Joshua Haddon needs a ride to the GRUDGE MATCH tonight...


I need a ride to the Grudge Match Tonight @ Bristol.

I live on Columbia St. Near King and Columbia...sort of.
I make great conversation and won't be drunk.




  • I'm coming from the wrong direction, and I'm not sure how early I'm able to leave, so I may be pressed for time. If anyone else is closer/available that would be a lot better. However, if nobody else can grab you I can swing by (we may just have to blind out a few hands).

    I'll check the forum before I leave my place and see if you've been able to make better arrangements, or if you still need a ride.
  • It's been a while since I lived in Waterloo but they used to run buses up and down the major streets. Boy, those were the good old days.

    Of course, we were too poor for buses so we'd walk. Through waist-deep snow. Uphill both ways. Ya, we had it tough. Kids these days are too soft I'll tell ya...

    Have fun, guys. :D
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    It's been a while since I lived in Waterloo but they used to run buses up and down the major streets. Boy, those were the good old days.

    Of course, we were too poor for buses so we'd walk. Through waist-deep snow. Uphill both ways. Ya, we had it tough. Kids these days are too soft I'll tell ya...

    Couldn't you have just grabbed a ride on your pet dinosaur?  They were big, trip would've been 5 or 6 steps, tops  :D
  • Trevor, you are coming from the complete other way...don't worry about it, thanks for the offer though.

    Buses? I'm not in school they have buses for people who are not in school?
    Greg, you've seen me, if I walked to Bristol I would die.
  • haddon wrote:
    Greg, you've seen me, if I walked to Bristol I would die.
    If that happened, could we call you "dead money" ;)
  • I'm getting a ride from Mark, I am on the way to Bristol though.  Also, Mark loves me.  Please bring the cost of the shirts I want with you if you can and bring my Jersey, thanks.

  • Hey Josh

    I do love Shannon... but if you really need, I can get you too... but I have to go quite early, hoping to be at Rob's for 6:15 to set everything up... I'll check the forum around 5:30, and if you've not got another ride, I'll get ya for about 6:00, then we'll get Shannon, and then go to Rob's.

  • If you could pretend to love me today too Mark that would be great!!

    69 Columbia St. Corner of Columbia and Hazel.

    If I get a ride between now and 5:30 I will post.

    I'll bring the prices tonight for sure.

    You can call me dead money any time you want.
  • Oh F$#K you MOVED?

      Dammit.. stupid making me go to mapquest


    Is there a McDonald's right at the corner there, near King and Columbia I think?

  • I can pick you up. I'll be coming from just down the street. How does 6:40 sound? Exactly where should I get you?

  • haddon wrote:
    You can call me dead money any time you want.
    I can't now, Mark's giving you a ride...
  • 69 Columbia....I can be there at 6:40pm. I'll be coming from 130 Columbia, so I assume I'm closer than anyone else.
    Sound OK?

  • Whew.. thanks Dave.

  • Ineedanick..

    To save Mark time and gas and stuff...

    6:40PM is sweet for me...69 Columbia...


  • Wow you are close!!

    thanks thanks thanks!
  • No problem. If I could open the windows in my building, I could probably wave at you right now.

    See you tonight. In case it matters:
    - I'll be driving a purple ford escort. Hard to miss.
    - if you don't know who I am...I played at the same table as you at the last Bristol. I have weird white patches in my hair. Hard to miss.
    - when I crush you in tonight's tourney, my gloating will be hard to miss :)

  • Oh I know who you are...nice back freckle. ;)
  • Man...

    I'm gonna have to wear personal body armour tonight... geez...

    Back freckle? I live with the dude.... man... I'm either non-observant, or Josh is confused

  • I sleep in a Kevlar vestr. Boo ya!

    (just kidding about the back freckle thing.)
  • Only Haddon could generate a thread of 20 posts of nothing. If only there was a tv show like that...
  • KWGM II is going to make me lose my mind!!
  • Told you it wasn't an easy game... :)

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