El has a horrible potty mouth!

I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't witnessed it myself!
ElElliott said, "wtf"


  • Well that was just after the "Super DONK move", or better known as...."I clicked the raise button instead of the check button".
  • Funny, I thought it was after the 'protect my buddy while tripling him up move'...
  • This has only been a very recent transition for El lately. Why, just last week at the game I overheard her drop an F Bomb in the middle of the game. Shocked me all to heck.

    I'm thinking we are all bad influences for El. She used to be so proper and polite. Now she's turning into trailer trash with her newly found vocabulary. Can't imagine where she hears such things.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    This has only been a very recent transition for El lately.  Why, just last week at the game I overheard her drop an F Bomb in the middle of the game.  Shocked me all to heck.

    I'm thinking we are all bad influences for El. She used to be so proper and polite.  Now she's turning into trailer trash with her newly found vocabulary.  Can't imagine where she hears such things.

    That is just her table image....all nice and polite....so you won't fell bad losing to "such a nice girl".

    Wolf in Sheep’s clothing.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    Funny, I thought it was after the 'protect my buddy while tripling him up move'...

    Are they really friends, because I really don't buy the "I hit the wrong button" response to the move reason being that the blinds they were 300/600 so a bet of 2400 is not a "wrong button" bet.
  • My point exactly. They certainly know each other. Let's give him a chance to explain himself.
  • What can I say? Hang out with a bunch of degenerates and it starts to rub off!

  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    My point exactly. They certainly know each other. Let's give him a chance to explain himself.

    It would be intresting to hear what they have to say because there are only two possible explanations.

    First is:

    I'm a Super DONK

    Which I would find hard to believe or

    Second is:

    I was trying to triple up my friend

    Which I would find hard to believe.

    Each which way he got:

  • So, you list 2 alternatives that you don't believe. What do you believe, then? I'm going to withold my comments until the master, himself, has spoken.

    He certainly didn't get spanked on that play. No, not at all.
  • When it comes to online poker, I don't find it hard to believe anything.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    So, you list 2 alternatives that you don't believe. What do you believe, then? I'm going to withold my comments until the master, himself, has spoken.

    He certainly didn't get spanked on that play. No, not at all.

    Well I was referring to the overall spanking.......

    I too am waiting to hear.....I did believe him when him when he said he clicked the wrong button but looking back on it something doesn't appear to add up.
  • That was someone else who said that it was the wrong button.
  • I missed this game where this 'event' happened...my loss.

    But I got a live display of 'Eleanor being P.O.ed' today at Degree. Nasty.

    Chris, buddy, I didn't know you had it so difficult. :'(

    i'm kidding Eleanor! :D
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    I missed this game where this 'event' happened...my loss.

    But I got a live display of 'Eleanor being P.O.ed' today at Degree. Nasty.

    Chris, buddy, I didn't know you had it so difficult. :'(

    i'm kidding Eleanor! :D

    Was I really that bad?

  • ElElliott wrote:
    Was I really that bad?


    El, I am a heavy smoker...but in the first few seconds of you leaving the room, I swear that a Hazard Awareness Team was already on standby when you left the room after seeing the heavy smoke coming from your hair. I have NEVER seen you that hot. I knew something had happened just watching you at the table (couldn't hear anything, but your gesturing told the whole story). I knew something had happened to put you on tilt, just wasn't sure what it was until you told me.

    Just remember, I was the one who told you to calm down before you hit the poker room tables. I knew you were hot and angry, and you HAD to get control first. I'm thankful your mother and aunt were close by to talk you down too.

    El, you played an excellent game, as I knew you would. You just ran into a very nasty ending.
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Just remember, I was the one who told you to calm down before you hit the poker room tables. I knew you were hot and angry, and you HAD to get control first. I'm thankful your mother and aunt were close by to talk you down too.

    I'm not sure I thanked you for that, and I know I definitely didn't thank you for cheering me from the balcony as I made my rally! So Thanks AJ - I'm really glad you were there today!

    As a form of gratitude, I won't tell the wife that you cleaned up this time.
  • Appreciate that...now she won't be after that damn dryer again!! :D
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