Eleanor Takes the Bracelet!!

Game 8 CHAMP is Eleanor!!! And it was a great game by everyone too.

It was Eleanor and I headsup, I had a slightly larger chip stack, when her Q high flush beat my 8 high flush. And you ask why I hate Queens so much?! :rage: Flush against flush in headsup...what are you going to do??? :'( After that, I was left pretty much in ruin. I pushed my 33 allin against Eleanor's KJs...and El managed to hit the straight on the river for the win. Great game Eleanor. Here's hoping it's you and me at the Degree Championship next week!!!

Newcomer Rick takes down third spot. Seems like the newcomers always place well the first night out to our events. What up with dat??

Tonight's CHUMP was Big Gus, who graciously left us saying he'll be back next week to set things straight!! Hey, big guy, you're always welcome to join our game.

Here's hoping the monkey on my back has finally been busted off!!! It was great placing so high up this week after the dismal performances of late. The suck out on Derek really help me too, thanks bud!! :D

See everyone next week. With any luck, both Eleanor and I will return from Niagara Falls with the news that we are BOTH heading to Round 2 of the Degree Challenge.


  • STR82ACE wrote:
    Newcomer Rick takes down third spot.  Seems like the newcomers always place well the first night out to our events.  What up with dat??

    shhhh! The unspoken rule is we let the new guys win right away, then take 'em for all the got over the long run.

    And what's this about thanking D, didn't I give you all my chips too, and all you can do with that is 2nd.

    Good game El, if you recall you were my first pick right after my favourite player, you were due.
  • So, the one person not trash talking takes it down? Hmmmm... Kudos to you, El.

    I'm curious how Wyndham did. Did Derek get his revenge?
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    So, the one person not trash talking takes it down? Hmmmm... Kudos to you, El.

    I'm curious how Wyndham did. Did Derek get his revenge?

    As far as I recall it was a anti-climatic showdown. AJ was absorbing everyones chips like the Borg.

    I helped Derek out by slamming Wyndham and Allen in a single hand. Derek thanked me later by letting me suck out a higher two pair to nullify his second pair on the river.

    Jeff, the hand I took you out on was played perfectly. My goal was to take all your chips with my KK and you fell into my trap like the perfect victim. Thanks. Yes, too bad I couldn't retain the lead, but when you are heads up and BOTH have flushes, someone is going to be unhappy.

    Lot of jolts last night I must say. Justin was right off his game, Chris was attempting a nice comeback before he went out in 5th, ACDC arrived ON TIME, and even El shocked me by dropping an F bomb!!! Quite the game you missed Greg.
  • I hope you gave her a penalty. She must be really loosening up.
  • I was so shocked to hear it from HER, that I completely forgot about the penalty.

    Okay El, you must go heads up against me as a rematch, and sit out for 20mins. :D
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    So, the one person not trash talking takes it down? Hmmmm... Kudos to you, El.

    Thanks ;)

    As for the trash talking.....I was in a meeting all day - I didn't even know the trash talking was going on until right before the game.
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Lot of jolts last night I must say. Justin was right off his game, Chris was attempting a nice comeback before he went out in 5th, ACDC arrived ON TIME, and even El shocked me by dropping an F bomb!!! Quite the game you missed Greg.

    The F-bomb? Me? Surely you jest!
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    So, the one person not trash talking takes it down? Hmmmm... Kudos to you, El.

    I'm curious how Wyndham did. Did Derek get his revenge?

    Wyndham... he couldn't hang on long enough for me to get a piece of him.

    Congrats El. Well played. AJ's killer stack looked like a shoe in.
  • derksen wrote:

    Wyndham... he couldn't hang on long enough for me to get a piece of him.

    Congrats El. Well played. AJ's killer stack looked like a shoe in.

    Well I brought the Spanking Sandwiches but it look like AJ was handing them out, making sure that Allen, Wyndham, Jeff and myself all got a piece.

    The best hand of the night was the three way all-in of AJ's - AK vs. Allen's - pocket 7's vs. Wyndham's - AQ. I think I was more excited when AJ won that one and knocked out Wyndham and Allen then he was.

    Also Eleanor was serving the pound cake to Rick, Terry and one final slice for AJ.

    Good game over all, I think every one had a good time and the game seemed to flow really well. Now I have to get back to the kitchen to cook up Smackin' Pie.
  • I saw Wyndham holding the Q and I started to sweat a little bit. THANK GOD my AK held up!!! :D

    And Eleanor forced fed me that slice of Humble Pie when her Q high flush dominated my 8 high flush. That is the hand that pure and simple crippled me BIG TIME!! Tried to double up a couple of times on her, but I was no match for her. Well done El. Just don't be so cruel if you and I are at the same table next week in Niagara, okay??
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