$1/$2 NL tonight?? CANCELLED

i am working till 8 30 tonight, so when i get home i can check all my messages,

if anyone wants to play a $1/$2 game here tonight just PM me  and when i get home form work i'll give everyone interested a call. 

a game is %100 for tonight, so if youw anna start at 9 or 9 30 just leve your phone number in a PM

thanks guys,


  • I am down, if there is more interest.
  • I'm down
  • So is this gonna happen? Any more interest?
  • Hey if anyone is going to this from waterloo and wants to give me a ride / split a cab or something that would be awesome... or if there is a city bus that will take me there for like under $5 that also would be great. I don't think I can make it and lose all my money otherwise : )
  • near UW here. interested in playing but no ride.... let me know if i can chip for gas or something...
  • Any idea what a cab would cost to cambridge near King / 401?
  • hey guys, a cab woudl be about $35-$40 to my place.

    i'm home from work now, so i'm still trying to see if theres enough interest.

    we'd need about 7 or 8 to make it worth while for everyone i think.

  • sorry fellas, not enough interest for tonight

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