5-10 limit hand

Table was pretty loose. Villain is fairly laggy, but not a complete maniac post-flop. Thoughts on all streets appreciated.

***** Hand History for Game 3942327594 *****
$5/$10 Texas Hold'em - Monday, April 10, 21:40:14 ET 2006
Table Wind Dance (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 1: SurferJon28 ( $150.23 )
Seat 5: DaphneAnn ( $719.50 )
Seat 7: ScoobD ( $394 )
Seat 2: QUIETTRAIL ( $244.50 )
Seat 4: theGoof111 ( $512 )
Seat 6: princesamary ( $128 )
Seat 3: Mr_Joint ( $342 )
Seat 10: LUCKBOX_23 ( $683.74 )
Seat 9: Funguy43 ( $256.50 )
Seat 8: a_Jachyra ( $180 )
ScoobD posts small blind [$2].
a_Jachyra posts big blind [$5].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to ScoobD [ As Tc ]
Funguy43 folds.
LUCKBOX_23 folds.
SurferJon28 calls [$5].
QUIETTRAIL calls [$5].
Mr_Joint folds.
theGoof111 calls [$5].
DaphneAnn calls [$5].
princesamary calls [$5].
ScoobD calls [$3].
a_Jachyra checks.
** Dealing Flop ** [ 3d, Th, 7d ]
ScoobD checks.
a_Jachyra checks.
SurferJon28 bets [$5].
QUIETTRAIL calls [$5].
theGoof111 calls [$5].
DaphneAnn calls [$5].
princesamary raises [$10].
ScoobD raises [$15].
a_Jachyra folds.
SurferJon28 folds.
theGoof111 folds.
DaphneAnn folds.
princesamary calls [$5].
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ac ]
ScoobD bets [$10].
princesamary calls [$10].
** Dealing River ** [ Qd ]
ScoobD bets [$10].
princesamary folds.
ScoobD does not show cards.
ScoobD wins $112


  • How else would you play it? You drove out all the draws which probably saved you the pot on the river.
  • Yeah, no comment other than very well played.
  • I would tend to lead the flop unless you have a reason to expect a bet from late position, but I'm not completely sure that's right. The rest is good.
  • I play it exactly the same. MAYBE a check call on the river, but I would need a few examples of villian raising the flop on a draw to do that. Well done.
  • I'd play it a little different..

    I believe I'd open the flop and call any raise then try for a check raise on the turn..

    Your line is fine though.
    NI HAN
  • I would tend to lead the flop unless you have a reason to expect a bet from late position, but I'm not completely sure that's right.

    Villain on the end (effective button) I felt was the type that would autobet the button if checked to. I really didn't think the chances were very good of it being checked through. I actually cursed when the bet came from EP followed by the million callers, since I really felt I needed to knock out some overcards. I was pretty happy when the LAG raised allowing me to 3 bet forcing everyone else to call 2 more cold. And even happier that it managed to knock them ALL out of the hand (which I was fairly shocked by). I guess if the LP player hadn't raised I still go ahead and CR for value, but I'd be worrying that I'm building a giant pot for someone else.

    Just wondered if anyone raises there pf (or folds). Semi-big aces in the SB I find to be pretty ugly being OOP ( I think I prefer some sort of junk suited one or 2 gap hand in that that spot to an offsuit ace).. Raising just builds a massive pot with a hand that isn't going to play great multiway, and folding seems too weak.

    The river I had to think about, I knew it was possible the flop raiser could have been semibluffing a flush draw, but being as the player was pretty loose, I couldn't see how I could pass up the value bet with aces up there. If he had a busted draw or something (89?) I guess I could have checked to induce a bluff, although even a weak player should realize it's unlikely he's getting me to fold having shown strength the entire way and with a monster pot.
  • In a multiway pot i don't think there's a lot of value in raising ATo OOP. I would probably raise AK-AQo and ATs+, KQs for value.
  • Luvin' the BANG-BANG-BANG on the flop. WP.
  • please please please someone tell me how these players are so bad yet have so much money online... How can all of them call 5 pre flop and after the flop its just so pathetic.
  • please please please someone tell me how these players are so bad yet have so much money online... How can all of them call 5 pre flop and after the flop its just so pathetic.

    Bonuses. Duh.
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