incredible genius beyond the comprehension of mere mortals or something else?

any guesses as to how this hand turned out?

Table '23364005 1' 9-max Seat #4 is the button
Seat 3: Hollywoods7 (19023 in chips)
Seat 4: utterchimp (1157 in chips)
Seat 8: ElElliott (9820 in chips)
Hollywoods7: posts the ante 50
utterchimp: posts the ante 50
ElElliott: posts the ante 50
ElElliott: posts small blind 300
Hollywoods7: posts big blind 600
*** HOLE CARDS ***
utterchimp: raises 507 to 1107 and is all-in
ElElliott: calls 807
Hollywoods7: calls 507
*** FLOP *** [Qc 4h Qh]
ElElliott: checks
Hollywoods7: bets 2400


  • Elelliott rivers a straight flush while holding 5h 6h
  • Looking at the people this looks like last nights game from stars.
  • Hollywoods has some amazing cards like A-Q and takes down a monster?
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Hollywoods has some amazing cards like A-Q and takes down a monster?

    If you want a link, I believe this post, although cryptic, is more accurate.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Looking at the people this looks like last nights game from stars. 

    Yup it was and the it left us scratching our heads for a while :D

  • Chugs wrote:
    Elelliott rivers a straight flush while holding 5h 6h

    Nope. Guess again.
  • "I'll take catchy post titles for 300 Alex"...

    I laughed pretty hard at this!! thanks
  • Ok, so here's the rest of the story:

    ElElliott: folds
    *** TURN *** [Qc 4h Qh] [6h]
    *** RIVER *** [Qc 4h Qh 6h] [6s]
    ElElliott said, "wtf"
    *** SHOW DOWN ***
    Hollywoods7: shows [8d 7h] (two pair, Queens and Sixes)
    utterchimp: shows (two pair, Queens and Sixes - Ten kicker)
    utterchimp collected 3471 from pot
    *** SUMMARY ***
    Total pot 3471 | Rake 0
    Board [Qc 4h Qh 6h 6s]
    Seat 3: Hollywoods7 (big blind) showed [8d 7h] and lost with two pair, Queens and Sixes
    Seat 4: utterchimp (button) showed and won (3471) with two pair, Queens and Sixes

    So, utterchimp tripled up with a 10-high hand.

    I would appreciate it is someone could read this out to Cole and get his explanation for his action. I'd really like to hear his thoughts on this.
  • ummm
    pkrfce9 wrote:

    So, utterchimp tripled up with a 10-high hand.

    I would appreciate it is someone could read this out to Cole and get his explanation for his action. I'd really like to hear his thoughts on this.

    Yeah uh, Cole...???
  • Poorly?
  • simple , me and utterchimp are rivals, the first time i ever played him was last year in the 100 rebuy at westside poker club i got 3rd he won and was the first ever weastside poker champion , i then got revenge on him almost 8 months later at the final end of the year tournament of champions when i beat him with king queen vs king jack i think to knock him out of the tourney at the final table and i went on to win it , last night i was just dyeing to play him heads up , to beat him 1 last time for the bragging rights but in the end is screwed me ,Elliot went on to knock Jeff out and then knocking me out to win it all congrats to him, it was just a fun tourney nothing serious.
  • cole woods wrote:
    simple , me and utterchimp are rivals, the first time i ever played him was last year in the 100 rebuy at westside poker club i got 3rd he won and was the first ever weastside poker champion , i then got revenge on him almost  8 months later at the final end of the year tournament of champions  when i beat him with king queen vs king jack i think to knock him out of the tourney at the final table and i went on to win it , last night i  was just dyeing to play him heads up , to beat him 1 last time for the bragging rights but in the end is screwed me ,Elliot went on to knock Jeff out and then knocking me out to win it all congrats to him, it was just a fun tourney nothing serious.

    That does not sound very simple to are you saying you were trying to team up with Utterchimp and work together with him to knock out ElElliott so you and him could get heads up?
  • no he had no clue wat i was doing i dont talk to him , i was stupid i lost the turny because of that mistake
  • So you were effectively cheating then (Chip passing)?

    Very Sad for you.
  • Not to defend Cole, but IF he's telling the truth, I'm not sure this falls into collusion....he wanted to be heads up against one player rather than another. Maybe it's a gray area. And frankly "checking it down" is a form of implicit collusion anyway.

    That said, I don't particularly believe him. He said in chat, during the game, that he pressed the wrong button and meant to check, not bet. Why the need to lie? It's not as if he had to say anything during the game. So he was either lying then, or lying now. Either way.....CLASSY. made my victory even sweeter.
  • I'm not suggesting collusion as I have no reason to believe utterchimp was in on this play.

    When I saw it, I figured one of two possibilities, as have already been mentioned.

    Cole is supposed to be a successful player (has made some good finishes in some tough tourneys) so I can't believe this is simply the worst play I have seen in a long time. Did he really think he could knock utterchimp out with a 7-high hand and practically no draws? That would have been a truly awesome feat but how crazy does Cole have to be to think his hand could possibly be good? He tossed away a better chance to put a player out and guarantee at least a 2nd place finish. In doing so, he tripled up a formidable opponent. I don't believe a 'successful' player would make this kind of mistake.

    Or did he push El out of the pot to 'protect' the guy he said he wanted to go heads up against? I dunno. If so, I would classify such behaviour as chip passing, which is highly unethical in my books.

    Cole's explanation is pretty useless so I still have no idea of what he was trying to do. I can't decide between 'incredibly bad play' or 'very unethical play'. Either way, it puts a taint on this tourney.

    If anyone else can shed some light on how this was a sound move, I'm more than willing to learn.
  • ElElliott wrote:
    Not to defend Cole, but IF he's telling the truth, I'm not sure this falls into collusion....he wanted to be heads up against one player rather than another. Maybe it's a gray area. And frankly "checking it down" is a form of implicit collusion anyway.

    That said, I don't particularly believe him. He said in chat, during the game, that he pressed the wrong button and meant to check, not bet. Why the need to lie? It's not as if he had to say anything during the game. So he was either lying then, or lying now. Either way.....CLASSY. made my victory even sweeter.

    A single wrong click won't get you a bet of 2400 when the min bet is 600... hmmmm.
  • unless the cat was walking on his keyboard :P or he had the numbers pressed, and then decided he didn't want to try to bet it, but rather check, but hit the wrong button at that point.

    anything is possible, i suppose
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