Thanks to Wyndham, Greg takes First!!

Wyndham, when you're the chip leader, and the short stack goes all in and gets called by the middle stack in three way action....


Greg managed to come back from being short stacked early in the game to win last night's game. Patience definitely was a virtue for Greg, as he slowly and methodically rebuilt his chip stack. Once down to three way action, Wyndham protected Greg's all in move against Derek who cold called Greg's bet. Wyndham went over the top, going all in against Derek, who gracicoulsy bowed out. But once he showed Q8s against Greg's ?? (can't remember, but it was stronger), Derek's jaw hit the felt. OH well, that gave Greg a triple up, which was enough for him to capture first place.

Wyndham did manage to take down second place, once Derek got bumped out (calm down, dude, it's just a game :D). Still, impressive game by everyone.

CHUMP was new comer KASO...hope you'll be back.

Now, who can help me find out what the HELL I'm doing wrong? :'(


  • Yes... a big THANKS WYNDHAM is defintiely in order. THANKS for screwing me out of 1st/2nd... oh, and screwing yourself while you're at it.

    No worries AJ.... I'm calm now. Shocked last night, but calm now.

    PS - Greg was holding A6os. I would have hit my pair to knock him out of the game and be heads up with Wyndham with about 6500 chips to his 10500. Would have loved to have the chance.
  • Wow, way to go Wydam  :D   Your whole video game crew needs to go back and rethink some strategy.

    So let me get this straight, Ugly cousin is a two-time champ now. Man we had a hard enough time prying it off his wrist last time.  Not to mention the cleaning and steaming, and bleaching.  Congrats Greg, I always feel is more deserving when the winner has to grind it out, wait for opponents to make mistakes and just overall take it with solid play.  I would even guess that this win was more rewarding than your 1st which was just a series of suckout after suckout. Well, you know what this means, it's pretty cousin's turn next week.
    STR82ACE wrote:
    Now, who can help me find out what the HELL I'm doing wrong?  :'(

    Your suffering from underlying subconscious guilt or put another way, dryer performance anxiety.  That, and the whole mojo-voodoo hex the wife put on you.
  • Yes, it was more satisfying seeing as I had played so poorly in the first hour. I was short stacked and card dead for almost the entire tourny. I had to play uncomfortably tight and really pick my spots. I don't recall ever seeing more 72o, 63o, 74o type hands.

    I had exactly 3 pocket pairs all night - 44, 55 and QQ. The 44 I had to toss, the 55 quadrupled me when I hit the full house with all of 2.5BB to my name and the QQ doubled me against Wyndham heads up. That one gave me the chip lead so it was extra special. I was very lucky in not having a couple of all-ins called when I probably only had 2-3 BB's left. (The old putting my coat on all-in never fails. lol. Especially at 23:15)

    It was fun to see such a diversity of playing styles. And to hear all the people cursing as they made their walk of shame.

    AJ, I don't believe you are doing anything wrong. Bad timing is all. Thanks for hosting. You have a great game every time.
  • STR82ACE wrote:

    Now, who can help me find out what the HELL I'm doing wrong?  :'(

    If you find out please let me know as I'm in the same boats as you.
  • Congrats Greg!

    Thanks AJ - I think it's a testement to your work on the league to see such a big turn out last night. Let's hope we can keep the numbers nice and high every week!
  • ElElliott wrote:
    Congrats Greg!

    Thanks AJ - I think it's a testement to your work on the league to see such a big turn out last night. Let's hope we can keep the numbers nice and high every week!

    I agree... it's great to see near 20 in attendance... makes things a little sweeter for 3 people anyway.

    AJ... You're the man. And you may not agree, but your wife has been pretty damn good to put up with all of us too... Thanks as always!
  • derksen wrote:
    your wife has been pretty damn good to put up with all of us too

    She told you to post that, didn't she!! :rage:

    Actually, she has been extremely good about it all. When I first suggested it to her, she was more than a little apprehensive about it, but now she helps me set up for games, and clean up afterwards. But she bitches when I bust out too early!!! Oh well, can't have everything I suppose.

