Limit Hand for Review

Just want some critique on my analysis for this hand.

***** Hand History for Game 4059834544 *****
$0.50/$1 Texas Hold'em - Saturday, April 22, 17:21:53 ET 2006
Table Indulgence (Real Money)
Seat 3 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 10: CamelToeLick ( $59.37 )
Seat 1: AltijdPech ( $30.25 )
Seat 7: gobbs31 ( $27.88 )
Seat 6: Kajabear ( $18 )
Seat 8: Obsidian2012 ( $6.25 )
Seat 3: joeduck123 ( $37.25 )
Seat 5: moonlightpeg ( $35.47 )
Seat 4: GTJ558 ( $20.75 )
Seat 2: tully555 ( $23 )
Seat 9: jiealghs ( $17.22 )
GTJ558 posts small blind [$0.25].
moonlightpeg posts big blind [$0.50].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to CamelToeLick [  Ts Tc ]
Kajabear folds.
gobbs31 folds.
Obsidian2012 raises [$1].
jiealghs calls [$1].
CamelToeLick raises [$1.50].
AltijdPech folds.
tully555 folds.
joeduck123 calls [$1.50].
GTJ558 folds.
moonlightpeg folds.
Obsidian2012 raises [$1].
jiealghs calls [$1].
CamelToeLick calls [$0.50].
joeduck123 calls [$0.50].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 8c, 7d, 5c ]
Obsidian2012 checks.
jiealghs checks.
CamelToeLick bets [$0.50].
joeduck123 calls [$0.50].
Obsidian2012 calls [$0.50].
jiealghs calls [$0.50].
** Dealing Turn ** [ Kc ]
Obsidian2012 checks.
jiealghs checks.
CamelToeLick checks.
joeduck123 checks.
** Dealing River ** [ 2d ]
Obsidian2012 bets [$1].
jiealghs calls [$1].
CamelToeLick calls [$1].
joeduck123 folds.
Obsidian2012 shows [ Jh, 9h ] high card king.
jiealghs shows [ 6h, 6d ] a pair of sixes.
CamelToeLick shows [ Ts, Tc ] a pair of tens.
CamelToeLick wins $13 from  the main pot  with a pair of tens.

My rationale:

Pre-flop: Like my 10s but all the action leads me to believe I am likely against a big pair and need to hit a 10 on the flop to be ahead.

Flop: Hmm - Good or Damn?  Good all low cards my 10s could still be good.  Damn if I thought someone had an over pair preflop I am still behind and more likely to pay someone off. The betting on flop leads me to believe no one has KK, QQ or AA because people would still be definately re-raising. JJ may be in the same position as me. But I now think i am against two good aces or a good ace and a lower pair. I bet the flop to see if I am re-raised - all calls - I am feeling better.

Turn: The King scares me. I know figure that AK has me beat. ( I am not too concerned about a flush because of preflop action). Then I get a miracle all Checks?? I am thinking I am still ahead. Although still suspicious of JJ.

River: 2d - I call a bet because I really dont believe someone was slow-playing a big pair this long and no one should have checked the K if they had it.

So I call and win.

What I am looking for here is critique on my analytical thinking for the hand. Was it bad analysis and I shouldnt have been calling? Should have I kept betting all the way through to make more money?




  • I'd cap preflop and lead the turn too
  • Yeah I dont feel bad about my preflop cap. And that is my big question - did I leave money on the table by not betting the turn.
  • Some thoughts

    1. I like the call on the end, it's too much money not to.

    2. You got lucky because you were beat with any two clubs, any K, and there were a LOT of people in.

    3. 78 would have won.

  • I probably play it the same way as you did. With that many people in the hand I believe you should have called down, but not necessarily bet all the way down. At low limits people will play anything, and even AQ might have called you down.
  • missed a turn bet i think, but other than that it seems good.
  • It really depends on this hand.  There are so many good lines and I think you chose one of them.

    I like your thought process.  However, you should also include possibilities where you're ahead and you need to extract more money from your opponents.  The King is a scare card for everyone.  If you don't have a hand you feel is good (say AJ or AQ) AND you have weak opponents, I would recommend betting the turn and the river -- especially when you're up against two or one opponents.  Oddly enough, the line you chose allowed you to extract good value from your opponents because you have a show downable hand.  If you bet the turn, they MAY fold.  I think you lose at least one opponent. 

    So, you make the same by betting the turn as you did by checking the turn.  Giving a free card here is not disastrous given the pre-flop action.  And you earned the same amount with less risk -- any time you do that you're way ahead.

    I like raising, but I don't like capping pre-flop with TT.  However, there are games where I cap.  If I'm playing overaggressive nut cases, I'm capping.  Loose low limit games, you don't often get a table like  this.

  • It depends on your read on your opponents. In a good pot if I flop a flush draw I bet out early, late I will raise to try and get the free card, neither happened so that may be good. I probably bet the turn - representing to the other players that I have the K or my flush - and trying to shake the players behind me - I really want to be acting last on the river. If I get c/r then again I go with my read on the player. In a low limit game like this you see a lot more c/r and the early players may have been expecting you to lead out. Now on the river it is hard to know where you stand, given the pot size and my overpair I probably call, but keep it mind you were making an overcall on two players who had checked the turn (and could have been waiting to c/r you on the turn) plus had 1 player left to act behind you. Not a great situation. I really really hate overcalling, especially with players behind me. What do you do if the last player raises instead of folding?
  • I really really hate overcalling, especially with players behind me. What do you do if the last player raises instead of folding?

    I agree, but I think it's pretty unlikely the button is going to raise into 3 callers given the turn action. The river was a brick. If he had a flush, TP, 2 pair or a set, why wouldn't he have bet the turn for value?

    In this specific instance, I think the chance of getting raised are highly remote (but in general I'd agree with you about overcalling with players left to act).

    As for the line on the rest of the hand, I like it for the most part. Alternatively I'd consider bet/folding the turn to a checkraise, but the problem I'd have with that is I'd hate to have AK check-raise me there if my T high flush draw was actually good. If the opponents were passive, I'd tend to bet, if tricky/aggressive (especially if they might pull a semibluff turn CR), then I'd be more apt to take a free card and hope to get to a cheap showdown on a non-scary river.
  • ScoobyD wrote:
    I really really hate overcalling, especially with players behind me.  What do you do if the last player raises instead of folding?

    I agree, but I think it's pretty unlikely the button is going to raise into 3 callers given the turn action.  The river was a brick.  If he had a flush, TP, 2 pair or a set,  why wouldn't he have bet the turn for value?

    In this specific instance, I think the chance of getting raised are highly remote (but in general I'd agree with you about overcalling with players left to act).

    Yeah I was summing up with a general statement. In this hand, not likely at all, but still it was an overcall, which I try and avoid. I try and plan in advance what I am going to do on each street if a players checks, bets or raises. If I know I am calling/betting if a brick falls on the river, then I am betting the turn first to hopefully lose that player behind me and maybe one in front of me. If I know I will check/crying call or fold the river then I check the turn. Wouldn't be the first time some idiot with 22 hits his 2 outer on the river.

    I think Tom will agree that if the river was checked to him, he was gonna bet, so do that first on 4th street.
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