where can I find info on..

Anyone know where I can find information for upcoming poker tournaments???


  • What types of tournaments are you looking for?

    Canadian Casino tournaments? Live Privately hosted? Online?

    There are places to go, and we can probably help you out, but you'd have to be more specific.

  • Live 'casino' tournament info. is found at www.pokerpages.com

    You can sort by month, year, city, etc... etc... etc... Also, if you see one you're interested in, you can look at the results from the previous year to see what attendance/payouts were like.

    The upcoming Sept./Oct. series at the Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City has really been catching my eye lately...


  • oh sorry bout that
    I'm looking for Canadian Casino tournaments and Live Privately hosted. I'm not really a big fan of online poker I get distracted to easy an end up making mistakes an also I wanna beable to feel my chips. I've been playing home games for the last few months an I wanna try my luck in a tournament against real people.
  • What part of the country do you live in?

    East, West,

    Ontario, Alberta, BC.

    I find that it really varies region to region. Where I am originally from, Edmonton has a lot of local and inner city casinos and private games. A far amount of tourneys as well.

    Here in Toronto (where I live now) I find the scene to be almost non-exsitant, except for a few private tourneys here and there. Hopefully that is changing.
  • For Toronto, look on recpoker.com, maybe about 3 to 5 pages in by now. There is a guy who calls himself 'pokersource' who is looking for Toronto dealers in the near future. Also around that post, someone asks about tournaments in Toronto, and the same guy--pokersource--tells him to check his email. Clearly, this guy is running Toronto tournaments, but I'm not sure when or for how much. I'd suggest contacting him for information.

    Hope that helped,
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