    I enjoy having 2 tables going with 15 to 18 players. Makes for a much more fun game, and of course alot more $$ in the pot, both for the top three finishers each week, as well as the TOC game. Ideally, I would like about 24 players regularily, but in order to do that, I think we may have to go to a biweekly schedule, and I would have to beg and plead with the missus for the basement. We'll see how things transpire for the next little while and see what happens.

    And to BigChris...we are definitely in the same boat, and right now it feels like it's capsizing on us both. You come up with any thoughts about how we can turn it around for each other, you be sure to let me know. I'll do the same. Hell, it wasn't that long ago it seemed like you and I always made the last 3 or we can't even make it to the final table lately!!! :rage:
  • BigChrisEl wrote:
    STR82ACE wrote:

    Now, who can help me find out what the HELL I'm doing wrong?  :'(

    If you find out please let me know as I'm in the same boats as you.

    Guys.... we've all been there. Up until this week I have been hovering around the profit level. Please redirect your eyes to the leaderboard:

    3 STR82ACE 179 6 29.83 $285
    4 BigChrisEl 176 6 29.33 $168

    STR82ACE - you're still break even if you consider contribution to TOC. BigChrisEl, I was in your shoes (less $58) until last night. I just regained profitability last night by a mere $6 after contribution to TOC.

    After placing 4th three times.... I thought that I was going the way of the ugly cousin. Like maybe I picked up a bad habit that caused me to lose more hands, or fold prematurely when I am still a monster. All I can say is keep playing the game you've played against me, cause it's been solid play.... oh and if you continue to lose your chips early, can you please make sure that I'm at least sitting at your tables;)
  • WOW, what a change to the Leader Board!!!

    I think you guys need to check it out
  • Watch out Bus Driver. You are on a collision course with the 23:15 freight train!
  • STR82ACE wrote:
    But she bitches when I bust out too early!!! 

    Your joking right, Last time you busted out, I swear I saw her giving El high fives.  :D
    derksen wrote:
    After placing 4th three times.... I thought that I was going the way of the ugly cousin.

    Ahh, hate to tell ya, but if the season was over today, you'd be the ugly cousin. (ugly cousin = most points with no 1st place finishes)
    As it stands the UCLB (Ugly Cousin Leader Board) looks like
    1. Derksen
    2. STR82ACe
    3. EELLiott
    I think it's justice that last seasons dominators have been held down this season.  It's the year of the ugly cousins!!!!!

    Wyndham says that when he takes first this week he's going to pay Allen's buy-in back to him.

    Greg are you going to pay for Wyndham's buy-in? I mean after he handed you first it's the least you could do.
  • BigChrisEl wrote:

    Wyndham says that when he takes first this week he's going to pay Allen's buy-in back to him.

    Greg are you going to pay for Wyndham's buy-in? I mean after he handed you first it's the least you could do.

    Bulls**t. Wyndham should be paying MY buy in!
  • I don't know, but somewhere inbetween the last two post, I get the feeling somebody got OWED.  :D

    As for nutcracker, I don't know which way to go on this.  Part of me sais bounty, but bounties are cruel, then I think, it wont be neccessary, Derksen wont want any competition since he will see justice served personally.  Then I think again, the nutcracker needs to be protected.  I can carry him to the final 3 and let him do his magic.  I know Greg will.
  • I think I will 'pass' on the buy-in and protection schemes. But you are correct, I owe him a big one and I am forever in his debt.
  • EVERYONE PAYS THEIR OWN BUYIN!!! Where's the risk for the player is his buyin is covered by another? Without the risk, what good is the reward?

    NO BOUNTIES!! Nutcracker will have to defend himself against any and ALL comers, and everyone who gets' their nuts cracked by him will just have to suck it up for next time.

    Revenge is sweet, especially cold, but I do not want anyone having an unfair advantage in any way. Play the game to win, like always, and you will be much prouder of it. Derek will get his revenge on Nutcracker sooner or later...and I'm sure the smile will be comparable to when he chumped out Tony after the first night Tony did a number on him.

    And yes, Nutcracker knows its coming, and he should prepare for it. Derek made it quite obvious last week that he was planning on 'educating' the lad next time.
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