Guelph Thursday!! 3 Left!

Hey Ya'll...
Well we have 3 weekly games left before i move out of the downtown's a sad day...but on a brighter note i may be getting a pool table for the new house's looser lounge! (it's no stripper pole, but if i had that in the house, i may never leave...)
Sign up early, spots are going fast...or are they....
Oh...and anyone who can help move on monday (sandro..i'm looking at you!) it would be apprecated..oh and we have to move a water heater out of the basement....
and there is a 5 dollar bounty on the water heater.
okay i'm joking about the bounty.
purple monkey dishwasher...

****GAME STARTS AT 7!!!******
1. Mark
2. Haren
3. Nadine
4. Big Mike
5. River Mike
6. Cowboy Mike
7. Sandro Mike
8. Miranda...mike..
9. Timmy the titan mike
10. Mina the egyptian
11. J babb (maybe)

i resent that purple monkey dishwasher comment....


  • I'm in. Is it Razz this week? Never played, but it sounds like something I might suck at:)
  • Word

    What Monday is it???

  • What day is it?
  • it is the 15th!
    I might be open to rass....what type of game is it?!
    let me know! :)
  • I thnk it's fixed limit 7-stud, low hand wins. I defer to Sandro, Mir, or others more in the know. Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with NLHE.
  • That is correct tim. It is basically 7 stud with low hand winning. St8s and Flushes do not affect the hand. The highest of your lowest 5 card hand is the deciding card and works it's way down. Recommended for a table of 8 players max.
  • That sounds comlicated for an bounty game. I would play it for straight money,

  • yeah....a strange game for a bounty to be added to..
    so...we'll probly play either holdem' or 7 stud...either one.....
    or we can vote on here if you guys want to play something different...
    right now i'm voting regular ol' texas holdem....
  • I say we play crazy eights the winner getrs all the money or maybe uno?
  • pick up 8? goddammit!
  • Hey I wanted to come out of hiding and be RunnerRunner-Mike, but can't make it out this week :(

    Good luck at Degree, Mark, hope to see you in round 2 :D

  • thanks dude!!
    how does it work anyways..i'm on may 4th, round d, do i go from there? if i place *blank* then i play friday? or saturday?
    it's a shame you wont make it out! :(
    see you next week??
  • Sucks to be in the 8am gotta be there pretty early to get registered.
    You register in the Avalon Ballroom foyer - it's on the opposite side of the actual casino in the casino complex.
    You show ID, they check you off and give you a round pass, grab bag and seating assignment. You go to your seat,
    floor mgr checks your pass and ID again and it's shuffle up and deal time. It's well run.

    There's 25 tables of 10 people each, top 20 advance to day/round 2. Start with 2000 in chips in round 1 and 2.
    Blinds and other details are here:

    Blinds get pretty heafty before first break, at 200-400. (Level 4) Each level is only 20 minutes, so guessing, 12 -15 hands,
    so you've got to be aggressive to accumulate chips early to live to see later rounds. Last year, levels were 30 mins, but they ran late, so
    that's why they cut it down, I assume.

    Last year, the play wasn't spectacular, especially early. I played pretty tight (as did a lot of people) early on. Some really, really
    bad players at my table (the kind who fold after a flop that is checked to them in late position) caught some cards and got some
    sizable stacks early - it wasn't pretty. I went out in level 5 or 6 with trips jacks, all in against KK and AK, of course, the 1 K left in the deck
    came out and bye-bye me. Otherwise, I would have had a monster stack. This same group played any Ace, went to showdown with 2nd pair-any kicker,
    etc. Really, really bad...

    I'm going after these types early and hope that they don't catch a monster by accident, lol. Last year, I felt I played too tight. I'll settle in after a orbit or two,
    but come out firing after that, I want those weak chips early. I found that, early on, if anyone came after me on my table, they had a hand. Some only
    ever played pairs the whole time, but I don't think that a person has that option with 20 minute levels, if you sit back too much, you won't be able to
    keep up to the blinds...

    And, yes, I really hope I can make it out next week, I'd love to get a couple of live games in before I drive all the way to the falls to bust out in 10 minutes :)

    Have fun tonight...
  • we should carpool....what time are you headin up?!
  • lol, I'm on the 5th at 1, so I'd be putting in a long session before my round...otherwise, for a buck'o'five a litre, I'm all in....
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