Regulars get taken to School

Well, there is definitely something missing in the regular's game this week :'(. This week, seemed to be all the new faces were making the money and knocking off the rest of us systematically.

Gus takes down first place tonight with his first win in his two showings at our league. He and new comer Nick were heads up, but Gus's chip lead just couldn't be knocked down. He paired the board on the final hand while Nick's ace didn't improve. Gus takes $240 for first, Nick takes $140 for second, and Wyndham (aka Nutcracker) takes down third place for $100. And I'm sure BigChris will not hear the end of it either. :D

Once again, I hold the dubious honour of CHUMP. :rage: Second hand in, with two pair on the flop, but by the time the river came, I knew I was beat by newcomer Grant's flush. His small bet was tempting, considering the pot size, but when you know you're beat, you get the hell out!! Grant played an excellent game, holding the chip lead for most of the night, but bubbled out on the final table. At least we all know how that feels.

Great game everyone. See everyone next week. I will update the site and the excel sheet by the weekend.


  • It was a good game last night. It was great to get some new players out and also have the TnT crew come out. I just wished my cards weren't so cold.
  • Congrats Gus! :D
  • grant told me to let you know he had a great time and will come back :D I'll also skip a night of my Thurs. league and come donate!! see you soon :D
    oh yeah were on for Sunday A.J 3:15 sharp if you're free

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