WSOP warm up $50 June 17th at noon, 10,000 starting chips.

CRown casino is proud to present the WSOP warm up..... WSOP blinds  rising every 30 minutes with no rebuys.   $50 entry feee.    E mail  to reserve your spot.   40  people max.   June 17, 2006 starting at noon


  • where is this and when
  • I've added the date, I was sure I typed it in originally. Damn beer clouded my mind and it wasn't even a free one from BBC
  • We have 12 confirmed entries right now. I won't post names till later. For those who expressed an interest please confirm your attendance (several asked where it is being held).
  • I signed up. KW people want to car pool?
  • The list as it stands now is:

    1  Acidjoe
    2  Aimee
    4  KRT
    5  Dead money
    6  Kavak
    7  Todd
    8  Shawn
    9  SOS
    11 Charlie
    12 PokerJah
    13 PokerJah +1
    14 Kavak
    15 KGB Bobby
    16 Freddie
  • Unforunately due to the recent sucess of our horse, we will be at Rockingham Park race track for the New England Stakes on June 3. I have had to move the date to June 17, 2006. If everyone could please confirm that the new date is ok. Sorry but at least it's for a good reason.
  • Put me down. I think I should be able to make it!
  • Add me as well please.

  • I can't make the 17th, stupid people I know are getting married that day...... :'(
  • this date is actually better

  • OK the reflected lists adds STP and Zithal and takes out 2 that I know can't make the revised date.
  • I will be sending out address and directions on Monday/Tuesday of next week. This also is a bump if your interested. I"ve had about 10 people ask questions so if those persons are interested please let me know. I'm hoping to get this to between 24-32.
  • Hey Joe, what odds are you expecting on your horse? can we watch the race locally at one of the offsite locations or Woodbine, etc? Good luck with the race! Must be an exciting feeling to watch your horse cross the line ahead of the pack. What's your horse's name?

  • The list should be up to date, I've got a few interested that haven't confirmed. Directions and address will go out early next week as I'm off to Salem NH. I will check e mails on the road. For those who want to watch I haven't found it but it's at rockingham park. Ask your local teletheatre if they get that feed.
  • Hey Joe,

    Take me off the list. :( I forgot that I'm throwing a surprise b-day party for my friend that day.
  • Take him to Bradford - that would be a surprise.
  • Ok Rob I'll do that and still send you directions so you can come here LOL.
  • The address has been sent out. If you haven't received it please let me know. If anyone else is interested please let me know.
  • The list should be current with several others inquiring and being possible maybe's. It looks given the numbers the top 4 will be paid out.
  • Modify the header with the date, cost and city and maybe you will get some more signups.

    Stp - you wanna car pool?
  • i was thinking the same thing moose, just haven't had time till now. So it is now done, there are approximately 8-10 maybe's that aren't accounted for on the list.
  • Hi Joe, my two spots are confirmed for Saturday. Edmund C. will be taking the second spot. Cheers.

  • As of now the deal is made.

    Count me in.

  • Everthing is a go for tomorrow Joe?
  • Yup it's a go. There's been additions and subtractions along the way but it will happen. There still is room so anyone else who wants to get in please contact me for info.
  • Thanks to everyone who came out. While the turnout was disappointing I'll have to accept that I lost players when I moved the date. The gorgeous day probably didn't help as people didn't show. I look forward in August to having the South Simcoe Open II. It will payout similar to last years. I'll post the results once I get the clean up finished.
  • Here was the final results. 

    1st   Acidjoe   $315
    2nd  Todd       $135
    3rd   Shawn D   bubble boy
    4th   KRT
    5th PokerJah
    6th  Aimee
    7     Dead Money
    8th  KGB Bobby
    9   Rob 

    I have now caught up to KGB Bobby in total wins with 2. 
  • I actually feel like 'JokerJah' after the way I played on Saturday; I guess I could have been a little more aggressive, but with 4/7, 2/5 all afternoon, its kind of hard to make a play and every raise seemed to have a caller. I did have two face cards once all afternoon and that was the hand with the two full houses beating out the ace high flush (glad I folded). I think I won two hands in about 3.5 hours of play. It would have been nice to get some decent cards with all the calling stations up in Bradford. I look forward to the next tournament! Thanks for hosting it.

  • Sorry about that, it's been corrected. You noticed there are a lot of calling stations in Bradford? Rob who sat next to you I think played more pots than the rest of the table combined. I believe it was 35 out of the first 40 hands he played.
  • AcidJoe wrote:
    Sorry about that, it's been corrected.  You noticed there are a lot of calling stations in Bradford?   Rob who sat next to you I think played more pots than the rest of the table combined.  I believe it was 35 out of the first 40 hands he played. 

    Joe, I think it was you.

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