KW Saturday Night SnG's @ 9pm?

Just gauging whether there is enough interest to play a few $10 SnG's tonight? We'd need to start a little later than normal since I need to get all the kids to bed first. If there's enough response I'll confirm details around dinner time.


  • Entirely possible... if there's interest....

  • I'm interested, and maybe I can convince Wraych too.

  • Not enough response yet, but never say die. I'm still interested, and I can't leave the house, so I'll leave this as "maybe" if we can get some more response. If there are people, I will host :)

    I'll check the forum again around 8 and officially post/cancel, but hopefully we'll have some warm bodies by then.
  • If there's not enough interest in a SNG, how about some board games?

    Risk, Monopoly, Trival Pursuit, Boggle....whatever....

  • I might be able to make it out to this! just have to check a few thing to make sure I did not make plans with the ball & chain, before I take off out of London :D will let ya know by 6:30'ish
  • Hrm...

    I'm relatively sure Mario's in if he finishes with a basement he's working on in Guelph right now... and where's STPBOY? Pinhead? Watts? C'mon people!! :)

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    If there's not enough interest in a SNG, how about some board games?

    Risk, Monopoly, Trival Pursuit, Boggle....whatever....
    GREAT idea!  I think we discussed this previously, and now's a good time with Jenn being gone!  So, if we're short-handed, we can play some board games.  If we have enough players, we can play a SnG or we could still play board games if people prefer.  I just want adults to visit with - I'm not cut out to be a "bachelor baby-sitter". :)

    Wow - Brad - I almost forget what you look like ;) - hope it works for ya!
  • DrTyore wrote:
      I'm relatively sure Mario's in if he finishes with a basement he's working on in Guelph right now... and where's STPBOY?  Pinhead?  Watts?  C'mon people!! :)
    WestSide? Drunk silly? Still sleeping in?
  • I may be able to make it out, need to check in with Kate first.

  • myself and my girl may be able to play if you still have room?

    Let me know if you can asap what is going down, I would even be down for a board game :D
  • DrTyore wrote:
    Entirely possible... if there's interest....


    Interest in you? AWALYS!
  • Sorry guys, I gotta bail out. :'(

    Have fun with whatever you end up doing.

  • Anyone know if this is still going down? would like to know before 8, I still have a hour drive.
  • Sorry Brad, a lot of "maybe's", but no real confirmation's yet. Still hoping...
  • Well it looks like im out. :( oh well next time!
  • Ok, I can take a hint. Nothing's happening tonight :(
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