9/11 movie

I was wondering how long it would be before they made a movie. Bt yea, I just saw a commercial for it. Its about the plane where the passengers were able to do something and they crashed in a field instead?? I dont know the details of what happened, but its about that flight. It called "United 97" I think, the number may be wrong.


  • lol there was a hour long special on TLC about it, the show was called "Flight 97" wonder how much flag waving there is going to be in this movie.
  • I watched the trailer for Flight 93(http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/united93/) and almost vomited in on my computer.

    I do feel sympathy for the families of the Innocent passagers and crew, however this movie is obviously a blatant attempt by the US government to scare the shit out of it's citzens so they'll support the "war on terror."

    Oh, and let's not forget about the racist implications this movie will make towards all Arabs and followers of Islam.

    I'm not bothering to see this one.

  • JohnnieH wrote:
    I watched the trailer for Flight 93(http://www.apple.com/trailers/universal/united93/) and almost vomited in on my computer.

    I do feel sympathy for the families of the Innocent passagers and crew, however this movie is obviously a blatant attempt by the US government to scare the shit out of it's citzens so they'll support the "war on terror."

    Oh, and let's not forget about the racist implications this movie will make towards all Arabs and followers of Islam.

    I'm not bothering to see this one.

    Wow - I sense some bitterness here ;) .  I'll probably end up seeing it, since historical movies are actually my favorite genre (JFK, BraveHeart, Druids, etc.).  The trick is how accurate this will be, which remains to be seen, since most of these movies take significant artistic license.

    As far as those who are narrow-minded enough to have problems with "all Arabs and followers of Islam", I don't think any movie will change their opinion anyway.  These are the same arguments made in regards to the Germans and Schindler's List, or the Jews and The Passion.  You can't re-write history to make if less offensive to certain cultures, you can only hope it is portrayed accurately.
  • I'm not bitter. Just "fist shakingly" angry.....LOL....a joke of course.

    If it's historically actuate and portrayed as such then, I'll be the fist to applade the producers and director. Buy my gut tells me this is just another piece of American propaganda used for politics and not for the memory of the victims of September 11, 2001.


    ps...Thanks for the kick in butt Trevor. I love historical movies/mini-series and documentaries also.
  • I'm personally waiting for the video game where you descend the Twin Tower as it collapses, spearing muslims with American Flag poles on the way down, eventually doing battle with the Giant Osama boss, who turns into a giant robot when you kill him the first time.

    It'll also have that special move where, when you power up enough, George W. Bush descends from the heavens like Jesus, and smites all the baddies on the screen while screaming, "You and yer WMD's are a threat to democracy and freedom!"
  • Pure gold! :D
  • I would probably see it out of interest.

    I believe that the film would appear pro-American. However, it is being designed for the American population - that is essentially the target market for Hollywood film-makers. I don’t think we are looking at a true piece of art here - but rather some entrepreneurs fulfilling a need.

    And make a few bucks - which I am sure they will do.

    Many people criticize Americans and the American media outlets for being pro-American. But shouldn’t they be? They are American!

    Americans seem to get the short end of the stick, a Canadian waves a flag with vigour and he is labeled a patriot. Yet, many people see flag-waving Americans as being conceded @ssholes – I fail to see the distinction.

    You will find that Canadians tend to be pro-Canadian – and our media outlets generally use a Canadian lens. But this is not labeled as “propaganda”.

    Britain use a British lens, Poland use a Polish lens, Japan uses a Japanese lens and so on.

    I think as Canadians we tend to find the pro-American “propaganda” bothersome because we are being inundated with it constantly.

    However, this is a supply and demand laissez faire economy (well except for the CRTC). If Canadians did not demand American television we would not receive nearly as much of it.

    Australians tend be proud to be Australian, South Koreans are proud to be South Koreans, Chileans are proud to be Chilean and Canadians are proud to Canadian.

    Why when an American shows pride in their country they are not patriotic instead they are pushing American propaganda?
  • While I agree with you on many points Tom, I believe it's the way they go about their patriotism. They use it to justify a lot of their ignorance and justify their governements hegemony.
    I am obviously very proud to be Canadian because of all the positives that are associated with my country (even though it is far from perfect) and especially how it is viewed by other nations.
    When I'm witness to the "flag-waving" discussed here it's normally based on wildly inaccurate propaganda and their total sense of domination over the rest of the globe
    ie. Militaristic hero slaughters dozens (or hundreds) of third world persons to save one or two Americans. The enemies aggression being explained as they are simpy bad or evil and that is why they are seeking conflict.
    Affable american goofball unintentionally mocks and insults foreign cultures while traveling abroad, everyone he meets realizes his/her views and way of life are much better and change to emulate them.
    Case and point. You could most likely market a game such as the fictional (and incredibly hilarious) one Rob mentioned and it would sell well. The majority of it's American purchasers completely missing the facetious intent of the game.
  • I think that "The Rocket" movie will be just the same. More pro-Canada rah rah rah. I hope Maurice picks up at gat and pops some caps in the asses of the disbelievers.

    P.S. That flight 93 was shot down by American planes.
  • Here's something some of you may enjoy.


    you can control our friend with your mouse.
  • Thanks, Tom. Too funny.
  • Sweet link Tom. Silly/entertaining diversion.

  • I still say they should make one of Stephen Harper!!
  • Too bad flight 93 was shot down, not brought down, its a nice story tho :D
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