A Bit of Hype

Just because I'm insanely busy with other committments for the month of April, doesn't mean that I can't hype upcoming events in May does it??

Hmmmm.... perhaps I'll just drop the following then:
The Bristol Street Nightclub and Casino presents...

May ??th to ??+1th, 2006

Ask and ye shall recieve. Details to follow very soon...


  • I am in - so long as this isnt a long weekend date.
  • Nevermind - I was so quick to respond that I didnt realize "bender" was attached - I can only assume this means a long weekend.
  • Ignore the dates for now. Holding it on the long weekend isn't probably the best idea.
  • K - I am back in :)
  • I think Easy mentioned something at the Jays game.

    Something about Awards...

  • As long as it isn't the long weekend I'm in...... I've got another bender happening that weekend..... beer, bowling and poker.
  • <rubbing hands together and cackling madly>

    Rob's the best... I love it I love it...

    <drooling with anticipation>

  • I've booked every weekend in May off, except the long weekend.

    So sign me up and lets get this tourney rocking!!
  • Why do I get the feeling this is going to require a Jolt IV.....

    But yah, the masocist in me says I'm up for it ;)
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