Toronto - fundraiser Tourney - trip for 2 to AMSTERDAM Sunday May7

Sunday MAY 7 2006
Registration 4pm, Game 4:20pm

Texas Hold Em No Limit

other prizes awarded

Limit 100 Players. register early

visit for more details
in the events section

email for registration


  • wats the buy in how many people get paid , and will 1st get tickets no matter what to go to amsterdamn and for how long
  • How could PokerJAH miss a pot tournament :D
  • I am willing to bet the trip to AMSTERDAM is actually a trip to AMSTERDAM's bar.

    Any takers?

    From the website-

    Toker Poker Tournament 420pm registration – game starts 5pm.
    This Texas Hold’em tournament will be held at the Latvian House - 391 College Street. With 10 person tables with professional dealers players will have the chance to win prizes, including: 2006 GMM Glass Pipe provided by Wong Bong Glass.
  • :s: :d: :c: :h:

    How high are you? Oh, I mean - Hi, how are you?
  • First to say it:

    " Is this going to be a pot limit tournament? "

  • I'm guessing there won't be any limit to the size of the pot.
  • ****
    MDS guy:
    1) u lose ur bet like an all-in holding a 2-5 offsuit
    2) its also bad etiquette to post the game's
    address without permission...... r u new?


    the grand prize is actually a trip for two (2) to AMSTERDAM on a PLANE to EUROPE... not the amsterdam bar... duh .....

    the prize package is valued at $2000.00 - $3000.00

    the wong bong pipe may or not be an actual prize***

    are u pot committed???

    for many of us organizing this fundraiser, this is our first large tournament
    we can use constructive advice
    and all the players we can handle
    no sarcasm plz.... i know its hard at the table....

    inside scoop - (this is NOT 100% sure - more like 66.66666% sure)

    buy in: somewhere between $100 and $150 gets you 2000 points in chips
    add-on - a single add on will be allowed.... price: $25-$75 gets u 15%-33% more chips
    rebuy: none
    tentatively its a T2000 tournament, blinds starting at 25/50
    the game is Texas Hold Em NO LIMIT
    there will be awesome secondary and tertiary prizes and gift certificates
    minimum: 40 players
    maximum 100 players

    if the tournament reaches or exceeds 100 players
    the grand prize or 2nd place will be increased
    option1 : 1st place trip to amsterdam for two (2) 2nd place trip to Jamaica
    option2 : 1st place trip to amsterdam for two (2) fist-class air fare
    option3: 1st place trip to amsterdam fot two (2) plus gift certificates
    option4: smoke one and figure it out

    again - these options we are discussing.... ur positive input is always welcome
    this is a non-profit fundraiser

    ps - you can be high as u want to be
  • constructive criticism - your website did not have much in the way of details when you posted
    - firm details lend credibility, especially given your organization... :D

    good luck with the tourney
  • i agree with posting items lends credibility
    again this is our first large tournament
    there are many many unknowns including the number of players showing up

    how do u base the prize value vs. buy-in ?

    ur right - many of the organizers are firm about credibility issues like this. they
    should have firm details , esp given our organization, but how do u fill the missing gaps?
    put a 'subject to change without notice' on the info??


    ps - that was POSITIVE criticism - ty
  • as for the prize info, you can list the prizes, based on number of participants. so you could say first prize is x, second is y, with a "* based on z participants" (go for the max here). no one will fault you if you have to scale back the prize if you only have 75% of the expected number of participants.

    p.s. make sure you tell the people they shouldn't be munching on the chips
  • One week to go.

    Anxiously awaiting to see it off the ground.
  • here's the link with the new 411

    let me know what u think
  • tobudpoker wrote:

    2) its also bad etiquette to post the game's
    address without permission......  r u new?

    If you posted it on a website and posted the link here then it is public knowledge. If you were privately emailing the registrants the address then I would agree with you.
  • You have the Red chips as 5, yet you aren't handing any out.

    Why not make them 10,000 and colour them up when you get bigger chip values later in the tourny?
  • everything is coming together

    great big party at queen's park May 6
    poker on sunday may 7

    check website for details
  • So?

    How did it go?

    Did someone win a beer at Amsterdam's?
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