Results ofWest Side Poker Clubs Heads Up Challenge April 29th

We want to thank everyone who came out to the Heads Up challenge yesterday. It was a lot of fun. We had 14 players come out so we change it to a double knock out instead of the single elimination. 14 players each bought in for 40.00 and were given 10 000 chips. Blinds started at 100/200 and went up every 20 minutes and were frozen at 500/1000 after 1 hour and 20 minutes. If the match was still going on, a 500 ante was added and that doubled every three hands until there was a winner. Several players came back from being below 2000 including myself. Getting to the point where we had a 2000 ante.

I would post the Word document that we used for the tournament, but I don’t know how to do it.

The winner was James who won 4 straight matches and had to be beat twice in the finals. After my first lost in the second match, I was able to make it through to the final. After about 5 minutes into the match, James raised 3000 K on what I believe was a draw, I believed my pair was good and he still need a card. I knew if I called I would have to put in my last 1200 hundred on the river. He got his flush and I made a bad call and lost.

James won 400 and I took second for 160.

Thank you to Annie and the Press Box for hosting and if you are looking for a game on Sunday afternoons at 2:00 pm you will find a tournament every week.

Thanks again to all who game out and we look forward to seeing you at our next event May 27th.

Brent and Cam


  • I would post the Word document that we used for the tournament, but I don’t know how to do it.

    If it is just text then highlight the text in the word document. Copy it and then go to and paste it in.
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