Poor Play

Just witnessed this hand.

At the conclusion the guy who lost went on a huge rant about how Party Poker is rigged.

Even if it is rigged - He cost himself a lot more than necessary - What was he thinking on the turn and river?

***** Hand History for Game 4115804036 *****
$2/$4 Texas Hold'em - Friday, April 28, 01:49:36 ET 2006
Table Trick Rope (Real Money)
Seat 1 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 6: VladTempest ( $167.75 )
Seat 10: CamelToeLick ( $263.94 )
Seat 7: SagarMP ( $205.50 )
Seat 5: playingames2 ( $126.75 )
Seat 3: LiptonDew ( $78 )
Seat 9: steelNice ( $97 )
Seat 1: Ajax410 ( $158.50 )
Seat 4: scorpio_3 ( $102 )
Seat 8: lomabum ( $56 )
Seat 2: KKang23 ( $100 )
LiptonDew posts small blind [$1].
scorpio_3 posts big blind [$2].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CamelToeLick [ Th 9s ]
playingames2 calls [$2].
VladTempest raises [$4].
SagarMP calls [$4].
lomabum calls [$4].
steelNice folds.
CamelToeLick folds.
Ajax410 folds.
LiptonDew folds.
scorpio_3 calls [$2].
playingames2 calls [$2].
** Dealing Flop ** [ Jh, 3d, 4s ]
scorpio_3 checks.
playingames2 checks.
VladTempest checks.
SagarMP checks.
lomabum checks.
** Dealing Turn ** [ 2h ]
scorpio_3 checks.
playingames2 bets [$4].
VladTempest raises [$8].
SagarMP folds.
lomabum folds.
scorpio_3 folds.
playingames2 raises [$8].
VladTempest calls [$4].
** Dealing River ** [ 3h ]
playingames2 bets [$4].
VladTempest raises [$8].
playingames2 raises [$8].
VladTempest raises [$8].
playingames2 calls [$4].
VladTempest shows [ Jd, Js ] a full house, Jacks full of threes.
playingames2 doesn't show [ 5h, Ah ] a flush, ace high.
VladTempest wins $74 from the main pot with a full house, Jacks full of threes.


  • On the turn he was thinking his straight was good.  Wouldn't you? The only hand he is losing to would be 56 and I don't think Vlad is raising preflop with 56.

    On the river he thought his nut flush was good because the other guy donk checked his set on the flop.  If the board doesn't pair on the end, Vlad loses.  He probably had an inkling after the second reraise by Vlad but now you can't fold for another $4.  With a paired board, maybe he could have saved $8 by not reraising but other than that, how else could games have played it?
  • i can see why this guy would be pissed... pretty bad river card there... did you see the straight on the turn tom? i don't see much bad play
  • I'm missing something. I don't see much horrid play here (I've seen much worse). If anything I hate the JJ flop check more so than any play anywhere in this hand. Raise preflop and check the flop and then raise the turn...gee I wonder what he has? I called JJ before I even got to the bottom. The A5h UTG limp is questionable, but not horrid if table is super loose passive. On the turn he fills his gusthot and has the nut flush draw to boot. With best hand AND a big draw I can understand how demoralizing it can be to hit the evil river card. IMO the JJ played the hand worse. The river 3 bet might be questionable if the JJ guy was passive post-flop.
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