Good vs Bad players

It's pretty much accepted common knowledge, that good poker players prefer to play against bad.  So the can take all their money no doubt.  But here’s the thing,  I can play good against good players, but I have no luck playing.. ummm. How should I categorize these type of players…  Extreme Rec. (The type of players who seen poker on T.V. and now want to play, just so they can say “all-in”).  My winnings this week, went to the “Feed a fish foundation”.  (see my other post titled “Who did the right/wrong move here?”)

I can’t play inexperience  X-rec players because
A) They call all the time.  These guys are like tele-marketers.  I know your thinking, well, this is a good thing, they’ll pay you off.  Yes, maybe, but lets say your sitting at a table with nine X-rec tele-marketers.  They call and they call. 8 of them pay you off, but all it takes is 1 to get lucky call you all the way with a pair of 5’s,  You can go all-in on the turn with your top two, but he’ll catch a 3rd five on the river.  My point here is, you can beat most of them, you can beat more than half of them, but when they come at you in such overwhelming numbers, it’s like being held down by 20 three-year-olds.

B) You can’t bluff them, because they’ll always call you.

C) They miss bet, and are always given the benefit of the doubt, because.. well, they never played a live game, so take it easy on the newb.

Is it just me, because I prefer to play against good solid players.  I respect them more, and when I get beat, at least I can say, well tonight that guy/gal was better than me.  Or I see a new way to play a situation.  Against bad players, all I see is, wow, wow, and then wow.  I when I lose, I feel cheat by the poker gods.


  • I enjoy playing with 'experienced' players more so because the victories are so much sweeter. But truthfully, I think its because I just like pitting my own skills against someone equal or slightly better than me to test myself against.

    Now fish are fish. The inexperienced, 'I can play cause I see them on TV do this' sterotype of player is for one thing only...padding my bankroll. If they're willing to give me their money freely, I'll take it!! Yea, every once in awhile, they will catch a lucky card, or a lucky streak as the case may be. And when this happens, it's disheartening.

    Here's what I have come to realize. With enough of a bankroll, a good player will take a bad player for everything they got, luck or no luck, in a matter of time.

    A bad player thinks they know it all already, and doesnt' try to improve (you hear them say crap like 'it's all luck anyway' or 'any two cards can win'), whereas a good player is constantly trying to improve his game in some way shape or form.

    Patience is key. Wait them out. Then take them down, and the more brutal the better too. They will either give up playing, or they will learn the hard way. Either way improves the game.

    As far as taking it easy on the newbie...well, nobody took it easy on ME when I started, and I'm glad they didn't. I wouldn't have learned as much if they had.
  • Ok so I'll take this Thursday off, BD. GL.
  • Long term solid play always wins out as AJ pointed out.

    In a situation like this (where I have found myself more than I'd like), I wait for solid cards and pump it or dump it if the whole table is in the pot. Let the fish kill eachother with their all in feeding frenzy. Chances are the table will end up with 1 or 2 guys with monster stacks and you, short stacked.... still playing tight aggresive.
  • Is it just me, because I prefer to play against good solid players.

    Maybe if it comes down to the "play" of the game, but if it comes down to the $, no thanks. Can you beat the "good players"? You're going to find it a LOT easier to get the bad players' money than the good ones. Maybe your "game" is suited to a tighter game (maybe you bluff more, trap, etc.), which is pretty much useless in a loose game. If you can't adjust to table conditions, maybe you need to re-evaluate your "game", as poker is all about making adjustments.
  • Last night, I went to a bar tournament with a friend.

    Blinds are 5/10.  UTG calls, next guy folds, next 60, 3 folds, re-raise to 260, re-raise 1260, small blind calls Big blind folds. UTG folds, original raiser goes all in (he was in for only 50) now he goes all in.  The second re-raiser folds and the third re-raiser calls the all in because it is only 300 more.  The small blind also calls.

    Any ideas as to the hands people held????????? anwer In white

    First raiser JJ, second raiser AJ suited, third guy QQ.  Flop Ace J 3, 7, 10.  Neither one of these guys should ahve been in the hand.

    I have pocket 7 7 UTG and raise 20 x the big blind.  Big blind calls.  Flop Ace 7, 9. He checks, I bet 400 the size of the pot with trips.  Instia call.  turn 10. I bet 1000 he goes all in I only have 275 left and call.  I say I have trips can you beat that ... he says  have the straight.  I look confused and say you have to have 8 6 for the straight.  He turns over 8 6.  How he called the first be is still beyond me.
  • When you play bad players you have to really tighten up your game, you can't make any moves so bluffing a straight and a flush won't work because most of the time they don't realize that there is a straights or a flushes out there.

    Also usually you can get tells off of them when they make monsters. (Because they usually fire all of their chips in the middle while jumping up and down)

    Also there is generally no reason to slow play a monster because 9 times out of 10 if they caught a piece of the flop when you have your monster they will still call you the whole way.

    The real problem I have is raising pre-flop.

    When I know my hand is pretty decent (A-Q suited or pocket 9's) but I find myself think should I just call the BB or raise and if I raise how much because I know I will get callers with A-Rag unsuited or J-9's and I feel that I'm wasting chips but at the same time I want to thin the field and get some chips into the middle so if I make my hand I get a nice size pot.

    Here’s a question……is it still considered a bad beat when a player has no idea what he is doing and still beats you?
  • I went to a bar tournament
    I have pocket 7 7 UTG and raise 20 x the big blind.
    Oh, Brent...

    You put in more than 10% of your stack with a crappy pair when you were severely out of position. Is this a 'good'
    or a 'bad' play? You ended up with better position, his call was outrageous and the flop as great for you but yikes! How often is that going to happen? Rather ironic that you put this in this thread.

    He could have had J8, too. Would you feel better about that?  :D
  • ScoobyD wrote:
     If you can't adjust to table conditions, maybe you need to re-evaluate your "game", as poker is all about making adjustments.

    I think that is what my real problem is. I can't adjust. So what works so well in one situation, is doomed to fail in another.
  • My last trip in Vegas I'm I was thinking I might try 20/40 in Vegas but was unsure. As I walk by the Mirage Poker room I walk by two 20/40 games. I just hear this lady say "well if you have it, I'm going to pay you". He's UTG and flips over 35 for the flush on the river. She says "Nice hand sir". The next words out of my mouth were "please put me on the 20/40 waiting list". The Floor says "sure thing, you're the 10'th on the list". It was amazing playing on the table. The poor guy would come out betting on the flop and it's "fold, fold, fold, fold" he takes the pot or gets paid buy some other sucker who doesn't realize the guy only leads out on the flop with a set, two pair or better.

    Yes it's hard when there's a table full of them. But I'll take that table any day or night.

  • Someday, I hope I can find a table like that too!! Adjusting to the conditions is a very important part of the game though. If the table is tight, how do you play? If the table is loose, how do you play? What happens when you are at a table enjoying the fishfry being offered, when some semi-pro joins in and nets all YOUR fish on you??

    Being able to change gears quickly is what makes the good player different from the great players.
  • iI've had LOTS of exp. playing with "them" and while you can make alot of money I find because I have to change my style of play so drastically, that when I do play in the bigger games I tend to be very gun shy because I'm used to getting 4-5 callers regarless of my wager.
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