Chump/bubble/Champ pool

In the spirit of betting on everything and anything.  I'm throwing a loonie in, betting that I can guess tomorrow nights Chump, Champ and bubble-boy (or gal).

Heres how it works, you get 3 picks for chump, 3 picks for champ, and 3 picks for bubble.

Let me start it off by making my picks (for extra flavor I'll even say why) based known attendance so far. (everyone is permitted to changes within the 1st 11min of the tourney)

Chump picks
AJ - he's just on a slump lately
ACDC - out of action must be rusty
Derek - He'll be too distracted trying to eliminated nutcracker

Bubble picks
Igor - he's consistant, able to fly under the radar
Nikko - unknown element, therefore not targeted by anyone (yet)
nutcracker - after doubling up on Derek, will coast to the final 4

Champ picks
TheBusDriver - One of my all time favorite players
AJ - Slump has to end sometime.
El - she's due

last point, you have to hit the trifector(sp) to win.  So if nobody gets all three the poll carries over to next tourney game. Including
TOC, if nobody at all hits it, total poll prize will go to the TOC bubble boy(gal).

Fair enough?
who's in?

(P.S. El your picks are on me since I owe you a buck)


  • I will give you 25:1 odds if you bet on me this week. That's right, I'm betting against myself winning this week. How much you want?
  • I'll have to put my $$ against Greg too...seems to be a safe bet.

    Yes, I've been in a bit of slump lately...just remember, when this ride through poker hell is over, I'll be the one grinning with all your chips infront of me.

    Chump, I will have to go with ACDC. Same reason as BusDrivers, unless he went to Camp Hellmuth while he was away.
  • I'd say the odds of any bet winning would be in the area of 50:1 against.
  • pkrfce9 wrote:
    I'd say the odds of any bet winning would be in the area of 50:1 against.

    I want to know why people are picking you when you are not going to be there?
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    I'd say the odds of any bet winning would be in the area of 50:1 against.

    I want to know why people are picking you when you are not going to be there?

    Because our bets are AGAINST him winning!!! BECAUSE he won't be there!! Sheesh, read the WHOLE post!
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    I'd say the odds of any bet winning would be in the area of 50:1 against.

    I want to know why people are picking you when you are not going to be there?
    Why do you think I'm offering such attractive odds??? You want some?
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    pkrfce9 wrote:
    I'd say the odds of any bet winning would be in the area of 50:1 against.

    I want to know why people are picking you when you are not going to be there?

    Oops, I'm chaning my picks. (re-read OP)
  • Chump picks:

    Nutcracker- he's due
    Fishboy- Going to show it's not just a clever name
    BigChris- going for two time Chump'ion

    Bubble picks:

    Derek - Time for him to go back in his place ;)
    JHJ - Does this guy even play any more?
    Nutcracker - Obvious place doesn't matter to him.

    Champ picks:
    BigChris - Slump has to end sometime.
    AJ - He'll take it if it comes down to me and him heads up.
    El - Got to support the home team on this one.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    Chump picks:

    Nutcracker- he's due
    Fishboy- Going to show it's not just a clever name
    BigChris- going for two time Chump'ion

    Bubble picks:

    Derek - Time for him to go back in his place ;)
    JHJ - Does this guy even play any more?
    Nutcracker - Obvious place doesn't matter to him.

    Champ picks:
    BigChris - Slump has to end sometime.
    AJ - He'll take it if it comes down to me and him heads up.
    El - Got to support the home team on this one.

    OK, let the smack talk begin. Dude... I have left the bubble in my dust. It's history.

    Also... I think the champ pics are a little skewed.
  • derksen wrote:

    OK, let the smack talk begin. Dude... I have left the bubble in my dust. It's history.

    Also... I think the champ pics are a little skewed.


    The smack talk has been on going since last week....... :fish:

  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    derksen wrote:

    OK, let the smack talk begin. Dude... I have left the bubble in my dust. It's history.

    Also... I think the champ pics are a little skewed.


