2 the pot, at this point and you are the only one who can be scooped in this hand.
  • I would limp in or fold. I think you need to check on the flop, he's probably freerolling you and you don't want to bubble with this crap.
  • Thx for the input guys...

    Ding Ding Ding to GTA! Villain was more than happy to call me with his Ad, 4h, 3c, 2d

    the 5h on the turn made me cry...and the river blank sent me home... :'(

    Lesson learned I suppose...

    Small question...being in the BB with Villain's hand facing a standard raise from the you just flat call like he did or you just repot it and be happy with the money already in there?
  • yeah fold instead of steal
    mads777 wrote:
    Small question...being in the BB with Villain's hand facing a standard raise from the you just flat call like he did or you just repot it and be happy with the money already in there?

    i don't think you repot just cause Ad, 4h, 3c, 2d is still a drawing hand and you're going to have to catch some cards to win the pot (against a real hand this is)
  • Meh I'd repot if I thought you could be stealing for sure. On deeper stacks just call and he has you in really bad shape on most juicy low flops, and his strength is somewhat hidden.
  • This hand is junk. I wouldnt even waste the half bet on it. Fold pre-flop. You arent going to win a hi or a lo with this - and if you do you are almost always chopping. The return on your risk here is way too low.
  • mads777 wrote:
    Thx for the input guys...

    Ding Ding Ding to GTA! Villain was more than happy to call me with his Ad, 4h, 3c, 2d

    the 5h on the turn made me cry...and the river blank sent me home... :'(

    Lesson learned I suppose...

    Small question...being in the BB with Villain's hand facing a standard raise from the you just flat call like he did or you just repot it and be happy with the money already in there?

    Yes, just flat call...A234 is not a hand you want to be all-in with preflop if you have a choice of being left with some chips and the flop comes all high. For equity, if you have to push preflop (all-in), the you want an all high or at least 1/2 way high hand...big aces with a low AK25, big pair with a low KK23, or an all high hand when isoltaing one player KQJT...ideally you want an ace in your hand so he can't spike you, and you want 2 low cards in your hand, but you can't always be that choosy late in these (I tend to play the turbos on Party anyhow...not my main source of revenue online and I don't want to spend 1.5h 3 handed as can happen). Once it gets 3 handed and all are ITM, if the table remains tight then push with all hands like these as you also have decent fold equity and you are never very far behind once all-in in O8.

    Good luck.
  • ewwww such a bad Omaha hand... and you raised? Go watch a WSOP Omaha event and learn which hands are good preflop hands.
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