Lost all faith in the rock........maybe GUELPH action tomorrow?!

alright ya'll.....(sometimes i like to pretend that i'm from down south...you know....)...
I have lost all faith in rockwood..that darn place has so many bad players (and sometiems that's alright, bu when the guy calls a 100 preflop raise when blinds are 10-20, and hits 2 pair..i get frustrated..and so i'm not pllaying there any more. I'd rather donate my money to people i respect!
Enought of that rant...
As my degree poker experiance will be short lived (and by short lived, i mean, that either, some shitty player witll call a preflop raise of 100 when the blinds are 10/20, hit, go all in, and i'll be so pissed that my top pair top kicker is cracked again by a stupid player that i'll call his obvious push and leave..OR...that will all happen, i'll trip my tens on the turn and KILL that smarmy mofo....and win the whole tourney. either way i figure it'll take me 2 hours.)
SO....i think i'm probly running a game tomorrow

It'll be 10 dollars with a 5 dollar bounty...same rules as always...or maybe we'll play some crazy pineapple......whos up for some crazy pineapple?!
wow..i'm distracted....

1. Mark "dontyoudaregoallinyousonofa!!"
2. Nadine "allin..yousnake!"
3. Cowboy Mike (i duno..i figure you're in...)
4. Miranda
5and6. Sandros
7. Vegas Timmy
8. irealisethatnoonehasaccuallysignedup.................

remember folks, i move in 12 days.........tick tock!


  • Both of us are out for Thursday I have a previous commitment in KW. Miranda may still play she will let you know.
  • i'm not sure that's an option dude.....i godda be honest....
    people will hunt you down....
  • Yep, Timmy's in.
  • Mark buddy i told you like months ago everyone in that bar is either inbred or a drunk. It is good to see you have realised that you should just stick with a fun home game with yourself as the drunk!!!
    Btw please dont judge us Rockwood types by the people at that bar. It's like everyones drunk uncle/aunt/cousin/brother/mother that embarrasses you got together and decided to play pokerr together. Entertaining to watch Yes. Fun to play NO. oh and i want to play too so sign me up
    River Mike
    ps i dont even own a skirt
  • I'm out I gotta go to school on tuesday and thursday and get learned!!!!

  • Mark,

    I hope by now you know you're in the top 20 today.

    I can't make it out either, but could play if it were at my place...(wife's outta town :D)
  • that sucks that you guys can't make it..it seems we will have a smaller game of 7 people tonight..looks like it'll be winner take all!
    see everyone here at 7!
  • What was the results???

  • it was a good game with a 10 buy in and 5 dollar bounty. The ladies (nadine and mirmir) were "SPANKIN'!" the gents by leading in chips for the begining of the tourney...after the break, some wicked boxing matches, and a little bit of puking (damn you wendy's!) it came down to myself, cowboy mike and mirmir.
    I will take this opportunity to say this.....3/6 sooted is a good hand...espically when you have the ace kicker......i'm sorry miranda! :)
    I took down the tourney on a DONK call, and i still feel a little dirty about it.
    Oh..and about degree..i did not make it to the next round, but it was a GREAT time at the casino afterwords..i'll give you a taste of my luck..here is my first hand that i played :

    Sit down. Get dealt pocket aces. Preflop, the betting is capped. Flop is A, J, rag. Again, betting is capped with 3-5 players. Turn is a J..making me my boat. bet, raise.....2 players left, and the other guy says "my pocket aces are looking great now!"
    River is another rag card, and the guy asks the dealer if we can go all in...the dealer explains how limit poker works and he goes all in..
    Flipps over Jacks full of aces, thinking he has the nuts.
    I showed my aces...and today i have made over 400 bucks at poker! :)
    Today was a good poker day.
    And i should never have called with 3/6/A. even if the 3/6 was SOOTED.
  • It's saturday morning and im just beginning to eat solid food again DAMN YOU WENDYS. If this were a movie it would be the point were your best friend betrays you.
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