    The smack talk has been on going since last week....... :fish:


    Oh... Hey Chris. How ya been? Long time no see! How come you're not coming out to the league games any more?? :D
  • derksen wrote:
    Oh... Hey Chris. How ya been? Long time no see! How come you're not coming out to the league games any more?? :D

    He never saw that one coming!!! ROFLMAO!!!! :D
  • derksen wrote:

    Oh... Hey Chris. How ya been? Long time no see! How come you're not coming out to the league games any more?? :D

    See my predictions Above
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    derksen wrote:

    Oh... Hey Chris. How ya been? Long time no see! How come you're not coming out to the league games any more?? :D

    See my predictions Above

    Chris.... I'd hold off on the gambling and predictions for a while... I don't think it's working for you. :fish:
  • derksen wrote:

    Chris.... I'd hold off on the gambling and predictions for a while... I don't think it's working for you.  :fish:

    Look just because you made a weak fold with the best hand against a Q-3 doesn't mean you have to take it out on everyone else..... ;)
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    derksen wrote:

    Chris.... I'd hold off on the gambling and predictions for a while... I don't think it's working for you.  :fish:

    Look just because you made a weak fold with the best hand against a Q-3 doesn't mean you have to take it out on everyone else.....  ;)

    Not everyone else.... just you :D oh.... and Wyndham too.

    Oh, I guess I'm the only one in the league that ever folded to a bluff. Man... I'm stupid! :D
  • Hey, it wasn't a bluff. It was an honest mistake. He thought he had the best hand but he was wrong and it cost you $200 and 53 points.
  • For those of you interested I have asked Yoda about the Future for tonight’s game and I am sharing his answers.


    First off Yoda stated that no one from the video game crew will be the chump.

    He also stated that Derek and AJ will also not be the Chump's

    Yoda stated that AJ will not be in the bottom third.

    Yoda has been incredibility accurate in his predictions so I have decided to share this info.

    He predicted last week that Nutcracker would make it far and that both I and Nutcracker would out last Fishboy. (Although any one could have predicted that)

    Generally it is not wise to ask Yoda very specific questions such as "Will I money?" or "Will I be first?" but prefers much more general questions...."Will I be in the bottom third?" or "Will Busdriver get lots of points this week?” Yoda does not like to spoil the game.

    If any one has questions for Yoda please post them and I will reply with his responses. Please make sure they can be answered with a simple Yes or No.

    So everyone be warned and be informed.
  • I have a question for Yoda:

    "Is Chris as big a geek as he appears?"

    You can also thank Yoda for at least putting me in 2nd to chump position. I can feel the love.
  • derksen wrote:
    I have a question for Yoda:

    "Is Chris as big a geek as he appears?"

    You can also thank Yoda for at least putting me in 2nd to chump position. I can feel the love.

    That question has been asked to Yoda a long time ago.......

    He's response was:

    "Simple Question you ask.....Yes"

    but you should have known he was going to say it takes one to know one ;)
  • Ask yoda "Will the ugly cousins continue to dominate?"
  • Ask yoda  "Will the ugly cousins continue to dominate?"


    Yoda's response:

    "This even Yoda can not see!"
  • Yoda:

    Will the league ever get players in a somewhat more mature state of mind??

    Will this nightmare of a losing slide be over before my victory at the Degree Poker Challenge next week?

    Will BusDriver EVER make a move without having TIME called on him?

    Does Eleanor really know what Chris does all day at work?

    Will Derek ever get a condo that will fit a normal sized poker table?

    If Greg and Jeff were truly cousins, wouldn't that qualify for Mandatory Mercy Killings?
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Will BusDriver EVER make a move without having TIME called on him?

    Don't hate me because I'm ugly. :D
  • If Greg and Jeff were truly cousins, wouldn't that qualify for Mandatory Mercy Killings?
    Where's the love AJ? Where's the love?

    Grandma would have some explaining to do if we were cousins.
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Will the league ever get players in a somewhat more mature state of mind??

    Yoda says:

    Yes I sense this is.
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Will this nightmare of a losing slide be over before my victory at the Degree Poker Challenge next week?

    Yoda says:

    Tickle me you have....
    STR82ACE wrote:

    Will BusDriver EVER make a move without having TIME called on him?

    Yoda says:

    Yes I sense this.
    STR82ACE wrote:

    Does Eleanor really know what Chris does all day at work?

    Yoda says:

    Difficult question you ask, answer not clear
    STR82ACE wrote:

    Will Derek ever get a condo that will fit a normal sized poker table?

    Yoda says:

    Concentration, feel the force flow, there the answer you will find
    STR82ACE wrote:

    If Greg and Jeff were truly cousins, wouldn't that qualify for Mandatory Mercy Killings?

    Yoda says:

    Simple question you ask, yes I answer.

    Yoda has spoken.
  • FYI Yoda's predictions were %100 correct for last night:

    Jeff made many moves with out having time called on him.

    Derek, AJ and the Video game crew were not the chumps.

    Also AJ was not in the bottom third.

    Do not fear the future for Yoda has seen it.

    Well Eleanor and I make it past Round 1 next week in Niagara??

    Well Chris find out exactly what we will be doing together in Niagara??

    Does Chris own any type of firearm that I should be aware of???
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